Le bulletin de la Société: Haiti Philately
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- December 2024, Vol. 50(4)
Laws (1807-1918) governing tariffs and hand stamps as found on Haitian revenue paper :1, 5–33 President’s message :3 Editor’s corner :3 U.S. Navy ships in Haitian ports [covers discovered in the USCS Naval Cover Museum] :34–36
- September 2024, Vol. 50(3)
A non-philatelic use of Haiti’s first aerogram :1, 5–7 Membership update 2 President’s message :3 Editor’s corner :3 Errata [in “Only known USS Mallard (ASR-4) in Haitian waters”, HP 50(2)] 5 Only two 20c Sam perfins off-cover known [Scott #64 (1898 Simon Sam)] 5 EKUs of 1906 ABNC stamps denominated in centimes de piastre [Scott #125//143 (1906 definitives)] :8–22 Plating imperforate Liberty Heads [Scott #2] :23–29 HPS at Hartford [APS’ Great American Stamp Show (GASS) at Hartford, Connecticut, Aug. 15-18, 2024] :30–31 Addressed to Dawson, Yukon Territory [1906 postcard] :31 An unusual 7c de piastre rate [1910 cover] :32
- June 2024, Vol. 50(2)
Haiti’s handstamped paper (1811-1936) [plus introduction by editor; org. title “Haiti’s handstamped revenue paper (1811-1936), with additional observations on its printed fiscal paper”]. Repr. from 69th American Philatelic Congress, August 8, 2003. STAMPSHOW 2003, Columbus, Ohio :1, 5–24 President’s message :3 Editor’s corner :3 Errata [in “An overfranked 1883 Austrian postal card”, HP 50(1)] 4 United Haiti Corporation postcards :25–30 Caveat emptor! A used abroad that wasn’t [manipulated 1866 cover on eBay] 30 Only known examples of WW II provisional censor labels :31–33 Do Scott 190 or 197 with a type 2 GL O.Z. overprint exist? :34–35 EKU of Scott 826A :35 Some notes on Haiti’s first aerogram :36–40 A census of 1891 trial proof sheets of ten [Scott #27] :42–53 Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC sale [Scott #108a sold on May 17, 2023] 54 Lionel W. Crouch (b. 1886 - d. 1916) [British lawyer and philatelist] 55 Only known USS Mallard (ASR-4) in Haitian waters [U.S. Navy postmark, Gonaïves; errata listed in HP 50(3), p. 5] :56
- March 2024, Vol. 50(1)
Haiti’s 1903 centenary issue [Scott #82-88 (Centenary of Independence 1903–1904)] :1, 5–48 President’s message :3 Editor’s corner :3 HPS treasurer’s report :4 A cover story: Greetings from the Oloffson! [Grand Hotel Oloffson covers] :49–51 Villa Miramar/Cordasco House [Scott #932] :52 Auction results: Daniel F. Kelleher Auction sale 790, Oct. 11-13, 2023 [two 1936 1st North America flight covers] 52 Curiosity corner: Scott 826A – a scarce stamp on and off cover :53–54 An overfranked 1883 Austrian postal card [Scott #1-3; errata listed in HP 50(2), p. 4] :56
- December 2023, Vol. 49(4)
GL O.Z. overprints of 1914, part III: an illustrated catalog of 1914 GL O.Z. overprint varieties :1, 4–40, 56 Membership update 2 President’s message :3 Editor’s corner :3 The Haiti Philatelic Society at the Great American Stamp Show 2023 :41–42 The HPS mentioned in The Error World, a British writer’s affair with stamps and why we collect :43 E. D. Bassett - US minister resident to Haiti (1869-1877) – letter to Benjamin Coates, July 5, 1869 :44–50 Haiti and the 1914 UPU specimen overprints :51–55
- September 2023, Vol. 49(3)
GL O.Z. overprints of 1914, part III: GL O.Z. forgeries :1, 4–32 Membership update 2 President’s message :3 Editor’s corner :3 W. Bonnefil postcards :33–35 HPS at Great American Stamp Show in Cleveland 2023 36 Marc Antoine Joseph Frédéric Puton (1779-1856) and the Expédition de Saint-Domingue (1801-1803) :37–40 Experimental flight of July 14, 1927 Barahona to Port-au-Prince :41–42, 46 Provisional “T. M.” revenue overprints of 1923 and the fake 7 Fév. 1914 GL O.Z. overprint on a 1906 revenue stamp :43–45 EKUs of GL O.Z. stamps on cover 46 20c trial color proof forgeries [Scott #87 (Centenary of Independence 1903–1904)] :47–48 A Liberty head revenue essay :48
- June 2023, Vol. 49(2)
GL O.Z. overprints of 1914, part II: uncataloged GL O.Z. stamps :1, 5–16 Membership update 2 President’s message :3 Editor’s corner :3 HPS bylaws amendment proposal [granting voting rights to honorary life members] 4 A double overprint on fake issue [1974 UPU overprint on unissued Space Exploration stamp] :17 Request for help with Deslandes correspondence :18 Quantities of the issues overprinted 1914–1920 :19–25 Postcards published by F. Didier :26–32 The Liberty head revenue essays :33–35 The postal history of Haiti from French colony to U.P.U. [summary of exhibit shown at the Royal Philatelic Society of London on Oct. 4, 2018] :36–40 No. 108a auctioned off at Daniel F. Kelleher sale May 17, 2023 41 No. J18 on cover 42
- March 2023, Vol. 49(1)
GL O.Z. overprints of 1914 :1, 6–44 Membership update 2 President’s message :3 Editor’s corner :3 In memoriam Gerald L. Boarino :4–5 Liberty Head revenue proof-essays :19 Cinderellas [L. Bernard poster stamps; see also HP 9(3), p. 73] 31 A rarity scale :44 GL O.Z. revenues [overprinted TM = timbre mobile ] 45 Port-au-Prince 29mm double arc postmarks :46–48
- September-December 2022, Vol. 48(3-4)
President’s message :2 The first Haitian letter with a postmark – dated January 4, 1807! :4–7 A royal letter [from 1812 when Henry Christophe was King of Haiti ] :7 Dessalines definitive stamps, part I: the singles :8–15 What Germany knows about Haiti’s philately (and the HPS) :16–18 I started collecting Haiti with a cover that had Haiti as an exotic destination [Port-au-Prince to Monrovia 1948] :19–20 Five exotic destinations from Haiti to the wide world 20–22 Two new discoveries of duplex postmarks with the numerals 1 – but the mystery about these postmarks remains unsolved! 23–24 Haiti Philately: Subject and author index for volume 47, March/June/September/December 2021 :25–29 HPS inside: Bye, bye, Gerry Boarino (1931 – 2022)! You were a great person, an outstanding philatelist! 30 Letters to the editor 31–33 HPS inside: Vermeil medal for Haiti Philately – a reason to rejoice? :34 Haitian Centennial of Independence. Have you ever seen Trials like this? [Scott #92] :35 International auctions 36–37 The Haiti of the past that we all loved does not exist anymore :38 These days there is no gas, no electricity, no internet :39 Haiti’s most beautiful stamp set complete on cover! [Scott #125//143 (1906 definitives)] 40
- September 2022, Vol. 48(3)
included with next issue
- June 2022, Vol. 48(2)
President’s message :2 Jacmel’s (probably) earliest date – for $21.50! [on eBay] 3 Germany’s largest stamp newspaper reported on three pages about HPS! 3 Haiti’s air mail: There is lots of research required… [interview with Barbara Levine] 4–5 Four covers full of air mail history :6–9 The change of the airmail routes [FAM 6 Camaguey Transito airmail markings 1932-1935] :10 Exotic destinations from exotic Haiti: Cuba, Curaçao, Ecuador, Egypt, Monaco :11–13 Saint-Domingue lives six years on – because General Jean-Louis Ferrand refused to surrender [December 1803–July 1809] :14–21 Who was A.F. Salgado? [in search of a stamp dealer in Haiti] :22–25 Haiti Philately is looking for the most atmospheric postcard from Haiti! [reader survey continued] 25 An update of naval ship cancellations :26–27 HPS inside: HPS has a Haitian-born member again! [Abdel Nassar] 28–29 HPS inside: letters to the editor 30 How Chris Paul got the idea to collect Haiti’s stamps 30 Daniel Klinger’s discovery [Scott #99 variety (Nord Alexis issue 1904)] 30 Yvonne’s new premium letter [1892 cover PaP to Paris] 31 ... and this great “Carte Postale Illustrée d’Haïti” that traveled on two ships Mike Parker discovered! [1898 postcard Gonaïves to Stettin] 32
- March 2022, Vol. 48(1)
