Lot |
Description |
M/B |
Realized |
Special Selection |
1 | Liberty Heads (Scott #7-13), perforated, mixed used and unused, various denominations, about 80 copies. Condition varies. Some have serious flaws (thins, tears, etc.) and a few are nice. Large majority used. In 4" by 6 1/2" stock card pockets. | $2.50 | $9.00 |
2 | Liberty Heads, imperforates, 2 centimes five copies (three used, two unused), 3 centimes three copies used, 5 centimes four copies used, 7 centimes seven copies, one nice unused. Overall about good. Catalog about $179.00 | 18.00 | 28.00 |
3 | Liberty heads, perforated, 17 copies, all values, mixed used and unused. Stamps have some wrinkling but are good or better. Three 1c, one 2c, one 3c, four 5c, four 7c, four 20c. Overall about Good. | 5.00 | 9.00 |
4 | Liberty heads, perforated, 11 copies; one 1c unused, two 2c. one unused, two 3c. one unused, two 5c, one unused, four 20c all used. Catalog about $62.60. | 10.00 | 15.00 |
5 | Dealers approval book, 149 stamps all different, between Scott #148 and #499. About 50% are used. Dealers valuation was $82.70, and few stamps have been removed. Includes material from the 1914 to 1920 overprints. Selection is in Excellent condition. | 7.00 | 14.00 |
6 | Liberty Heads, Scott #19, 2 centimes re-engraved dies, larger "2" and characteristic additional color on face. 30 used copies on an album page and 3 unused copies with no gum. Condition better than average, about fine. CV $337.50. | 35.00 | 45.00 |
7 | Liberty Heads, Scott #19, 2 centimes re-engraved dies, 48 copies on album page, 3 are unused. Average condition is about fine. On the back of the album page, mainly in pencil, is plating information for rows 2 and 3 of the sheet, evidently by various persons. CV $442.50. | 45.00 | 50.00 |
8 | Cover, Port au Prince to Virginia, 26 June 1886, paid by two 7 centimes perforated Liberty Heads, both color varieties. Stamps are tied and cover is clean and free of faults. On back are datestamps for Port au Prince, Philadelphia, and Norfolk. Almost VF condition. | 50.00 | No Bids |
9 | Stamps on album pages; Scott #8a, white paper mint, #18, 19, 20 mint, #21 - #25, #26 - #31 mint, #38, #40, #41, #42, #43 in mint horizontal pairs., #38 - #43 mint singles, #44, #45 mint singles, #45 mint block of 28 (7 x 4) all clean, sound, and VF condition. | 25.00 | 159.00 |
10 | Large envelope, about 10" by 13", has been slightly reduced at top and left but not affecting postage or postal markings. Cap Haitien to Havre, 29 August 1898, Reine family correspondence. Postage, all on front, strips of 10 of Scott #46, #48, #50, #51 (3G, 10c) three strips are margin and have the sheet numbers typical of this issue. In addition, a strip of 6 #46, singles of #48 and #50 and a pair of #44, for another 20 centimes, total all postage 3G, 30c. Stamps are cancelled and tied by many strikes of the Cap Haitien date stamp. There are two types of registration markings and a strike of a Reine and Co. merchants cachet. Edges are somewhat tattered from opening. In good condition for the size and age. Overall, about fine. | 40.00 | 350.00 |
11 | Two very nice margin pairs, #254 and #289, plus Chocolat Antoine card showing Haitian postman on horse and SC #53, clean; VF. | 2.00 | 9.50 |
