Stamp Finder ↺
Liberty Head 1881-1887
Typographed by M. G. Richard, Paris, on white paper which was first tinted by lithography (except Scott #8a).Imperforate First Issue (July 1, 1881)
Plate Ⅰ, printed 1881: 1c. vermilion, 2c. purple¹, 3c. bistre, 5c. green, 7c. blue, 20c. red-brown.Perforated Issues (1882–1886)
Line perf. 13½.
Scott # value plate printed color 7 1c. Ⅱ 1882 deep vermilion " 1c. Ⅱ 1883 pale vermilion 8 2c. Ⅱ 1882 dull purple¹ 8a 2c. Ⅱ 1883 deep purple¹/white 8d 2c. Ⅲ 1884 reddish mauve 9 3c. Ⅱ 1882 gray-bistre " 3c. Ⅱ 1883 olive-bistre Scott # value plate printed color 10 5c. Ⅱ 1882 blue-green 10a 5c. Ⅱ 1882 yellow-green 10b 5c. Ⅲ 1884 deep green 11 7c. Ⅱ 1882 blue 12 7c. Ⅱ 1883 ultramarine 13b 20c. Ⅱ 1883 red-brown 13 20c. Ⅲ 1884 pale brown
The perforated stamps were not released immediately and all at the same time, but only after the respective values of the previous issue had been used up.Reengraved Issues (1886–1887)
Perf. 13½; new dies (diff. design), printed 1886: 1c. vermilion, 2c. purple¹, 5c. green.¹ Variously given as purple or violet, other stamps with the same color are most often described as brown-purple.