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The Haiti
Philatelic Society

March 2024 Society Auction

Closed March 15, 2024

Lot Description M/B Realized
Stamps and souvenir sheets
1Scott #1. Mint and very nice copy. Clean gum side, no hinge. Catalog value: $10.00.Link to Auction Lot #1 image$4.00
2#1. Used, VF. Cap-Haitien cancel, 19 Sep 1882. No hinge. Catalog value: $5.50.Link to Auction Lot #2 image2.75
3#2. Mint, VF. Clean gum side, no hinge. Catalog value: $12.00.Link to Auction Lot #3 image5.00
4#2, #3. Used, VF copies. No hinges. Catalog value: $13.50.Link to Auction Lot #4 image4.00
5#3. Mint, VF. Clean gum side, no hinge. Catalog value: $22.50.Link to Auction Lot #5 image9.00
6#4. Mint, VF. Clean gum side, no hinge. Catalog value: $35.00.Link to Auction Lot #6 image14.00
7#4, #5. Used, VF copies. Very clean, no hinges. Catalog value: $20.00.Link to Auction Lot #7 image6.00
8#5. Mint, VF. Clean gum side, no hinge. Catalog value: $24.00.Link to Auction Lot #8 image9.00
9#7. Used, VF. Port-au-Prince cancel, 1885. No hinge. Catalog value: $2.10. #18. Used, VF. Gonaives cancel, 2 Sep 1886. No hinge. Catalog value: $2.00.Link to Auction Lot #9 image
10#8a, #9a. Used copies, VF, no hinges. #8a with Gonaives cancel; #9a canceled 2- Nov 1884. Catalog value: $9.75.Link to Auction Lot #10 image6.00
11#10a, #10b. Excellent copies, very clean gum side, no hinges. #10a is a vertical pair canceled in PaP on 1 Mar 188-; #10b canceled in PaP 14 April ?. Catalog value: $4.20.Link to Auction Lot #11 image1.25
12#12, #13b. Used, VF copies. Very clean backside, no hinges. #12 canceled on 8 Dec 1888. #13b cancelled in PaP. Catalog value: $11.25.Link to Auction Lot #12 image3.50
13#19. Used, VF. Clean gum side. Catalog value: $7.00.Link to Auction Lot #13 image2.10
14#128. Two copies, one Mint, one Used. VF. #146. Block of 4, Mint. Total calatog value: $14.80.Link to Auction Lot #14 image4.25
15#164. Used, VF with hinge or hinge marks on the gum side. Excellent centering and margins. Catalog value: $16.00.Link to Auction Lot #15 image5.00
16#218. Mint copy with inverted surcharge, VF condition. Not listed in Scott.Link to Auction Lot #16 image4.00
17#348. Used, VF. Catalog value: $9.00.Link to Auction Lot #17 image1.75
18#414, C105-C107. MNH, VF. Catalog value: $
19#415, C-108-C111. MNH, VF. Catalog value: $
20#462-465, C163-C165. MNH, VF. Catalog value: $
21#906, #901, #911. Used, VF, no hinges. Catalog value: $10.75Link to Auction Lot #21 image2.75
22#C10. MNH copy in excellent condition. Catalog value: $4.50.Link to Auction Lot #22 image1.00
23#C113-C114. MNH, VF. Catalog value: $2.75.Link to Auction Lot #23 image1.00
24#C152a. Year of Refugees imperforated souvenir sheet. Catalog value: $6.50.Link to Auction Lot #24 image1.00
25#C176a. Port-au-Prince International Airport imperforated souvenir sheet. Catalog value: $
26#C190a. Malaria imperforated souvenir sheet. Catalog value: $3.00.Link to Auction Lot #26 image1.00
27#CB22-CB23. MNH, VF. Catalog value: $2.75.Link to Auction Lot #27 image1.00
28#RA1-RA8. Used copies, VF, no hinges. Catalog value: $11.20.Link to Auction Lot #28 image3.00
29#RA9-RA16. MNH, VF. Catalog value: $
Covers, postcards, etc.
30Folded letter cover. Addressed to the General in Chief of the North Army. No dates. Back of cover with very interesting cancellation. F-VF condition.Link to Auction Lot #30 imageLink to Auction Lot #30 image4.00
311910 surface mail, Port-au-Prince to USA. Franked with Scott #163, 5 centimes. Port-au-Prince blue cancel “30 Aou 1910”. No receiving marks.Link to Auction Lot #31 image15.00
321928 registered surface mail, Port-au-Prince to USA. Port-au-Prince cancel 4 Dec 28. Receiving marks on reverse.Link to Auction Lot #32 imageLink to Auction Lot #32 image20.00
331931 local post in Port-au-Prince. Special marking applied to all mail that day commemorating the visit of USA Senator King.Link to Auction Lot #33 image20.00
341934 surface mail, St-Marc to France. Franked with 2 copies of Scott #316 and 1 copy of #315. Sending postmark from Port-au-Prince and receiving mark of Avignon, France, on reverse.Link to Auction Lot #34 image15.00
35USMC handstamp type P6, Port-au-Prince to USA, November 1923.Link to Auction Lot #35 image5.00
36FDCs, 1960 Olympic Games issue, #462-465, #C163-C165. VF. Catalog value: $
37Postcard, Vichy, France, to Cayes, Haiti. Receiving on 13 October 1926, stop in Port-au-Prince on 10 October 1926. F-VF condition.Link to Auction Lot #37 imageLink to Auction Lot #37 image1.00