12 | Two HAPAG stamps 1875 singles with large ink X cancel, plus second reprints, two rows of four cut from sheet, one is normal, the other has a double strike of the embossed center in one position. F/VF. | 5.00 | 75.00 |
13 | Legitime essays, on colored paper, rouletted. 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 values, all with Legitime portrait. Condition is VF. | 10.00 | 38.00 |
14 | Ten stamps in Used condition including 4 Salomon issue and 3 palm trees, with nice, well centered town cancels. Condition about Fine. | 5.00 | 7.00 |
15 | Liberty Head re-engraved die issues, twenty of 1c. ( two unused), four 2c.,( one unused),and one 5c used. In pockets of a stock sheet. Condition is variable, but most are fine. | 15.00 | No Bids |
16 | Folded letter Port au Prince, 28 June 1865, "NEW YORK SHIP LETTER 4" in circle, four cents due. Contents 1 page in French, VF. | 10.00 | 60.00 |
17 | French ship letter, Cayes 8 April 1825, to London via Le Havre. Le Havre and London markings. Contents 3 pages in neat French handwriting. Charged on arrival at London, 3/6. Condition is rather fine considering the markups involved in the forwarding at Le Havre. | 35.00 | 50.00 |
18 | Paid letter, Liverpool to Jacmel, 1 October 1856. The rate, 1/5 paid by British stamps. Letter probably went via London and on to Haiti by Royal Mail. Contents one page in small but legible French hand. Condition is F/VF. | 15.00 | 95.00 |
19 | Letter, Port au Prince 16 September 1867 to New York. "NEW YORK SHIP LETTER 4" on front. Two smoothed file folds, otherwise clean and sound. Contents one page in legible French. About fine. | 10.00 | No Bids |
20 | Scott #2, Liberty Head imperf. 2c. block of 4 (2 are MNH) mint, clean and fresh, full og , full margins. CV as singles $44. | 25.00 | 60.00 |
21 | #1, Liberty Head imperf. 1c, 48 used copies in plate reconstruction, missing positions 13/14. On album sheet. Fine, 4 margin copies, although some are cut close. SC $264.00. Fine to Fine+. | 40.00 | No Bids |
22 | #2, Liberty Head imperf. 2c., 49 copies in plate reconstruction, missing position 31. All are used copies except for two or three. Nice full margin copies. SC as used, $269.50. Average is about fine. | 40.00 | 85.00 |
23 | #3, Liberty Head imperf. 3c., 43 copies in plate reconstruction, missing positions 6, 10, 12, 21, 22, 41, and 42. All used, nice full margin copies, fine average. CV $344.00. | 50.00 | 110.00 |
24 | #4, Liberty Head imperf. 5c., 45 copies in plate reconstruction, missing positions 6, 18, 23, 24, 26. Used copies, one pair. Clean copies with nice margins. CV $720.00 about fine avg. | 100.00 | 115.00 |
25 | #5, Liberty Head imperf. 7c., 46 copies in plate reconstruction, missing positions 3, 18, 23, 29. Used copies mainly with a couple unused. Clean with four margins. About fine average, CV as used $184.00. | 20.00 | 62.00 |
Liberty Heads |
26 | Scott #1. Plating Study; reconstruction, 41 positions. 13 stamps are in Mint condition, the balance is used. All F/VF. | 50.00 | 80.00 |
27 | #2 Plating Study; reconstruction, 41 positions. 4 stamps are Mint, balance are used. F/VF | 55.00 | 80.00 |
28 | #3 Plating Study; reconstruction, 29 positions. 4 stamps are Mint, balance are used. F/VF. | 50.00 | 80.00 |