President’s message :2 Haiti Philately is looking for the most atmospheric postcard from Haiti! [reader survey] 3 Newly discovered Haitian postmarks from Spanish part of Hispaniola [postal affairs during Haitian rule over all Hispaniola 1822–1843] :4–13 Does our “Liberty Head” lady really have two faces? [Monty Wedd “Stamp Oddity”] :14–15 A world-famous composer memorialized the man who designed a Haiti picture postcard [Miesler postcards] :16–20 This is illegal! Dictator Pinochet on a fake Haitian souvenir sheet! [Haiti bogus issues; part 11 of 11] :21–22 Two top results for letters from Haiti and Saint-Domingue! [Corinphila December 2021 auction] 22 Welcome to new members 23 A strange forgery [cover built from a part of a gummed sheet of forged Scott #43] 23 Mystery of the “wrong” church solved [see HP 47(4), page 16] 23 A new discovery: Mistake in Dessalines postmark! [blue oval “DESSALIMES / JUL 19 1954 / HAITI” postmark on Scott #C59] 24
- December 2021, Vol. 47(4)
Vice President’s message :2 The 1st map of Haiti [on Bhutan SS issued 1987] 3 An Orange for ‘Witch Doctor’ Papa Pierre [Scott #146] :4–7 1792: A letter from Antigua to London describes the bloody revolution in old Saint-Domingue! :8–12 This is illegal! Nobody can laugh about this Bugs Bunny! [Haiti bogus issues; part 10 of 11] :13–15 Attention! These “tête-bêche” pairs of Liberty heads are just offered on the Internet – they are fakes! [replica of SG #2c] 14 And here is the next R:S: “stamp”! [R:S: overprint on Scott #21] 15 Does this postcard show the wrong church? [see HP 48(1), page 23] 16 This beautiful misperforation comes from France! [Scott #49] 17 And here you see 32 x the rare Toussaint of 1904 on a single envelope – this must be a record! [Scott #93] 17 Haiti’s naval blockade (October 1993 – October 1994) :18–21 Expensive Dumas family! [Scott #335 horizontal pair imperforate between] 21 Poor Brian Oakes: First Covid, then came the earthquake! 22 HP Quiz in June: Two knew the correct answer [see HP 47(2), page 3] 23 Letters to the editor 23 Welcome to new members 23 Sometimes even the best auction houses in the world have no idea [auction house Heinrich Köhler, Wiesbaden, Germany] :24 Haiti’s first postcard series – it could hardly be more beautiful! [Künzli postcards] :25–28 A very rare French shipping line “F” cancellation Port-au-Prince 28 The “Panther” attacked! The exciting story behind this postal stationery [of 1902] 28–31 The unusual story of how “Baby Doc” Duvalier got a Chinese letter stamp :32
- September 2021, Vol. 47(3)
Vice President’s message :2 The Audubon story [all about the scandal around Haiti’s unreleased Audubon issue of 1975] :4–21 An unissued color error [of the 5 gourdes roseate spoonbill stamp] :17 Some genuine Audubon stamps [of the world] 22–23 John James Audubon (1785 – 1851) – America even faked his birthplace! [USA #874 (1940 Famous Americans: Audubon) cacheted FDC] 24
- June 2021, Vol. 47(2)
President’s message :2 The Haiti Philately quiz: Why did this postcard cost 4 cents additional postage? [solution in HP 47(4), page 23] 3 1790: 1st censorship! Whites confiscated letters from “gens de couleur” :4–7 August 7, 1912: The night the government palace blew up! [documented by picture postcards] :8–12 ... and these Haitian government palaces were also destroyed. 13 The “cap forgeries” of Haiti’s Liberty Head issues on covers – including a new discovery! [Scott #1-20] :14–17 These “GL O.Z.-Lemons” are hard to find on covers! [Scott #196] :18–20 What is the latest on Haiti’s international reply coupons (IRC), Mr. Leimenstoll? :21 This is illegal! Fake butterflies, fake Ferraris, fake Harleys – all in the name of Haiti… [Haiti bogus issues; part 9 of 11] :22–23 How did Toussaint Louverture come to Franklin, Tennessee? [Toussaint Louverture Cemetery] :24–25 ... and how did Toussaint Louverture come to Cuba, Benin, Dahomey, Jamaica, France? [Louverture on foreign issues] 26 That’s the best researched book about Haiti’s national hero ever! [review of Sudhir Hazareesingh: Black Spartacus: The Epic Life Of Toussaint Louverture published 3 Sep. 2020 by Allen Lane, London.] :27 HPS inside I [1787 ship letter; Haitian Revolution as a board game] 28 HPS inside II [letter with South African revenue stamps to Haiti; 1942–44 tuberculosis seals] 29 HPS inside III [www.latinamericanphilatelics.com; overfranked 1837 cover] 30 Membership update 30 HPS inside IV [specimens of Haiti postage due labels from the Madagascar archives; 1751 cover with I. DUFOREST/A BORDEAUX handstamp] 31 Cap-Haitien, 2003: What happened to the first “i”? [misspelling on postmark] 32
- March 2021, Vol. 47(1)
President’s message :2 $8,800 for this letter from Santo Domingo to Gonaïves! [letter from Cap-Haïtien to Port-au-Prince, ca. 1895 Haitian telegram (Corinphila Auctions, Zurich, Switzerland)] 3 Pretty “Lemons” – from 44 different cities and villages! [Scott #147] :4–7 282 x 91 mm – Haiti’s greatest postcard! [folded double picture postcard 1924] 8 Have you ever seen a Haitian Leporello? [Leporello postcard 1929] 9 News about an old postcard! [follow-up to “Who are these three gentlemen?” in HP 46(4), p.32] :9 Padre Roger Riou – one of his last letters from Haiti before Papa Doc chased him out of Tortuga… :10–15 This is illegal! Black Panther and Batman are fakes! [Haiti bogus issues; part 8 of 11] :16–17 There was an internment camp at Fort National and certain Haitians of German descent were interred there! [Mexico 1942 cover sent to an internee at Fort National] :18–19 Scott-No. 666: Haiti 1972 – and today … there will always be tap taps … 19 Imperforates with a twist [perforates and imperforated issues printed in different colors] :20–21 HPS inside: questions to the editor – and some answers! [ink smudges on Scott #C72 (150th anniversary of Haitian independence 1954); correct date of the 1st Haiti postcard; 1904 stationery to Norway …] 22–23 First “Forwarding Agent”-stamp of the world: third Saint Domingue F.A. letter discovered! 24
- December 2020, Vol. 46(4)
These are Haiti’s most beautiful stamps! [election results] :1, 4–7 Côte Plage – A new town mark discovered by Mayk Plewka! 2 Leo Malz Haiti collection auctioned – for US $128,360! 3 1707: A Saint-Domingue document from “Roi Soleil” Louis XIV :8–10 “The Stolen Issue” – more interesting discoveries! [Scott #219/232] :11 Foul on Scott #778! That’s not the flag of Cameroon! [Scott #771/780 (12th World Cup in 1982, issued 1983)] :12–13 This is illegal! SS fakes from 2009 to 2011 [Haiti bogus issues; part 7 of 11] :14–15 The first Saint-Domingue error? [“JEXEMIE” postmark on 1789 letter from Marseille to Plimouth] :16–17 Check of 7191 Liberty heads: the earliest, latest and rarest, part 10: the CAP forgeries; part 11: final results [Scott #1-20; parts 10 and 11 of 11] :18–25 HPS members asking HPS members: Can you help? [Mike Parker: overfranked 1837 letter; Wally Deltoro: Liberty head revenue stamp] 25 Haiti’s lost places: The Estimé memorial :26–27 Lindbergh American Clipper flight cover – flown from Cuba to Haiti :28–29 [suspended postal service from Germany to Haiti due to COVID-19 pandemic] 29 HPS inside: letter to the editor [comment on “Interesting new information about the sources of Haitian fakes in Poland and Russia”, HP 46(3), p.17] :30 HPS classified ads – who wants what? 31 Welcome to new members 31 Postcard corner: Who are these three gentlemen? [Haitian trio Salnave, Germain, Thibault at Exposition pavillon in Paris 1937; see also HP 47(1), p.9] 32
- September 2020, Vol. 46(3)
Letters to the HP editor 2 [The stamp market] [Bud Sellers’ Haiti postmark collection auctioned off] 3 Welcome to new members 3 How to create a Haitian Columbus collection [Columbus themed stamps from Haiti and the Dominican Republic] :4–11 Haiti’s 1906 definitive series and its denominations for foreign mail [used on 1913 HAPAG cover] :12–13 HPS classified ads – who wants what? 13, 22 304 years! The oldest Saint- Domingue letter to France [written in 1716 by Marquis of Galiffet d’Honon] :14–15 This is illegal! The Beijing dolls 2008 – fake Haiti Olympic stamps! [Haiti bogus issues; part 6 of 11] :16–17 Interesting new information about the sources of Haitian fakes in Poland and Russia [see also HP 46(4), p.30] :17 What’s the matter, Barbara? :18 Can you help, Barbara? [AAMC Cuba Flight #43 FFC] :18 HPS inside: Why are you collecting Haiti? [answers from HPS members] 19–22 41 years member of HPS – in memoriam Leo Malz :23 Hardcore covers [1828 cover from Port-au-Prince to Antwerp] :24
