Lot |
Description |
M/B |
Realized |
Special Selections |
1 | Collection of 195 different ABNC specimen stamps from Scott (Sc) 125 thru RA16 all in VF og complete sets and singles; also 32 revenue specimens with different ABNC Order Numbers; includes 3 unissued specimens (about 1914), Sc 338-382, B1, CB1-8, C1-4; C5-18, J1-4, J10-13; housed in deluxe KABE stock book with interleaving between 24 double sided pages; many stamps appeal to topical collectors; priced at less than 1/3 original cost. A beautiful collection. | $300.00 | No Bids |
2 | Collection of hundreds of unused stamps with a great variety from Sc 21 to date; most are og; duplication throughout but at least 300 different; included are proofs, errors, marked forgeries, extensive genuine overprints from 1914-1920; sets like CB3-8; also many reference copies (seconds) of Liberty Heads; housed in deluxe LINDNER stock book w/interleaving 32 double sided pages (cost $20); guaranteed to please. | 100.00 | $155.00 |
3 | Specialized collection of 35 aerograms (25 different) in excellent condition including unused, used, varieties, errors, FDC and uprated usages; complete A1-A7; excellent specialist lot; an unusual opportunity. | 75.00 | 90.00 |
4 | Revenues on telecom and water bills from the 1970s and 1980s; 2 complete telecom forms; an unusual collection of 23 water bills all franked with regular and postal tax stamps overprinted TIMBRE MOBILE with almost no duplication; also 10 pieces with regular revenues; good variety. | 60.00 | 105.00 |
5 | Unauthorized Audobon set of 21 different regular postage stamps plus duplicated set less the 5 gourde Long-Billed Curlew; all stamps VF Cancelled to order (CTO). | 5.00 | No Bids |
6 | Unauthorized Audobon set of 15 different air mail stamps plus a duplicated set less the 75c White Pelican and 5 gourde Whooping Crane; all stamps VF CTO. | 5.00 | No Bids |
7 | Unauthorized Audobon set of 40 diff regular stamps and 20 airmail stamps; all stamps VF; NH. | 10.00 | No Bids |
8 | 1898 Sam issue 3c postal card (HG3); PaP to Paris; 3/1/02; Paris date stamp on front, message on back; card VF; half price. | 8.00 | No Bids |
9 | 1898 Sam issue 3c postal card (HG3); PaP to US; 12/22/99; NY opera glass receiver; attractive embossed merchant’s seal adorns face; message on back; small tear at R; otherwise VF. | 8.00 | No Bids |
10 | Official envelope (#6 size) with corner inscription of the Customs Bureau/PaP sent to National Bank of Haiti in Cap Haitien on 8/12/27; face bears blue rectangular air mail handstamp showing plane in center; cover F; unusual. | 25.00 | No Bids |
11 | Cover franked by Haiti Sc. 666 tied by bold double oval handstamp GALE J. RAYMOND/FEB 28, 1973/ INTERNATIONAL COURIER; carried from Tortuga Island to Miami via courier, then to Missouri; authorized by U.S.P.O.D. and UPU regulations; scarce. | 30.00 | 35.00 |
12 | Customs tag from merchandise with dual customs franking - 15 cent US Presidential (Sc 820) + 4 copies of Haiti 2.5 G Capois (Sc 378); some wrinkling of tag has minimal effect on stamps (all sound); unusual usages of US Presidential stamps are hot items for specialists. | 25.00 | 30.00 |
13 | Customs tag on purchase sent from PaP to Delaware; franking is 15 cent US Presidential (Sc 820) and 6 Haitian air mails - C37, C39, C50 and strip of three C34; wrinkling of tag has minimal effect on stamps; C37 is complete but has extensive closed tear. | 20.00 | 22.00 |
14 | Seventeen regular stamps overprinted TIMBRE MOBILE or TIMBRE DE SOLIDARITE for revenue use. 8 used, plus 9 mint, including corner block of Sc 641; all stamps sound F-VF. | 15.00 | 15.00 |
15 | Five Notices of Receipt of packages etc. from post office to intended recipient in the 1960s; cards appear VF but all have creases mostly vertically down center line; also 1 VF unused Notice; also important listing of internal and external rates for all classes of mail; this tariff is not dated but very important. | 25.00 | No Bids |
16 | Stockbook w/rather extensive study material of both 1904 issues. Centenary Issue includes plate proof and blue trial color proof of 1c; also some Plate I and Plate II stamps identified by type; inverts; very much study material of Nord Alexis Issue with plates identified; includes inverts, blocks, imperfs; much overprinted material present; a challenge. | 35.00 | 97.00 |