29 | #4 Plating Study; reconstruction, 43 positions. 4 stamps are Mint, balance are used. F/VF. | 80.00 | 125.00 |
30 | #5 Plating Study; reconstruction, 32 positions. 2 stamps are Mint, balance are used. F/VF. | 30.00 | 40.00 |
31 | #6 Used; position 6. VF. | 10.00 | 10.00 |
32 | #6 Used; position 11. F/VF. | 8.00 | 9.00 |
33 | #6 Used; position 16. Very tiny thin in top margin. F/VF. | 3.00 | 5.00 |
34 | #6 Used; position 18. F/VF. | 8.00 | No Bids |
35 | #6 Used; position 21. VF. | 8.00 | 12.00 |
36 | #6 Used; position 24. F/VF. | 7.00 | 12.00 |
37 | #6 Mint very lightly hinged and original gum; position 25. F/VF. | 27.00 | 41.00 |
38 | #6 Used; position 30. F/VF. | 8.00 | 16.00 |
39 | #6 Used; position 46. VF. | 10.00 | 13.00 |
40 | #6 Used; position 49. VF | 8.00 | 15.00 |
Covers |
41 | Gonaives (19 August 1886) via PauP (21 Aug 86) and NY (receiving 30 Aug) to Havre. Additional receiving mark on back but not readable (Havre?). Paid with horizontal pair of Scott #20. Clean and in VF condition. | 50.00 | 62.00 |
42 | PauP (8 July 1888) via NY (14 July) to Wrentham, MA (receiving but unreadable date). Cover is a US Consular Service mail. Paid with Scott #62. In VF condition. | 15.00 | 20.00 |
43 | Jeremie (?/December, 1895) to New York (partial/readable receiving on back). Paid with #37. Fine condition. | 5.00 | 10.00 |
44 | Aux Cayes (6 September 1898) to Vienna, Austria (27/9/98). Paid with Scott #40 and #42. VF condition. | 20.00 | 32.00 |
45 | Port de Paix (date unreadable) to Register of the Treasury, Washington, DC (Sep 13 1901) via PauP (7 Sep 1901) and NY (13 Sep 1901). Paid with Scott #62. Cover opened on two sides. Included is a letter in English on stationery from “Consular Service U.S.A.”; dated 24 August 1901. | 15.00 | No Bids |
46 | PauP (23 July 1902) via NY (3 Aug 02) to Paris (receiving mark not too clear). Paid with Scott #77. Very Fine. | 15.00 | 18.00 |
47 | PauP (13 January 1903) to Bordeaux (6 Feb 03). Paid with #62. Cover has small tear on lower right otherwise a clean and fine cover. | 8.00 | 12.00 |
48 | PauP (9 October 1903) via NY (15 Oct 1903) to South Creek, NC. Two Beaufort, NC receiving postmarks (17 and 20 October 1903). Another receiving postmark of 21 Oct 1903 of unreadable NC postal office (probably South Creek ?). Paid with #55 and #61. VF. | 10.00 | 15.00 |
49 | Front only. PauP (1 July 1905) to USA. Paid with #96 (2) and #97 (2), in Fine condition. | 3.00 | 10.00 |
50 | PauP (29 April 1905) to NY (7 May 1905). Paid with #99; VF. | 5.00 | 12.00 |
51 | Gonaives (unreadable postmark) to Paris (with very clear receiving of 6 Dec 1905). Paid with #99. VF condition. | 10.00 | 20.00 |
52 | PauP (13 July 1906) to NY. Paid with #117. Very Fine. | 6.00 | 13.00 |
53 | PauP (11 May 1912) registered mail to Buffalo. Received NY on 20 May 1912. Paid with #129 (2) and #162. Fine. | 10.00 | 16.00 |
54 | PauP (22 April 1914) to NY. Paid with #125 and #126 (vertical pair). NYPO color circle with DEFICIENCY notice applied. Fine. | 5.00 | 13.00 |
55 | Front only. Cap Haitien (22 April 1914) to NY. Paid with #162 (vertical pair) and #125. VF. | 4.00 | 10.00 |
56 | PauP (21 August 1914) to US. Paid with #168. An American Legation cover. Good condition. | 2.00 | 3.00 |
57 | Jacmel (29 March 1915) to NY. Paid with #168. Fine/VF. | 5.00 | 11.00 |