- June 2020, Vol. 46(2)
What’s the matter, Missis President? :2 The sad end of Milot’s Henry Christophe Chapel 3 Have you ever seen “the stolen issue” on covers? – Here they are! [Scott #219/232] :4–7 Have you ever seen the unknown three stamps of “the stolen issue” in blocks of four? – Here they are! [Scott #219/232] :8–9 Cheers! Carnival in Haiti [on postcards] :10–12 The complete list of Haitian post offices [plus map] :13–17 Can you help, Barbara? Managua - Port-au-Prince - Puerto Rico – a valuable first flight cover! :18 Auction news 18 The great story behind a cheap $74 Zeppelin card [Friedrichshafen to Port-au-Prince, 1929] 19 The largest recorded Liberty head multiples [Scott #1-20] :20–25 This is illegal! 2006 – year of diamonds for counterfeiters of Haiti sheets! [Haiti bogus issues; part 5 of 11] :26–27 Haiti Philatelic Society I.N.S.I.D.E. 28 Letters to the editor 29–30 HPS at the Sarasota National Stamp Exhibition – gold and vermeil for HPS members! 31 Where are the covers with this Saint-Domingue postmark? [“OUANAMINTHE”] 31 Haiti Philately quiz 32
- March 2020, Vol. 46(1)
What’s the matter, Missis President? :2 Interesting news about Haiti’s greatest Toussaint Louverture! [foreign cancel on Scott #90 (centenary issue 1903); new book] :3 A unique cover: transported to Haiti by the only zeppelin ever built by Germans for the U.S. Navy [LZ-126 / ZR-3 (1924)] :4–5 Haiti Philatelic Society inside [new HPS auctioneer Eric Roberts] 6 Membership update 6 Haiti Philatelic Society financial statement for 2019 :7 A mail from HPS-member Andree Davies [Étienne Élie Gérin postcard; poster stamp with map of Hispaniola] 7 Haiti’s International Reply Coupons :8–9 These are Haiti’s first and last trains on postcards :10–13 This is illegal! Chess figures, fighters, fire trucks – fakes can be so colorful! [Haiti bogus issues; part 4 of 11] :14–15 Haiti’s most beautiful stamp – the final takes place in March! 15 Was there a maritime company in Haiti during 19th century? YES! [SERVICE ACCÉLÉRÉ des Bateaux à Vapeur] :16–19 Essays for the Empire of Haiti [Faustin essays]. Repr. from The Stamp-Collector’s Magazine, June 1, 1867, pp. 86-87 :20 Are the so-called Faustin essays forgeries or innocent ‘imitations’? :21–22 Can you help, Barbara? [official cover without postage exclusion indications (AVION type 3 EKU); ESCADRILLE cacheted airmail] :23 This is the rarest Haitian UPU error – on cover! [Scott #370 (Capois-la-Mort) triple ovpt in black] :24
- December 2019, Vol. 45(4)
Membership update 2 Daniel Klinger (HPS) promotes Haiti stamps in France 2 These are Haiti’s top three [most expensive stamps] 3 : [high price for Scott #24a (Salomon issue 1887)] 3 Haiti’s most beautiful stamp – we have to wait for the final! [poll postponed due to uprisings in Port-au-Prince] 4 Saint-Domingue: There is still something new to discover after 250 years! [hand stamps, manuscript markings, dates] :5–7 10 years after the worst earthquake ever – what has happened in Haiti since then? [current state of postal affairs] :8–11 Congratulation! 20 years of Wally auctions! [HPS auctioneer Ubaldo “Wally” Deltoro] :12–15 All Haitian towns + districts with Zip codes! 16–18 Scott No. 873 – this stamp is full of surprises! [varieties of International Youth Year (1985) issue 1986, overprinted 1996] :19 2019 APS Stampshow – HPS has triple presence! :20–21 Haiti’s 1902 Provisional Government issue – a new discovery: the rare 50 centimes on cover! [Scott #80] :22–23 This is illegal! Two Holy Fathers on fake Haiti sheets! To hell with the counterfeiters! [Haiti bogus issues; part 3 of 11] :24–25 Jacmel’s mystery of July 9, 1881 – is it solved? [earliest Jacmel postmarks on Scott #1-6 (Liberty head issue)] :26–29 What a surprise: from $19 to $346! [eBay sale of cover from Port-au-Prince via New York & Hongkong to the Dutch East Indies] 29 Liberia has its own “Salomon mystery” – President Johnson disappeared from postal cards [Liberian 1891 stationeries with portrait erased] :30–31 Do you know this “Bicentenaire”-postmark of Toussaint Louverture? [commemorative slogan postal marking 2003] 31 Wally’s top ten of September auction 2019 32 Haiti Philatelic Society membership dues reminder 2020 32
- September 2019, Vol. 45(3)
Latest (auction-) news [Scott #108a; Gerry Boarino collection] 2 Columbus was faster – letter needs five years from Haiti to Europe! :3 What the matter, President Barbara? :3 Haiti’s 15 most expensive postcards :4–5 ‘Fifth Anniversary of International Airmail’ covers in the Caribbean :6–9 Can you help, Barbara? [official airmail cover with 1922 PaP duplex cancel] :9 Some nice Saint-Domingue covers! [ex Brian Moorhouse] 10 Here it is: perfin no. 14 – unique! [Scott #45] :10 Details matter [Scott #909-912a (indigenous birds issue 1999)] :11 A new Salomon mystery [Scott #25 with Salomon’s face removed] :12–13 Salomon stamps without Salomon [essays based on Scott #23-24] :14 A new Salomon R:S:-discovery [Scott #22 with R:S:-overprint and Gonaïves postmark] :15 Marché de Fer 1906/1919 :16–17 #826A: from 30 cents to 115 dollars! [Scott Catalogue prices] :18 Scott Catalogue prices: then and now [Scott #1-20 catalog prices 1925/2020] 18 A great book about Sans-Souci! [Gauvin Bailey: The palace of Sans-Souci in Milot, Haiti: the untold story of the Potsdam of the rainforest.] 18 Sorry, Scott Catalogue! Your Toussaint and Dessalines illustrations are fakes! [Scott #83, #85] 19 Sorry, Michel catalog! But your overprint is absolutely nonsense! [POSTE 5 CTS GOURDE overprint] 19 This is illegal! They look great but they are fakes! [Haiti bogus issues; part 2 of 11] :20–21 These are the 12 most beautiful stamps of Haiti! [results of reader survey] 22–23 Wally’s top ten of June auction 2019 24
- June 2019, Vol. 45(2)
Latest news [Dessalines document sold for $2500; new HPS librarian] 2 A new 1904 discovery! [Scott #82-88 (centenary issue 1903/1904) on postcard canceled 1904] 3 What’s the matter, Missis President? :3 The Lindbergh photo album came from Texas! [Lindbergh in Haiti 1928: photos and covers] :4–9 Spectacular discovery: a letter piece from 1928 with two previously unknown postmarks! :10–11 Four questions about security and tourism in today‘s Haiti :11 The first big Liberty head-auction 2019! [Guy Dutau collection auctioned off by Soler y Llach (Barcelona)] :12–15 Congratulations, Guy Dutau! [for the invitation to sign the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists] :15 Would you like to buy the most beautiful and largest Liberty head collection in the world? You need $593,000! At least! [Brian Moorhouse collection offered by Corinphila (Zurich)] 16 ULTRAMAR on two stationeries – ultra rare! [UPU specimens of H&G postal card #13 and letter card #1] :17 “Le Marron De Saint-Domingue”: three different overprints! [Scott #C324 overprint errors] :18 This stationery is a little rarity! From Dame Marie to Switzerland [in March 1915] 18 Barbara, can you help? What kind of PLANE MAIL is this? [canceled PaP Dec. 3, 1924] :19 This is illegal! 386 different souvenir sheets are fakes! [Haiti bogus issues; part 1 of 11] :20–21 Sans Souci 1906 – today! [Scott #129] 22 Chapelle Milot 1933 – today! [Scott #332] 23 My opinion: Who buys stamps that show mass murderers? [François Duvalier on Somalia bogus S/S] :24 Double fakes [J.H. Stolow’s space exploration stamps with inverted overprint] :24 What are the HPS members collecting? [results of questionnaire] 25 Postcard corner [four classic postcards ca. 1900-1920] :26–27 Which is Haiti’s most beautiful stamp? [reader survey] :28–31 Wally’s top ten of March auction 2019! 32