17 | Fifty four VF photos (black & white enlargement about 100%) of stamps from Sc 1 to 340; many Liberty Heads with forgeries inc. postal and Fournier; forgeries of other stamps and overprints; almost all before 1920; an excellent reference. | 25.00 | 25.00 |
18 | Catalog "La Timbrologie Haitienne 1881-1954" by Judge Leon Montes; 202 pages; only specialized catalog of Haiti with background, illustrations, varieties, quantities issued etc.; in French but essential information clear; heavy paper cover; F condition; essential for a specialist. | 25.00 | 70.00 |
19 | Catalog "La Poste Maritime Francaise" Tome 4; Salles; 301 pages; covers the paquebots of the North Atlantic with very extensive information and illustrations on the routes and markings of all French steamship activity in the Caribbean especially Haiti; stiff cardboard cover and binding; almost new condition; also essential for a specialist. | 40.00 | 45.00 |
20 | "Merchant Fleets in Profile" by Duncan Haws; 208 pages; extensive information on all ships in the Hamburg-American Line; shows all ships profile, technical data and history; hard cover in almost new condition. | 30.00 | 70.00 |
21 | "The Royal Netherlands Steamship Company (1856-1981)" by Philip Cockrill; 56 pages; shows all ships in this company with ship profiles; also shows routes including Haiti; medium weight cover; VF. | 20.00 | 25.00 |
22 | "Guide to Hayti" by James Redpath; 180 pages; extensive information on the history and geography; details the attempt by the Haitian government to attract black immigrants especially from the US; beautiful colored map of Haiti; some separation at folds; hard bound w/some separation from spine; an interesting read. | 20.00 | 90.00 |
Saint Domingue Covers & Others |
23 | Folded letter, 17 June 1782 from William's Burg, Virginia to Port au Prince, marked with very nice CAP, Jamet type 8, and manuscript 2E postage due. Item is clean and sound and quite attractive. Contents are in French to the uncle of the writer in a clear, neat hand and are quite readable. Date is following the British defeat at Yorktown, but before the signing of a treaty formally ending the American Revolution.  | 60.00 | 175.00 |
24 | Folded letter, Cayes, 21 December 1788 to Cap, faint but legible 'CAYES 21 DE * BRE', and clear manuscript 3E postage due. On reverse is a clear marking \"25 D. BRE’, similar to Jamet #7 for Cayes and #18 for Cap. Contents in English from one sea captain to another warning him that the interpreter at port is an informant and not to bring contraband to port. The letter is addressed to an intermediary at Cap. The item is neat and sound and the contents are in a clear and readable hand. | 35.00 | 45.00 |
25 | Folded letter, Cap Haitien to Port au Prince, 13 July 1781, clear and bold small CAP marking Jamet #6 and clear 2E postage due. Contents in French in a neat hand. Letter is neat and sound and except for a horizontal file fold toward the bottom is free of faults. | 15.00 | 25.00 |
26 | Folded letter, Cap to Cayes 7 July 1791, fine plus strike of Jamet #10 (narrow 'A') for Cap and 3E postage due. On back are two partial strikes of what appears to be '10 JUILET 91' similar to Jamet #19 for Cap. Letter has some slight soiling and a horizontal file fold toward the bottom. Contents in French in a clear hand. Overall about fine. | 35.00 | 50.00 |
27 | Folded letter, from Bordeaux 10 July 1791 to St. Mark via Cap Haitien, strong strike of Jamet #10 for Cap on the front and due marking (1/2?). Letter is rather tattered but still intact for the most part. | 10.00 | 25.00 |
28 | Cover sheet only addressed to Montrouir, Jamet #8 marking for Cap on the front and 3E postage due. Piece is clean and neat. | 5.00 | 5.00 |
29 | Cover sheet only from Gonaives 26 July 1848 to Bordeaux. Nice strike of the entry mark \"COLONIES PAR BELLE JSLE SUR MER\" and ms style stamp 8 (decimes due). Bordeaux receiving stamp on back. About fine. | 15.00 | 20.00 |