58 | PauP (8 June 1915) to NY. Paid with #168. F/VF. | 4.00 | 9.00 |
59 | PauP (13 May 1916) to Paris (9 June 1916). Paid with #168. VF. | 5.00 | 10.00 |
60 | PauP (23 November 1922) to US. Paid with #314. Cover with color cachet advertising eye glasses. VF condition. | 3.00 | 8.00 |
61 | PauP airmail (4 December 1925) to Cap Haitien (5 Dec 1925). Paid with #318. AVION black color marking (Type 3), VF condition. | 8.00 | No Bids |
62 | Cap Haitien airmail (21 January 1926) to PauP (? Jan 1926). AVION (Type 3 cachet). Paid with #318. VF. | 8.00 | 18.00 |
63 | Petit Goave (16 October 1926) via PauP (18 Oct) to US, Paid with #315 (2) in VF condition. | 2.00 | 10.00 |
64 | Cap Haitien airmail (1 June 1926) to PauP (1 June 1926). Paid with Scott #65. In VF condition. | 10.00 | 33.00 |
65 | Cap Haitien airmail (24 February 1927) to PauP (26 Feb 1927). Paid with Scott #318; VF. | 6.00 | 9.00 |
66 | PauP airmail (7 February 1928) to US via Santo Domingo (9 February 1928) and San Juan, PR (11 February 1928). Avion markings. Paid with Scott #314 and #320. In VF condition. | 8.00 | No Bids |
67 | PauP airmail (13 March 1928) to NY via Cuba (partial Cuba receiving postmark on back of cover). Paid with #316, #318. VF. | 7.00 | 7.00 |
68 | Cap Haitien airmail (1 May 1928) to PauP (2 May 1928). Paid with pair of Scott #314. Fair to Good condition | 2.00 | No Bids |
69 | PauP airmail (26 Jan 1929) to San Juan (26 Jan 1929). Paid with #314 and #320 | 4.00 | 7.00 |
70 | PauP airmail (20 February 1929) to Santiago de Cuba (20 Feb 1929). Paid with Scott #316 and #318. VF. | 5.00 | No Bids |
71 | Milot registered airmail (18 November 1929) via Cap Haitien (18 Nov 1929) to PauP (19 Nov 1929). Paid with #320 and #C2 (2). Postage canceled with blue “CITADELLE CHRISTOPHE” marking. VF condition. | 12.00 | 18.00 |
72 | PauP airmail (5 May 1930) to San Francisco (9 May 1930). Paid with #C1 (2); VF. | 4.00 | 6.50 |
73 | PauP registered airmail (5 December 1931) to Berkley, CA (10 December 1931), Paid with #C2, #314 and # 318. VF. | 3.00 | No Bids |
74 | PauP airmail. Two covers to the US. First cover posted on 29 Sep 1933 and paid with #C1 and #320. Second cover, posted date not readable, and paid with #C1, #314, #321. VF condition. | 4.00 | 5.00 |
75 | PauP airmail. 3 covers posted to the US (period 1933 and 1935). Paid each with #C5, #329b. Nice clean postmarks and in VF condition. | 6.00 | 12.00 |
76 | A SETH PARKER souvenir cover mail with color cachet. PauP (25 May 1934) to US on the occasion of the visit of the “Seth Parker” sailing ship visit to Haiti. Very clean, VF condition. | 4.00 | No Bids |
77 | Gonaives airmail (8 February 1938) via PauP (9 Feb) to US. Paid with #317, #327a, #329 , and #336. VF. | 5.00 | 14.00 |
78 | PauP airmail. Two covers to the US. First one posted 19 August 1938 and paid with #329a and #332. Second cover posted 13 February 1939 and paid with #329 and #332. VF condition. | 5.00 | 6.00 |
79 | Gonaives airmail (7 March 1939) to US. Paid with #327, #329, #332. Very colorful cachet; VF condition. | 6.00 | 10.00 |
80 | PauP airmail. Two covers to US. First cover posted 26 September 1939 and paid with #C11 and #329 (3). Second cover posted 9 December 1939 and paid with #C11. VF condition. | 3.00 | 8.00 |