- March 2019, Vol. 45(1)
Haiti’s alphabetisation stamps [Scott #RA25-RA30, #RAC3-RAC5] :1, 7–47 Welcome to new members 2 Editor’s corner :3 President’s message :4 Bill Matthews awarded honorary life membership 4 Haiti Philatelic Society membership dues reminder: 2019 5 Haiti Philatelic Society financial statement for 2018 :6 Curiosity corner – Churchill: an unlisted color variety [Scott #C322 (Sir Winston Churchill issue 1968) and #828 (surcharge 1986)] :48 Intermediary printing plates and trial proofs [of Scott #82-88 (centenary issue 1903/1904) and #96-101 (Nord Alexis issue 1904)] :49–66 The third palm tree issue [Scott #46-51 on cover] :67–68
- December 2018, Vol. 44(4)
President Paul E. Magloire :1, 9–11 New member welcome 2 Acting editor’s corner :3 President’s message :3 Haiti Philatelic Society membership dues reminder: 2019 :4 Introducing HPS 2019-2020 officers and board members 5–8 “Haitiana” [President René Préval on Liberia Michel #3330 (UN Millennium Summit 2000)] 6 Les trois Dumas :12–14 #3 IMF cancels [on Scott #1-6 (Liberty head issue), marking uncancelled “incoming foreign mail” in the U.S.] 15–16 Issues printed by Joh. Enschedé for Haiti :15–29 Vergniaud Pierre-Nöel [designer of stamps] :30–37 TIMBRE / SOLIDARITE / G. 4.00 [fiscal overprint on Scott #C368] :38–39 Haiti revenues – the ‘timbre mobile’ series (c1924-1950’s). Repr. from The Mainsheet, 16:61, January 1991, pp. 4-5 :40–42 Other Haiti revenues ex the ABN Co. archive. Repr. from The Mainsheet, 16:61, January 1991, pp. 6-8 :42–52 United States Navy ships: new dates & some additions [supplements listing given in HP 44(1): “An update of U.S. Navy postmarks in Haitian waters, 1914–1939”] :53–59 Richard D. Jones :60 An uncataloged error [Scott #C380 double overprint, one inverted (HAIPEX 1972)] 60 Port-au-Prince to Cap Haïtien first flight covers :61–64 Introducing HPS Member Stephen Roche, HPS #449 [Latin American Philatelics] 64
- September 2018, Vol. 44(3)
PF certificates [Philatelic Foundation expertizing] :1, 5–19 Acting editor’s corner :3 President’s message :3–4 2019-2020 term HPS board elections timetable :4 A Panelli forgery [of Scott #3 (Liberty head issue)] 5 A fiscal with a postal cancel [70c “connaissements exportation” revenue stamp with Jérémie town cancel ] 17 Does Scott C515 exist? :20 The “OFFICIAL / 100 A 1” watermark on 1898 imperforates [Scott #46-51] :21–26 1958 penguin with wrong value [25c Maryland forgery of Scott #425] 24 La Gonâve covers :27–29 IMF cancels [#2 on Scott #1-6 (Liberty head issue), marking uncancelled “incoming foreign mail” in the U.S.] 29 1927 air mail of Jérémie :30–43 The most expensive HPS auction lot 43 A small grubby looking cover [to Chicago “received in bad order”] :44 Berthelot centennial cancel :44 A postage stamp transformed into a fiscal and used on a passport [Scott #557] :45 A missing decimal [Scott #C51] 45 From my collection [i.a. block of 50 with Scott #250 ink variety] :46–48 Haiti’s last stamp [Scott #939] 48 Black Panther [bogus issue] 48 The USNS Eagle :49–50 A cover story: the Air Canada Montreal – Port-au-Prince inaugural flight :50–54 2018 bogus issues 54–56
- June 2018, Vol. 44(2)
The “City of Poets” [Jérémie] :1, 4, 6–7 Welcome to new members 2 Acting editor’s corner :3 Hurricane Hazel postal tax stamps [Scott #RA17-RA24, #RAC1-RAC2] :4–6 Courvoisier, S.A. [Swiss printing company] :8–11 Haiti’s first Dumas issue [Scott #335-336, #C10] :12–43 President’s message :17 Curiosity corner – a mysterious overprint on Scott B44 :19 An error update – Scott 873 :41, 48 Documentation of AAMC SH549 or MU-1 :44–47 New York IFMs [#4 on Scott #1-6 (Liberty head issue), marking uncancelled “incoming foreign mail” in the U.S.] 48 Postiljonen Auction: #220 – #221, March 15–17, 2018 :49–52
- March 2018, Vol. 44(1)
An update of U.S. Navy postmarks in Haitian waters, 1914–1939 [see also supplemental listing by Richard Jones in HP 44(4): “United States Navy ships: new dates & some additions”] :1, 5–27 President’s message :2 New member welcome 2 Acting editor’s corner :3 Life, patron, beneficial and sustaining membership for 2018 3 Haiti Philatelic Society financial statement for 2017 :4 Overprint errors of Haiti, 1939–2000 by Peter C. Jeannopoulos [announcement of HPS special study #5] 7 A non-philatelic La Tortue cover :28–29 HPS member John M. Hotchner 29 Curiosity corner [flawed (non-constant) overprint on Scott C206 (overprinted Space Needle issue)] :30 The U.S.S. Melville :31 Haiti: essays for the first series of postal stationery. Repr. from The Mainsheet, Nov. 2000, pp. 4-8 :32–36
- December 2017, Vol. 43(4)
About the “errors” of the United Nations issue of 1960 [Scott #469, #C168-C169a] :97, 102 Editor’s corner :98 Membership update 99 President’s message :100 New ship in Haitian waters – USS Melville (AD-2) :100 German mail used in Haiti [10 Pf postal stationery] :101 French agency in Haiti markings :103 Cap Haïtien 1889 – on the route to solve a philatelic mystery [covers addressed to Heinrich Ballüder] :104–105 Cap Haïtien 1889 – still alive today [photos from 2017] :106 Liberty head news: some discoveries [Scott #1-20 postmarks] :107–109 Six cheap covers, six nice stories :110–111 Tortuga – isle of Caribbean pirates - some rare items from a nearly unknown Haitian location :112–116 Shorties – a carnival in Port au Prince and the Boyd–Lyon flight :117 Windel’s column: finest Haitian philatelic book ever; thanks, Barbara for 18 years fine editing; and how you can help Haitian orphans :118–120
- September 2017, Vol. 43(3)
Discovering Pan Am’s first flying clipper’s inaugural scheduled service. Repr. from Airpost Journal, vol. 88, no. 8, whole no. 1046, Aug. 2017 :69, 74 Editor’s corner :70 Membership update 71 President’s message :72–73, 76 Introducing Emory Earl Toops :72 Brian Moorhouse – 1949-2017 [obituary] 73 Pan Am clipper service – update and pilot information :75 Haiti section of the Scott catalogue edition 2018 :76 Haiti illegal issues update :77 Bonjour à La Gonâve :78–80 The long road to the island of La Gonâve, a reminiscence :81, 85 The postmark of Anse-à-Veau – early dates of cancellation :82 Windel’s column: a new town mark, a reunion with Haiti’s Sugar Queen and a sad last photo [Scott #458-461, #C161-C162] :83–85 Letters “via Navassa Island” – how it worked :86–88 Three newly discovered Navassa items :89 “Postcards” from Haiti :90 The first letter of Haiti’s Queen Marie Louise... :91–94 Why are these letters so rare (and expensive)?? [covers with rare rates] :95–96
- June 2017, Vol. 43(2)
The black Boyd-Lyon overprint [Scott #C4A] :33, 38–39 Editor’s corner :34 Membership update 35 President’s message :36 Introducing Daniel Klinger :36 Curiosity corner – a perforation variety of J22 :37 A 10c Marché Salomon stamp :37 A better scan of the 1863 Pommare :39 First day covers of the 1933 definitives and air mail stamps [Scott #325-334, #C5-C9] :40–46 A 1933 stamp with a type 3 air mail cachet :47 1951 postage due gutter pairs :48 Plating the plate 2 “Liberty heads” of Haiti [Scott #7-13] :49–67 A postage stamp overprinted ‘timbre mobile’ [Scott #605] :68
- March 2017, Vol. 43(1)
USS Tennessee :1, 6–8 Editor’s corner :2 Membership update 3 President’s message :4 Introducing board member Newton Kulp :4–5 Haiti or Hatay?? :5 An unusual destination? [postcard from Jersey to Port-au-Prince] :8 The “Pommare” stamp of 1863 [for errata, see issue 44(2), p. 11] :9–21 Lewis Burwell “Chesty” Puller :21 Philately and philography :22–25 A gutter pair follow-up [including photo of Kasimir Bileski amidst his massive stock] :26 Timbre mobile stamps with gutters :27–29 U.S. Army post office #2494 :30–31 A perforation variety of Scott J21 :32
- December 2016, Vol. 42(4)
