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The Haiti
Philatelic Society

Society Auctions

Toussaint LouvertureHPS members may participate in our Society auctions, which feature a variety of material submitted for sale by auction from fellow enthusiasts. We invite you to check out our current auction.

Our Current Auction - Closed June 30, 2024

June 2024

Our Auction Archives

Auction Acrhives

A Quick Guide to our Auction Rules


Please note that only HPS members can bid in our auctions which are held four times a year.

Please create your own bid sheet and mail it to our Society Auctioneer. You may also send it via e-mail or use the online tool.

Standard philatelic auction abbreviations apply. A commission of 8% is charged to buyers and sellers. Buyers pay for mailing cost and insurance, if requested.

Sending Payment on Being a High Bidder

Following the conclusion of the auction, upon receipt of invoice, payments for successful bids should be sent the Society Treasurer. If using PayPal for payment of successful bids, the bidder must add 5% to the total of the invoice. This is the fee PayPal charges the HPS for the use of the PayPal payment system.

Payments submitted via PayPal for auctions should be made to treasurer@haitiphilately.org.

A detailed look at our Auction Rules

For a look at our formal Auction rules, rate structure, and payment options, click the following link:

Auction rules