81 | PauP registered airmail (23 December 1939) to NY (25 December 1939). Paid with #C11 (2), #327b, #329. Cover is a printed black cachet envelope used by Haiti’s Presidential Office. Clean and VF. | 7.00 | 17.00 |
82 | PauP registered airmail PauP (16 February 1940) to Geneva. Paid with #327a, and #C11 (2). F/VF. | 3.00 | 7.00 |
83 | PauP (16 August 1940) to US. Paid with #320. Mail carried on the maiden voyage of the S.S AMERICA. VF condition. | 2.00 | 13.00 |
84 | Two covers with PauP postmarks of 15 Feb 1950. Covers not addressed with large blue cachet to commemorate 200th anniversary of the founding of PauP. Very clean and nice covers. | 3.00 | No Bids |
85 | Unaddressed commemorative cover with large blue color double circle cachet “ EXPOSITION BICENTENAIRE DE PA-AU-P” “VISITE DE MARIAN ANDERSON 29 APRIL 1950”, and with affixed postage Scott #383, #C47-48. In VF condition. | 1.25 | 12.00 |
86 | Cover posted on the high seas to Wash, DC with a New York postmark of 7 April 1953, Blue color marking “ S.S. ANCON, PANAMA LINE” “POSTED ON THE HIGH SEAS”. Paid with #389. VF condition. | 1.25 | 5.00 |
87 | Set of 10 different town postmarks (some very scarce). Most postmarks are very clear. All covers are dated in 1957 and towns also identified by hand written pencil notes on front of covers. All covers are addressed to Mario Garfi a well know Haiti collector residing in PauP. List of towns as follows: Pignon, Pilate, Raqulle, Verrett, Bainet, La Tartue, La Chapelle, Tomassique, Corice and Mont Organise. Very fine condition. | 20.00 | 155.00 |
88 | Registered airmail Port de Paix (4 March 1961) to USA at Manhattan Beach, CA (7 March 1961) with postage Scott # 409a (2), 472 (2), 473 (2), 474 and RAC3 (2).Postage used on front and back of covers and some are Port de Paix cancellations and some are with PauP cancellations. VF. | 7.00 | 12.00 |
89 | PauP (25 May 1965) to US ( Brooklyn, 27 May 1965). Registered airmail paid with #B35-37, #CB51, CB53-54. All stamps are the surcharged type with the “+5c”, but without the period following “c”. See footnote in Scott Catalog. Cover is in VF condition. | 10.00 | No Bids |
90 | Group of five AEROPEX covers with black and white cachet prepared by the Societe Aerophilatelique D’Haiti. Covers paid with appropriate airmail postage to USA. Large circular commemorative red color cancellations “EXPOSITION ET CONGRES AEROPHILATELIQUE 10-12 JUIN 1966. AEROPEX. PORT-au-PRINCE 8-6-66”. All VF. | 5.00 | 8.00 |
91 | Group of six very clean/neat covers with Petionville cancellations of early 1980s to the US. 3 registered airmail and 3 regular mail. VF. | 6.00 | 17.00 |
92 | Registered airmail Petionville (June 21, 1985) to US (Brooklyn, 8 July 1985). Paid with #741-42 and #C491. VF | 1.00 | 3.50 |
93 | Posted at US NAVY FPO HAITI (nice clear cancel) on 24 February 1994, with color cachet “US-UN HAITIAN BLOCKADE -- OPERATION DEMOCRACY – UNITED NATIONS EMBARGO”. 29 cents US postage used. Cover in Excellent condition. | 3.00 | 21.00 |
94 | Commemorative cover prepared by the Haiti Postal Service on the occasion of U. S. President Clinton’s visit to Haiti on 31 March 1995. Very nice color cachet. Paid with Scott #C437 with special cancellation. Excellent condition. | 3.00 | 15.00 |