Plating the stamps of Haiti [Scott #1-6 (Liberty head issue)] :85, 90–97 Editor’s corner :86 Membership update 87 President’s message :88 Certification of elections 2017-2018 :88 Introducing the new secretary-treasurer [Georges Fauriol] :89 A new find – imperforate sheet of Scott C318A :89 More than four town cancels [on a single cover] :98–105 Gutter pairs [of Scott #318 ABNCo specimens] :106 An early airmail addendum [to HPS special study no. 2] :107–108
- September 2016, Vol. 42(3)
Another Haitian crash cover – Haitian Airways N150A :65 Editor’s corner :66 Membership update 67 President’s message :68 New listing by Scott catalog for “MNH” :69–70 Amazing result from Cherrystone’s June auction [cover with Scott #1-3 (Liberty head issue) sold for $16100] :69 Packet tags revisited :71 Windel’s column: Surprise! Chinese collectors want Haitian stamps! [Brian Moorhouse auction September 9th, 2016] :72–74 Exotic destinations from Haiti, part 4: greetings from Viet Nam, Peru, Ethiopia and Tunisia [part 4 of 4] :75–76 Check of 7191 Liberty heads: the earliest, latest and rarest; part 7: LH perforated re-engraved – earliest and latest known usage (EKU & LKU); part 8: LH perforated re-engraved – rarity scale Haitian town marks / table of prices; part 9: LH perforated re-engraved – rarity scale foreign marks / table of prices [Scott #1-20; parts 7, 8 and 9 of 11] :77–84
- June 2016, Vol. 42(2)
A philatelic franking including forged and stolen stamps [1904 forgery and stolen issue of 1915 on cover] :33 Editor’s corner :34 Membership update 35 L. Wallace Dean III (1932–2016) [obituary] :36 NY2016 stamp exhibition summary HPS presence :37–38 A diplomatic packet tag – very scarce and rare item from eBay :38 Haitian crash cover discovery at NY2016 [1939 Don. N. Mohr cover on crash flight AAMC #390219] :39–40 Shorties [1930 FFC to Cayenne] :40 New York 2016 presentation summary :41–43 Check of 7191 Liberty heads: the earliest, latest and rarest; part 5: LH perforated – rarity scale Haitian town marks / table of prices; part 6: LH perforated – rarity scale foreign marks / table of prices [Scott #1-20; parts 5 and 6 of 11] :44–51 Early Haitian essays :52–58 Two shorties [$1,235.73 for Napoleon; HPS member Claus Petry wins “German Gold” in New York] :59 Windel’s column I: no more Haitian stamps - town marks only! [visit to Haiti in April 2016] :60–61 Windel’s column II: Haitian covers in New York – expensive (water too)! [New York world stamp show May 2016] :62–64
- March 2016, Vol. 42(1)
“Upside-down use” fact or fiction? [Scott #21-25; upside-down usage of Salomon issue] :1, 6–9 Editor’s corner :2 President’s message [including financial statement 2015] :3–4 Haiti exhibits in Atlanta and Sarasota :5 Check of 7191 Liberty heads: the earliest, latest and rarest; part 4: LH perforated – earliest known usage (EKU) and latest known usage (LKU) for all plates, printings and towns [Scott #1-20; part 4 of 11] :10–15 Haiti’s 1902 provisional government issue – a discovery [Scott #81 (1g) on cover] :16, 21 LKMs of the 1902 provisional issue [Scott #67/81 and #J5-J7 largest known multiples] :17–28 Current schedule of events at NY2016 show for HPS members :28 Windel’s column: about Mrs “Liberty head”, dubious R:S: overprints and two interesting covers :29–32
- December 2015, Vol. 41(4)
The “R:S:” provisional overprint [on Scott #21-22 (Salomon issue 1887)] :93, 97 Editor’s corner :94 President’s message :95 Largest known used multiples of the 1c and 5c Leconte stamps [Scott #166/168] :95 HPS publications for sale 96 Membership update 96 Postally used revenues [2c Quittance stamp] :97 New perfin discoveries :98–99 Check of 7191 Liberty heads: the earliest, latest and rarest, part 2: LH imperf. – rarity scale for Haitian town marks / table of more realistic catalog prices; part 3: LH imperf. – rarity scale for foreign marks / table of more realistic catalog prices [Scott #1-20; parts 2 and 3 of 11] :100–107 The Cameron S. S. Line :108–109 Windel’s column: about Germany’s Haiti Philatelic Society, the worst Haiti catalog worldwide and a new discovery [German HPS members; Michel Caribbean Islands catalog’s coverage of Haiti; Bremen consular cancel on 1867 Port-au-Prince to Bremen cover] :110–112
- September 2015, Vol. 41(3)
A 1902 provisional forgery on cover :65, 69 Editor’s corner :66 President’s message :67 correction of error [for “Scott 133 and its ‘relatives’ – some are hard to find!” from HP 41(2)] :67 Intra-town use of the 1898 1c Sam postal card :68 Membership update 68 Life, patron, beneficial and sustaining membership for 2015 68 Haiti at MIDPEX :70 CTOs & EKUs [Scott #67-81 plus stationeries] :71–77, 81 Windel’s column: Haiti’s chiefs of state and philately: Would you be so kind to sign my stamps, Mr. President? :78–80 Additional HAPAG purser marks :82–83 A 1906 “gold” issue forgery exposed :84 A “bullseye” Anse a Veau cancel :84 Check of 7191 Liberty heads: the earliest, latest and rarest, part 1: LH imperf EKU and LKU [Scott #1-20; part 1 of 11] :85–88 A brief history of collecting the “Liberty head” issues [Scott #1-20] :89–92 Shorties: Columbus’ “Santa Maria” not found! 92
- June 2015, Vol. 41(2)
Imperforate Liberty head – another earliest known usage :33 Editor’s corner :34 Haiti section of the 2016 Scott catalogue :35 Membership update 36 Life, patron, beneficial and sustaining membership for 2015 36 Haiti Philatelic Society financial statement for 2014 :37 New Director General of the Office des Postes d’Haiti :38 Origin of the 1860 Haitian “Patriotic Cover” discovered :39–44, 56 Windel’s column: HPS meeting in Pétionville :45–48 More on perfins :49–51 Interesting postal stationery :52 Review: HAPAG in Haiti – a basic book, well done! :53–54 The UPU illegal issues of Haiti – issues falsely claimed to have been issued by the Haitian postal service :55–56 A Leconte mixed franking :57 An exotic destination [Dame Marie] :58 Scott 133 and its “relatives” – some are hard to find! [for errata, see issue 41(3), p. 67] :59–64
- March 2015, Vol. 41(1)
Simon Sam/coat-of-arms – new dates and a Cap Haïtien discovery [Scott #52-66] :1, 8–9 Editor’s corner :2 President’s message :3 Press release [Barbara A. Levine: Haiti’s first flights.] 4 Atlas wreck covers from Haiti :4 Membership update 4 Haiti Philatelic Society auctions :5–6 EKU of Haiti Scott #1 revisited :7 Surprising stamp market tip [Scott #857a] :7 Election results [for the period 1 January 2015 to 31 December 1916] :7 Artistic Haitian envelopes, part 7: This old Haitian pharmacy (1906) made the promise of a new life for sick people [part 7 of 7] :10–11 Windel’s column: Do you know what was Haiti’s first capital? :12–17 Two exhibits – three awards [Sarasota National Stamp Exhibition; Salomon isue varieties, R:S: overprint] :18–20 Exotic destinations, part 3: Hungary, Namibia and Grand Turks [part 3 of 4] :21–22 A review of a review [“The 1912 Leconte issue”, The Haiti Collector 2(1), March 2014] :23–27 Only known perfin of Scott #37 :28 What makes the difference? [Brian Moorhouse auction February 28, 2015] :29–31 Miragoave cancels [Miragoâne misspelled on postmark] :31–32
- December 2014, Vol. 40(4)
Haitian disaster mail – hard to find! :65, 71–73 Editor’s corner :66 President’s message :67 When was the 1898-99 series issued? [Scott #52-66 (Simon Sam issue)] :68 The Miragoave postmark [Miragoâne misspelled on postmark] :69–70 Artistic Haitian envelopes, part 6: a funny registered calendar and two nice HAPAG examples [part 6 of 7] :74–75 Windel’s column: The 19th century is still alive – in Jacmel :76–78 The slave trade – Thomas Perrionet Thompson (First governor of Sierra Leone 1808-1810) :79 Ham radio – international amateur radio :80, 88 Exotic destinations, part 2: from Haiti to Sudan, Surinam, Japan and Yugoslavia [part 2 of 4] :81–83 Colorful Leconte issue of 1912 – table of town marks [Scott #166-168] :84–88
- September 2014, Vol. 40(3)
