Welcome to the HPS website!
The Haiti Philatelic Society is dedicated to the dissemination of information about all aspects of the Haitian postal system from the mid 1700’s to the present time. The Society is composed of collectors of all degrees of sophistication from beginners to advanced specialists. Members are constantly learning from each other through the Society's quarterly journal, Haiti Philately.
Haiti is an excellent country upon which to focus ones philatelic efforts. Its history is fascinating. Once the richest of all French colonies, in 1804 it became the second country in the Western Hemisphere to gain its independence. The interaction of this small nation with French, German, British, Spanish, Dutch and American interests are reflected in its stamps and postal history. The Liberty Head issues rank as classics comparable to the early emissions of any nation. However, most of the stamps are relatively inexpensive and rather easily obtained. As a result, more and more collectors are beginning to discover the attractiveness of this small country.
When many of the stamps have been obtained and ones interest has been whetted, the collector often begins a specialization in a single issue or period. Included in such an effort would be essays, proofs, specimens, multiples, errors and covers. The Society encourages such specialization because it may lead to interesting research, which often is published in Haiti Philately. In this way we are all beneficiaries.
Please examine the various pages of this web site for additional information about our Society. We are hoping that you will become sufficiently interested in our journal, quarterly auction, mentoring service and other benefits to join our group.
We would appreciate hearing from you about your collecting interests or any other questions or comments.