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The Haiti
Philatelic Society

Why Become a Member?

Knowledge: The Key to Greater Philatelic Enjoyment!

Special Delivery StampFounded in 1975, the Haiti Philatelic Society boasts approximately 100 members, the majority being from the United States and the rest from Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and other nations.

Benefits of Membership

Membership is open to all, from beginners to advanced collectors. Benefits include:

Haiti Philately has a rich history of over forty years, dedicated exclusively to the stamps, revenues and postal history of Haiti. For a sample copy, please send $5.00 USD to our Treasurer (address below).

Membership Levels

We offer six membership levels to suit your preferences:

Each level provides access to full-color printed versions of our journal. Alternatively, you can opt for the electronic version at a reduced rate. For non-US residents, the rates for printed copies include additional mailing costs.

Membership Fees (Annual)

Category Printed Publication Printed Publication Electronic Publication (only)
Membership Type Delivery within the U.S. Delivery outside the U.S. Worldwide
Basic $25.00 $33.00 $20.00
Sustaining 35.00 43.00 30.00
Beneficial 60.00 68.00 55.00
Patron 125.00 133.00 120.00

Membership Fees (One Time)

Category Printed Publication Printed Publication Electronic Publication (only)
Membership Type Delivery within the U.S. Delivery outside the U.S. Worldwide
Life, under age 55 $500.00 $500.00 $300.00
Life, age 55 and over 300.00 300.00 200.00
Honorary Life No fee No fee No fee

How to Join

To apply for membership, download and complete the PDF application form:

Membership Application

Payment Options

Submit dues via PayPal, adding an additional 5% to cover administrative fees. PayPal payments should be sent to: treasurer@haitiphilately.org.

Mailing Address

If submitting your application by mail, please send it to:

The Haiti Philatelic Society
c/o Newton Kulp
2257 Fillmore Avenue
Deltona  FL   32725-2701

For any other membership inuiries, email us at info@haitiphilately.org.