Navassa Island update :41, 46–47 Editor’s corner :42 Haiti section of the Scott catalogue :43 President’s message :44 Membership update 44 Haiti Philatelic Society product price list 45 Artistic Haitian envelopes, part 5: a great newspaper cover and two nice old pharmacy labels [part 5 of 7] :48–50 5 centimes overprint colors [Scott #274] :50–51 Windel’s column: Hello again, Madame la Directrice Générale! [including new postal rates of Haiti] :52–55 “The Leconte issue of 1912” by Peter C. Jeannopoulos [Scott #166-168; article review] :56–57 Exotic destinations, part 1: to Russia, Dahomey and Madagascar from Haiti! [part 1 of 4] :58–59 Postal essays of Haiti :60–63 Perforated Liberty heads revisited :60 Application for membership in the Haiti Philatelic Society 64
- June 2014, Vol. 40(2)
Experimental rocket mail – to Haiti :21, 26 Editor’s corner :22 A look at the Port-au-France cancel from the freedom from hunger issue [Scott #505-506, #C208-209] :23 President’s message :24 USMC evacuation flight cover :25 Pan American Airways test of 1946 – check your cover :26 Scott #360 – a new variety :27 Haiti’s postal rate change of 1919 – history in action :28–29 “QSL cards of Haiti” by Abdel Nassar is now available :29 Artistic Haitian envelopes, part 4: coffee covers and labels at their best [part 4 of 7] :30–31 Windel’s column: interesting discoveries – two new/old cancels on Liberty head stamps and a Pétion misprint :32–34 Citadel – the “birthday collection” :35–40
- March 2014, Vol. 40(1)
Scott No. 826A. The miracle of modern Haitian surcharges :1, 6–7 Editor’s corner :2 Haiti Philatelic Society financial statement for 2013 :3 President’s message :4 Membership update 4 Haiti’s 1898 issue [Scott #52-66] :5 The indemnity of Saint Domingue :7–8 Liberty heads perforated re-engraved issue great covers never seen! :9–10 Artistic Haitian envelopes, part 3: wonderful covers from Les Cayes Pharmacies [part 3 of 7] :11–12 Windel’s column: I paid $382 for a fake of Nord-Alexis tête-bêche! [Scott #101a] :13–14 Four years after the earthquake – Haiti today (part II) [of 2] :15–17 Know your genuine and your counterfeit issues – the 1902 and 1906 overprints [Scott #67-81 (provisional government issue); #110-124 (“gold” issue)] :18–19 Columbia flight postscript :20
- December 2013, Vol. 39(4)
The 1933 Boyd–Lyon round-trip to Haiti, part 1 [of 2]. Repr. from Airpost Journal, July 1987, p. 322 :53, 58–60 Editor’s corner :54 New membership dues for the Haiti Philatelic Society 55 President’s message :56 Membership update 56 Amateur radio post cards :57 The 1933 Boyd–Lyon round-trip to Haiti, part 2 [of 2]. Repr. from Airpost Journal, Aug. 1987, p. 383 :61–62 More on Boyd-Lyon Haiti flight. Repr. from Airpost Journal, Dec. 1987, p. 90 :62–63 The absolutely and positively final postscript to the Boyd-Lyon story. Repr. from Airpost Journal, Nov. 1988, p. 68 :63–64 Final note to Boyd-Lyon story – little known facts :64 Windel’s column: That’s the Haitian Director of Philately! :65–66 Nearly four years after the earthquake – Haiti today [part 1 of 2] :67–68 Haiti’s celebration of Mother’s Day – an error exists [Scott #C218 inverted surcharge] :69 Revenue stamps used for postage :69 Artistic Haitian envelopes, part 2: only known Haitian “patriotic” cover [part 2 of 7] :70–71 Haiti–China mixed frank pacific clipper air cover :72
- September 2013, Vol. 39(3)
In praise of vampires! How vampire insects freed the world (and Haiti), built the USA, and kept part of New Zealand pristine :37, 42–43 Editor’s corner :38 The advisory group committee 39 President’s message :40 Membership update 40 Haiti section of the Scott catalogue – 2014 edition :41 Haiti letter arrival :43 New discovery – a Miragoâne cover “port payé” from 1790 :44 Disinfected mail from Haiti :45 Artistic Haitian envelope [part 1 of 7] :46 Windel’s column: Toussaint Louverture – death cell in Fort-de-Joux :47–50 Toussaint Louverture on Haitian stamps :50–52
- June 2013, Vol. 39(2)
The Liberty head “Natal” specimen stamps :21, 25 Editor’s corner :22 Prices realized – March 2013 auction 23 President’s message :24 Membership update 24 Scott C207a variety [really a variety of Scott #C207 printed in red instead of black; whole set exists] :26 The 1976 airmail 80 centimes surcharges – an update [Scott #C443-445, #C447A] :26 Some uncommon Haitian domestic mail carried by ships of the “K.W.I.M.” line. Repr. from The Seaposter, July/Aug. 2004 :27–28 New discovery? Strip of five Liberty heads on cover :29–30 Chinese immigration cover :30 Greetings from Pétion and Boyer – two wonderful letters from first two presidents of Haiti :31–33 Windel’s column: the new smiling face of l’Office des Postes d’Haiti :24, 28, 33–36
- March 2013, Vol. 39(1)
First flight, Port au Prince to San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic :1, 8 Editor’s corner :2 Prices realized – December 2012 auction 3 Membership update 3 President’s message :4 Haiti Philatelic Society financial statement for 2012 :5–6 Avis de réception :7 Haitian international postal rates for letters and parcels as of December 2012 8 Imperforate Liberty heads: the first Haitian postcard :9–10 Haiti censor handstamps revisited (again) :11–13 Windel’s column: Milot duplex cancel – in use for 53 years, 5 months and 6 days, minimum? :14–17 March auction closing 30 March 2013 :4, 13, 17–20
- December 2012, Vol. 38(4)
More on the 1975 Audubon affair :65, 74–75 Editor’s corner :66 Prices realized – September 2012 auction 67 Membership update 67 Results and certification of the 2013-2014 election :68 Another fine mess I got myself into :69–70 A postal stationery card – but which one? :71 I have a question – Nord Alexis essay :71 What chaos – Haitian stamps on German stationery – around the world :72–73 1972 Olympics mystery [showing selvage of Munich 1972 issue] :73 Heavy bidders fight on eBay – $1,600 for Sc #242 block with 4 tête-bêche :76, 80 Windel’s column: 21 lines about love and death in a forgotten Caribbean war :77–79 December auction closing 5 January 2013 :70, 80–83 Post office in Haiti: towards a change of direction :84
- September 2012, Vol. 38(3)
Haiti section of the Scott catalogue – 2013 edition :45, 59–60 Editor’s corner :46 Prices realized – June 2012 auction 47 Membership update 47 Candidate statement :48 Message to the membership of the Haiti Philatelic Society :49–50 HPS has a new secretary-treasurer – Terry Treadwell (HPS #168) 50 High priced souvenir sheets [Scott #857a; #933] :51 The missing – missing colors [Scott #C169a] :51 The voyage of the “Seth Parker” :52 Some words about a French collection of disinfected letters :53–56 Windel’s column: a new discovery 1756 – the first forwarding agent cancel on a letter from Saint Domingue :57–59 September auction closing October 6, 2012 :47, 61–64
- June 2012, Vol. 38(2)
Cocktails, Haiti and aerophilately :29, 35–36 Editor’s corner :30 Prices realized – March 2012 auction 31 A recent purchase – SMS Vineta :32 A kind of Haitian “camel post” :33 Problems on the web :34 Wanted material for the HPS auctions :34 HPS want list program :34 Operation Restore Democracy in Haiti – ship covers :37–38 Windel’s column: new discoveries! Some of Haiti’s first letters after independence in 1804 :39–42 June auction closing July 6, 2012 :36, 38, 43–44
- March 2012, Vol. 38(1)
Revisiting Haiti’s centenary issue of 1903/1904 [Scott #83-95] :1, 10–14, 17 Editor’s corner :2 Haiti Philatelic Society financial statement January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 :3 Prices realized – December 2011 auction 4 President’s message :5 Rarity :6 Information needed [1902 letter from Haiti to Switzerland] :7 Who Is familiar with these specimens? [unissued 1949 UPU anniversary specimens ] :7 Haiti’s 1924 definitive issue [Scott #315-319] :8–9 New EKUs of the 1902 provisionals [Scott #67-81] :15 Salomon issue – who has found the first dates of usages? [Scott #21-25] :16–17 The postcard corner :18–19 More on perfins :20–21 Windel’s column: new discoveries – two internal combination covers and an unknown cancel from Saint-Domingue! :23–25 March auction closing 8 April 2012 :3–4, 6, 9, 22, 25–28