30 | First flight cover, Port au Prince to San Pedro de Macoris, 4 December 1931, AAMC 6-118, paid by two 25c green airmail issue of 1930 nicely tied by bold PauP date stamp. Cachet is bold and clear. Receiving stamps on back, Dec 5 (faint) and Dec 7 Santo Domingo (bold). Cover has not been opened, and is nice except for some slight soiling, which perhaps can be removed. | 15.00 | No Bids |
31 | First flight cover, Port au Prince to Nuevitas 5 December 1931, AAMC 6-119, paid by 50c violet airmail of 1929 nicely tied by PauP date stamp. Cachet is almost VF and cover is signed by pilot on front. Receiving stamps December 6 and 7 on back. | 25.00 | No Bids |
32 | Airmail cover, extension of service, Port au Prince to Curityba, Brazil, 3 March 1930, see note in AAMC Vol 3, p 283 at bottom. Cover has the black 'AVION and plane' cachet. Postage paid by a 1 G blue and two 75c red brown of 1929/30. Cover is clean and free of faults; receiving marks on back are faint or not legible. | 5.00 | 25.00 |
33 | Airmail cover, extension of service (?), Port au Prince to Cienfuegos, Cuba, accompanied by a letter representing it to be a date of extension of service. Nice datestamp tying 15c violet of 1920 and 10c red of 1929, clear strike of 'AVION' and plane in circle and backstamps on reverse, VF. | 5.00 | 20.00 |
34 | Nice small airmail cover, approx. 2 by 4 inches, P au P to Haitian Legation, Washington, paid by 50c violet airmail of 1929/30 on back tied by clear strike of PauP datestamp 29 December 1931. Clean and sound and unusual. Our auctioneer adds this is the “smallest cover I have ever seen!!”. | 10.00 | No Bids |
35 | Attempted first flight, Miami to Port au Prince, 21 January 1929 Miami cancels tie 12c US postage and 24 January 1929 PauP receiving mark on back. According to AAMC, covers with these dates were intended to go on FAM 6-8 first flight Miami to Port au Prince. Those dated 24 January at Port au Prince were misdirected in Cuba and did not travel on that flight. See note AAMC, Vol 3, p 281 Clean and VF. | 5.00 | No Bids |
36 | Group of 15 airmail covers originating in Haiti, 1928, early 1930s, several unusual destinations, average condition about Fine. | 25.00 | No Bids |
37 | Pioneer Folded letter Port au Prince to Havre 10 August 1828, ship letter, handstamped on front \"PAIS D'OUTREMER PAR LE HAVRE\" in red in rectangular box (see Salles Tome I fig. 83) somewhat faint but legible, and on back 7 JUIN 1828. Postage due mark 9 (decimes). Neat and quite clean. | 20.00 | 50.00 |
38 | Folded letter Jacmel to New York 28 November 1877, datestamp on back \"A JACMEL\" in small circle and \"NOV 28 77\". On front \"Pr Atlas\" (steamer) and New York \"opera glass\" style due marking 5 cents and Dec 13, Lanman and Kemp correspondence. Two vertical file folds. Contents in French; neat. | 10.00 | 15.00 |
39 | Cover Gonaives to Dresden, datestamp on front 5 May, second strike on 10c Nord-Alexis of 1904, a Haiti datestamp on back 8 May and a neat Dresden receiving date stamp for 2 June 1905. Cover is neat and sound with very slight soiling, stamp is not tied. | 15.00 | No Bids |
40 | Impression in purple on square of paper of the President Borno 50c design of 1924. This appears to be a trial printing from a copy of the die. Horizontal line defaces the die and 'American Bank Note Co' appears at the bottom.  | 20.00 | 75.00 |
41 | Cover, Port de Paix to New York, two nice Port de Paix date stamps on front, one containing the date, 27 August, the other containing 'Post Paid 20c' in a neat hand with 'Want of Postage Stamps' written above and below. This evidently was carried to New York as a ship letter where it was accepted without postage due. The letters OK written on the front in blue crayon. There is a NY date stamp on the reverse, 9-9-1903 The cover has a file vertical file fold in the center that has weakened the paper and a tear is beginning at the bottom (in need of repair). Otherwise nice and interesting.  | 40.00 | 105.00 |
42 | Folded letter Aux Cayes 17 July 1795 to Newburyport (Mass). On front is a handstamp \"BOSTON\" and a Sh(ip) 12 due marking in manuscript. There is also a circular marking that appears to be unrelated. Contents are in English and can be read with some difficulty. Piece is sound a reasonably clean with a pronounced vertical file fold. | 10.00 | 20.00 |