95 | FRONT ONLY. Cap Haitien (17/?/1917) to US. Paid with #126 (4), #180 (2), #214. VF. | 4.00 | 4.00 |
96 | Cover. Mail to France. Originating mail not readable from the cancellation of the postage used (Scott #98 (2)),but back of cover shows a Gonaives receiving on 9 December ?? and a PauP receiving on 13 December ??. F-VF. | 2.00 | 3.00 |
97 | Gonaives (24 November ??) via PauP (partial receiving cancel on 26 Nov) to Paris. Paid with Scott #98 (2). Fine. | 2.00 | 3.00 |
98 | Cayes (29 March ?? ) to NY. Paid with #188. VF. | 2.00 | 4.00 |
99 | Three covers from PauP to US. First cover posted on 16 October 192? and paid with 5 copies of Scott #315. Second cover posted on 27 March 1931 and paid with #321. Third cover posted on 15 December 1937 and paid with #329. Covers are in VF condition. | 4.00 | 15.00 |
First Day Covers |
100 | #C4 on cover to NYC. Posted in PauP on 29 November 1929. Red color circular “AVION” cachet. VF. | 2.00 | 3.00 |
101 | #844-848 with very colorful cachet. Unaddressed. VF. | 4.00 | 8.00 |
102 | #849-853 with very nice color cachet; unaddressed; VF. | 9.00 | 11.00 |
103 | #854-858, with nice color cachet; unaddressed and VF. | 7.00 | 9.00 |
104 | #866-871, with nice color cachet; unaddressed and VF. | 7.00 | No Bids |
105 | #877-878 & #880 (Souvenir Sheet) 2 covers with color cachets; unaddressed, VF | 10.00 | 11.00 |
106 | #884-888 with color cachet; unaddressed and VF. | 6.00 | 7.50 |
107 | #890-894 with color cachet; unaddressed and VF. | 10.00 | No Bids |
108 | #919-923, #925, 926 (S/S) with color cachets on 7 unaddressed covers, VF. | 10.00 | 28.00 |
Miscellaneous |
109 | GREAT BRITAIN POST OFFICES IN HAITI. Scott # A55, JACMEL cancellation “E53” on Great Britain Scott #70, Plate 16, 4p pale olive green with Catalog Value of $210. In excellent condition; good centering and a nice/clean/clear cancel. | 70.00 | 210.00 |
110 | HAITI #38, Vertical Pair, Imperforate Between, Mint, F/VF. | 4.00 | No Bids |
111 | #43, Horizontal Pair, Imperforate Vertically, Mint, VF. | 5.00 | 6.00 |
112 | #75, Block of 4, Mint (2 are MNH). Forgery copies type I-1-A. VF. | 2.00 | No Bids |
113 | #296, Mint with both overprints Inverted, VF. | 3.00 | 6.00 |
114 | #739, MNH with Inverted Surcharge. Excellent condition. | 6.00 | No Bids |
115 | AUDUBON ISSUES. 44 different of the 1975 issue, Mint & Used. See note in Scott Catalog after Scott #691. VF condition. | 30.00 | No Bids |
116 | PRESENTATION FOLDER (PF). Issued by the Haitian Postal Service to commemorate the 25th General Assembly of the Organization of American States. PF contains the complete set of Scott #859-865 (the OAS postal issue) mounted, MNH, and two large FDCs. Beautiful item in Excellent condition. | 20.00 | 44.00 |
117 | Special Souvenir mailing envelopes in Mint – unused condition. Two aerogramme type envelopes (6” x 3 ¼”) with color photos of Haiti scenes on the back; and 5 airmail large envelopes with photo scenes of Haiti on the front and the back of the covers. All covers are in VF condition. | 3.00 | 10.00 |
118 | HAITI section of the Scott Catalog, 2014 Edition. This section of the Scott Catalog has been carefully removed. Great opportunity to obtain latest edition of the HAITI Section without having to buy Volume 3 of the catalog at a price of $120 | 5.00 | 9.00 |
End of auction |