- December 2011, Vol. 37(4)
La Poste à Haiti :57, 67–74 Editor’s corner :58 Haiti Philatelic Society 10 November 2011 interim policy memorandum :59 Prices realized – September 2011 auction 60 Membership update 60 President’s message :61 Honorary life membership for L. Wallace Dean III :62 Scott #176 sold at auction ! [December 8, 2011 auction by Cherrystone, New York] :62 New revenue-used-as-postage discovery :63–64 Astonishing prices! $259 for a 1930 airmail cover! :65–66 Haiti ship cancels in Haitian waters – updates :75–76 Haiti’s 1906 gold issue – new first usages on stamps and covers [Scott #110-124] :77–78 A souvenir of Paris [perfins] :79–81 Windel’s column: new discoveries – internal combination covers with cancels from Haiti and Britain :82–83 December auction closing 5 January 2012 :59–60, 64, 66, 76, 84–87 HPS member speaks at the CCNY :88
- September 2011, Vol. 37(3)
Haiti: the 1881 first issue tête-bêche pairs [Scott #1-2 (Liberty head issue)] :21, 31–36 Editor’s corner :22 The June 2011 auction – a commentary :23 Haiti in 2012 edition of the Scott catalog :23 Prices realized – June 2011 auction 24 Membership update 24 President’s message – StampShow 2011 :25–29 Haitian postal update :30 The postcard corner – Allen & Ginter: first Haiti card? :37–39 Earliest known uses of the 1902 provisional issue [Scott #67-81] :41–46 September auction closing October 2, 2011 :24, 29, 35–36, 40, 46–51 Windel’s column: rare, more rare, most rare – the centenary issue of 1903/1904 on covers [Scott #83-95] :51–56
- June 2011, Vol. 37(2)
An update of Haiti’s early air mail :21, 27–28 Editor’s corner :22 President’s message :23 Flying high [gold medal at the Sarasota National Stamp Exhibition (Feb. 2011)] :23 Prices realized – March 2011 auction 24 Membership update 24 The 1904 centenary issue on cover – new discoveries [Scott #83-95] :25–26 The postcard corner :29–30 Haiti’s 1906 “gold” issue [Scott #110-124] :31–34 China censored cover :35 June auction closing July 2, 2011 :24, 26, 28, 36–40, 42 Windel’s column: 2011 Haitian trend – overprints are jumping high :41–44
- March 2011, Vol. 37(1)
Haiti – a rare forerunner destination :1, 7 Editor’s corner :2 Haiti Philatelic Society financial statement January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 :3 Prices realized – December 2010 auction 4 President’s message :5 Secretary/treasurer annual report - 2010 :6 HPS press release (January 19, 2011) [special study no. 2 Early Air Mail of Haiti] :6 Bud Sellers Memorial Grand Award :8 Haiti’s 10c citadel stamp of 1924 [Scott #316] :9–12, 16 The postcard corner :13, 17 March auction closing April 3, 2011 :4–5, 7, 14–16 Windel’s column: new discovery! An example of German stationery – filled with Haitian history :18–20
- December 2010, Vol. 36(4)
Part I Aerophilatelic errors and ambiguities [part 1 of Early air mail of Haiti. HPS special study no. 2] :73, 78–80 Editor’s corner :74 Certification of elections (2011-2012) :75 Prices realized – September 2010 auction 76 Membership update 76 President’s message :77 APS StampShow 2011 August 11-14, 2011 :77 Portugal 2010 :81–82 Forget Scott – the “new” Haitian stamps – these are the real prices :83–84 December auction closing 7 January 2011 :85–89 Windel’s column: a new discovery: December 7th 1895 – the day upon which the first picture postcard of Haiti was written! :89–92
- September 2010, Vol. 36(3)
Pioneer airmail of Haiti :49, 54 Editor’s corner :50 Haiti in 2011 edition of Scott catalog :51 Prices realized – June 2010 auction 52 Membership update 52 President’s message – “Mr. Haiti” remembered [Bud Sellers] :53–54 Remembrances of Bud Sellers 55 Scott #1 – new Cap Haïtien earliest known date of usage :56 HPS June auction – a new record :56 Bad times in Haiti: outside and inside the post office / Earthquake aftermath in Haiti :57, 59 Further notes on the 1881 20c Liberty value on cover :58–59 New first date for Liberty heads :60 StampShow 2010 Richmond, Virginia :61, 66 September auction closing October 1, 2010 :55, 60, 62–65, 67–68 Mail-processing center opens in Haiti. Repr. from Linn’s Stamp News, 9 Aug. 2010 67 Corrections to “Haiti’s 1902 provisional issue: new facts and findings” as published in HP June 2010 67 Windel’s column: Have you ever seen a cover with five different Haitian town marks? :68–72 “Too sexy to be true” [response to “The rarest examples of Haitian postal stationery!” in HP 36(2)] :Supplement
- June 2010, Vol. 36(2)
Haiti’s 1902 provisional issue: new facts and findings [Scott #67-81; for errata, see issue 36(3), p. 67] :29, 34–37, 46 Editor’s corner :30 Haiti resumes some air service. Repr. from Linn’s Stamp News, 24 May 2010 31 Brian Moorhouse auction results [at Peterborough on March 20, 2010] :32 Prices realized – June 2010 auction 33 Membership update 33 President’s message :33 Possible US naval ships in Haitian waters – “peripheral evidence” list introduction :38–41 June auction closing July 1, 2010 :42–45 Scott nos. 656, the Apollo XIII issue :45 The rarest examples of Haitian postal stationery! [postal card with Scott #113 affixed in used condition] :47–48
- March 2010, Vol. 36(1)
Earliest known usage [of H&G #9 3c Simon Sam ovpt. postal card] :1 Editor’s corner :2 Haiti Philatelic Society financial statement January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 :3 Prices realized – December 2009 auction 4 Membership update 4 President’s message :5 In memoriam: Carroll L. Lloyd :5 US naval ships in Haitian waters – “proof positive” list introduction :6–18 An early airmail cover :19 Postal service re-establishment and varia in light of the earthquake in Haiti :20 March auction closing April 10, 2010 :19, 21–26 Maritime cancel query :24 Caution about Haitian material [stolen from archives in Port-au-Prince after earthquake] :25 The miracle of Germany: Liberty head 20 centimes imperf on cover – for 210 dollars! :26–28
- December 2009, Vol. 35(4)
A new unrecorded Haiti flight from 1930 :49 Editor’s corner :50 Results from the 2009 APS StampShow in Pittsburgh :51 In memoriam: Reginald Gagneron [1st HPS president] 51 Prices realized – September 2009 auction 52 Membership update 52 President’s message :53 The black Napoleon [Pierre Dominique Toussaint] :54, 62–63 12 MAI 1802 essays :55–56 Postal history – literature note :57 Haiti in 2010 edition of the Scott catalog :57, 60 December auction closing January 15, 2010 :52–53, 58–60, 64 A Haiti catapult cover from 1931 :61
- September 2009, Vol. 35(3)
New ship in Haitian waters – U.S.S. Dickerson :33, 39–40 Editor’s corner :34 Addendum to annex A, HPS bylaws :35 Prices realized – June 2009 auction 36 Membership update 36 A cover story: unusual transit and markings :37 Haiti and the Dominican Republic :38, 46 September auction closing October 1, 2009 :35–36, 40–44, 47–48 Melville – “Stamps of Hayti” – part 2 Chapter I Introduction – The story of Hayti [part 2 of 2]. Repr. from The postage stamps of Hayti, C. Nissen & Co, 1905 :45
- June 2009, Vol. 35(2)
The slave who became a king! [Henri Christophe]. Repr. from Americana Philatelic News, Jan./Mar. 2006 :17, 23–24 Editor’s corner :18 President’s message :19 Prices realized – March 2009 auction 20 Membership update 20 A Haitian in the Academy ! [Dr. Jean-François Gibot] :21 Turkish forerunner to a rare destination – Haiti. Repr. from The Israel Philatelist, vol. 60, no. 1, Feb. 2009 :22, 30 Honorary life membership awarded to Dr. G. L. Boarino :25 Continuing promise update :25 June auction closing July 6, 2009 :24–30, 32 The postage stamps of Hayti by Fred Melville, 1905 part 1 [of 2] 31
- March 2009, Vol. 35(1)