43 | British Packet (folded) Letter, Port au Prince to London, 23 October 1843, with a strike of the scarce Royal Mail large double circle for Port au Prince, somewhat faint but quite legible. Manuscript 1/5 British postage due on front. London receiving mark for 22 November 1843. Huth correspondence, piece has two vertical file folds towards the ends not seriously affecting the markings. Contents in German and possibly difficult to read. Some slight soiling & staining. Fairly good example of a scarce marking.  | 50.00 | 350.00 |
44 | Folded letter, Port au Prince to Pittsburg, 14 June 1870, NY STEAMSHIP 10 in circle on front (postage due) and neat merchant cachet in blue. Accompanied by certificate signed Herbert Bloch. Contents in German probably can be read by someone fluent. Faint vertical file fold in center, but piece is sound and clean and almost VF. | 10.00 | 20.00 |
45 | Envelope, Miragoane to Le Havre via London, marked on front T 1-10 and manuscript style stamp 17 (decimes due). British Agency datestamp on front for Port au Prince showing 1876 as the year. On reverse is an oval forwarding marking for J H Gaugaitte. Port au Prince, London, Paris, and Havre datestamps. Some pencil markings on front and back can be removed. Sound and F to VF.  | 50.00 | 110.00 |
46 | Neat cover Jeremie to Washington, DC, 14 Feb. 1918, paid by two 2c de p Scott #126 and one 1c de p on 1 p Scott #214, stamps tied by nice strikes of Jeremie cds, another strike off to left, opened by censor \"OPENED BY CENSOR No.\" and violet stamp of censor no. 71. Neat and sound piece, VF. | 20.00 | 30.00 |
47 | Cover, Chicago to Port au Prince underpaid and charged postage due. Paid 2c US tied by Chicago duplex cancel, marked in NY with T and 30 centimes in circles, amt due in French centimes, translated to 6 centimes Haitian, and paid by affixing 1c and 5c Haitian stamps Scott #125 and 131, scarce and in F to VF condition.  | 50.00 | 70.00 |
48 | Collection of 83 covers and 2 postcards w/postage paid using Scott #325 thru 334. Mail originating in several Haiti towns and addressed to USA and numerous foreign countries. Among the collection there are 4 covers paid w/Scott #334 (these are very scarce items) with 3 of these addressed to foreign countries. 8 covers are paid w/Scott #333 w/4 of these covers addressed to foreign countries. Included are 12 censored covers (2 are #334 covers). One cover is the July 6, 1933 return leg of the Boyd-Lyon flight in the “Columbia” (AAMC #1178a, CV $60). A First Day Airmail, PauP to Santiago, Cuba w/pilot Rowe signature is also included in this very nice collection. Overall condition is Very Fine. NO damaged covers included. Minimum Bid is LESS THAN 1/3 OF COST to owner. | 200.00 | 500.00 |
49 | #325-334. Lot consists of 11 covers; except one cover, these are all addressed to the USA. Covers illustrating usage of Scott #327, 327a thru 327c, and 329. Also 77 copies of same stamps, mint and used, including some multiples. VF condition. | 20.00 | 60.00 |
50 | #325-334. Fourteen (14) copies overprinted “SPECIMEN” in various types, w/security punch-holes; from the A.B.N. archives. Lot includes also 29 copies, mint and used, of this issue. VF. | 75.00 | No Bids |
Souvenir Sheets |
51 | #770j, Mint Never Hinged, VF. | 3.50 | 6.00 |
#817, MNH, VF. |
52 | #823a, MNH; a very scarce S/S undervalued by Scott. VF. | 14.00 | 15.00 |
53 | #852a, MNH; a very scarce S/S undervalued by Scott. You may not see this one again! VF.  | 12.00 | No Bids |
54 | #902, MNH, VF. | 9.00 | 10.00 |
55 | #903, MNH, VF. | 5.00 | 9.00 |
56 | #912a, MNH, VF. | 3.00 | 3.00 |
57 | #913, MNH, VF. | 5.00 | 10.00 |
58 | #925, MNH, VF. | 5.00 | 5.50 |
59 | #926, MNH, VF. | 2.00 | 3.00 |
60 | #933, MNH, VF. | 2.50 | 3.50 |
61 | #940, MNH, VF. | 3.50 | 6.00 |
62 | #C114a, MNH, VF. (Donated Material) | None | No Bids |
63 | #C323, two copies of Churchill S/S, perforate (used w/very nice PauP dated cancel), and imperforate (MNH). VF condition. (Donated material) | None | 4.00 |
End of auction |