Haiti’s first two flights :1, 6 Editor’s corner :2 President’s message :3 Prices realized – December 2008 auction 4 Membership update 4 Haiti Philatelic Society financial statement January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008 :5–9 March auction closing April 5, 2009 :5, 9–13, 15–16 Press release – Haiti’s 1902 provisional issue :14
- December 2008, Vol. 34(4)
An update of revenue stamps used on passports :49, 54–57 Editor’s corner :50 President’s message :51 Prices realized – September 2008 auction 52 Membership update 52 Certification of election :53 December auction closing January 5, 2009 :52, 58–62, 64 USA postage due stamps used In Haiti :62 The Haiti section of the Scott catalogue 2009 edition :63
- September 2008, Vol. 34(3)
Haiti’s first airmail stamps, part III [of 3; Scott #C1-C4]. Repr. from Michel Forand (editor). Opusculum 1: an anthology of philatelic and historical papers. RPSC Philatelic Research Foundation, Ottawa, 1995 :33, 38–40 Editor’s corner :34 President’s message :35 Prices realized – June 2008 auction 36 Membership update 36 The 2 centimes provisional surcharge [Scott #25, #31, #44, #45] :37, 41, 45–46 September auction closing October 4, 2008 :40, 42–44, 46, 48 A New Discovery ? [plate flaw of Liberty head Scott #4] :47 Forged postmarks [see www.filatelia.fi/experts/index.html] :48
- June 2008, Vol. 34(2)
Haiti’s first airmail stamps, part II [of 3; Scott #C1-C4]. Repr. from Michel Forand (editor). Opusculum 1: an anthology of philatelic and historical papers. RPSC Philatelic Research Foundation, Ottawa, 1995 :17, 22–25 Editor’s corner :18 Postage Stamp Mega Event ’08 :19, 29 Prices realized – March 2008 auction 20 Membership update 20 Haiti in the Scott catalog 2008 edition :21 Haiti Philatelic Society honors Carroll Lloyd :21 June auction closing July 5, 2008 :26–29, 32 An unrecorded U.S. naval visitor to Haiti :30 Feldman spring auction results, April 1-5, 2008 31–32
- March 2008, Vol. 34(1)
Haiti’s first airmail stamps, part I [of 3; Scott #C1-C4]. Repr. from Michel Forand (editor). Opusculum 1: an anthology of philatelic and historical papers. RPSC Philatelic Research Foundation, Ottawa, 1995 :1, 7–9, 13–14 Editor’s corner :2 Haiti Philatelic Society financial statement January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007 :3 Prices realized – December 2007 auction 4 Membership update 4 Secretary/treasurer annual report :5 Steiner Haiti album pages (some recommendations) :5 Scott #1-3 on postal stationery sold for $23,000 !!! :6 March auction closing April 18, 2008 :4, 10–12, 16 Two golds for Haiti at SARAPEX ’08 and a critique of a critique :15 Haiti in congress books [published annually since 1935 by the American Philatelic Congress] :16
- December 2007, Vol. 33(4)
Remarks regarding the Salnave listing [of postage stamps overprinted for fiscal use, published 1977 in HP 3(1)] :49, 55 Editor’s corner :50 President’s message :51 Prices realized – September 2007 auction 52 Membership update 52 Strange red markings on early prestamp covers :53–54 Haiti album pages – revisited :54 A new censor handstamp ?? :56 Haiti censor mail update :57, 61 December auction closing January 5, 2008 :54, 58–62, 64 Relative scarcity of the 20c of 1895 and the 1898 provisional [Scott #37; #42] :62 A new or bogus issue? [Beijing Olympics 2008 bogus issue] :63
- September 2007, Vol. 33(3)
Proofs of the 20c lithographed stamp of 1895 [Scott #37] :33, 36–39 President’s message :34–35 Collections scanning project [F. Burton Sellers’ complete collection of 64 vols. on DVD] :35 Membership update 35 PERForated INitials [perfins] :39 La Poste à Haiti :39 The 2007 HPS user survey :40 Scott #C466 error – for the record :40 Harmer-Schau Auctions Northwest August 10-12, 2007 :41 Printer of the 20c lithographed stamp of 1895 [Scott #37] :41 A Mega-Event ’07 experience or More is not always better :42 First stamps printed in Haiti, 1935 [Scott #335-336, #C10] :43 Trade cards :44 Essays for the Empire of Haiti. Repr. from The Stamp Collector’s Magazine, vol. 5, no. 53, 1 June 1867 :44–45 Prices realized – June 2007 auction 45 September auction closing October 10, 2007 :46–48 Sir Winston Churchill issue [Scott #602-608, #C319-C322]. Repr. from Mackay, James. The Guinness book of stamps. Guinness Superlatives Limited, London, 1982, p. 145 48
- June 2007, Vol. 33(2)
Haiti’s date tree issue, 1891-92: observations & notes (part II) [of 2; Scott #26-31] :17, 21–27 User survey progress & interim findings :18 Collections scanning project [F. Burton Sellers’ collection vols. 4 and 5 on DVD] :18 President’s message :19 Society update :20 Membership update 20 Additional Haitian postage stamps overprinted for fiscal use [supplement to list given in HP 28(4): “Topical Haiti revenues”] :27, 32 June auction closing July 15, 2007 :28–31 Prices realized – June 2007 auction 31
- March 2007, Vol. 33(1)
Modern postal history (2003-2004) – new postmarks and new services :1, 7–8 Editor’s corner :2 The state of our Society :3 Certification of elections :4 Prices realized – December 2006 auction 4 Membership update 4 Haiti Philatelic Society financial statement January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006 :5 Haiti – an update to its administrative/postal organization :5 Collections scanning project [F. Burton Sellers’ collection vols. 1 to 3 on DVD] :6 Scott #327 and Scott #108a for the record :6 Haiti’s date tree issue, 1891-92: observations and notes part I [of 2; Scott #26-31] :9, 13–16 March auction closing April 10, 2007 :10–12
- December 2006, Vol. 32(4)
A study of Haiti’s 20 centimes stamp of 1895 & plating guide part III [of 3; Scott #37] :49, 54–57, 60–64 Editor’s corner :50 HPS election candidate biographies :51–53 Prices realized – September 2006 auction 52 Membership update 52 December auction closing January 10, 2006 :58–60
- September 2006, Vol. 32(3)
A French liner named “HAITI” and its connection with postal history :33, 45–48 Editor’s corner :34 Sellers Haiti collection auction results :35, 41 The HPS program at Washington 2006 :36–38 Prices realized – June 2006 auction 36 Membership update 36 UPU unauthorized issues – a confirmation [bogus issues featuring John Paul II and Benedict XVI] :39 Scott catalog 2005 – Haiti prices :41 September auction closing October 10, 2006 :42–44
- June 2006, Vol. 32(2)
A study of Haiti’s 20 centimes stamp of 1895 & plating guide part II [of 3; Scott #37] :17, 22–25 Editor’s corner :18 President’s message :19 Recruiting – help the HPS survive! :20 Prices realized – March 2006 auction 20 Membership update 20 Haiti philately stamp and postal history handbook project :21 June auction closing July 31, 2006 :19, 23, 25–28, 31–32 The HPS collection scanning project :29 An interesting combination of flights – dilemma? :30–32
- March 2006, Vol. 32(1)
Samples of merchandise :1, 9 Editor’s corner :2 President’s message :3 Update – Washington 2006 philatelic exhibition :4 Prices realized – December 2005 auction 4 Membership update 4 Haiti Philatelic Society financial statement January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 :5 Auction results – Brian Moorhouse November 27, 2005 :6–8 So-called new issues of Haiti? [butterflies/scouts sheetlet and Torino Chess Olympiad 2006 bogus issues] :7 March auction closing April 20, 2006 :3, 5, 9–12 A study of Haiti’s 20 centimes stamp of 1895 & plating guide part I [of 3; Scott #37] :13–16
- December 2005, Vol. 31(4)
New and some surprising news of US Navy visitors to Haiti :49, 57, 61–64 Editor’s corner :50 President’s message :51 Haiti album pages :52 Prices realized – September 2005 auction 52 Membership update 52 Saint Domingue award-winning exhibit available :53 Mails to Port Au Prince – a contract from October 1875 :54 Confirmation of the French unit in FIMH Haiti forces :55–56 December auction closing January 20, 2006 :51, 56, 58–60
- September 2005, Vol. 31(3)
US naval visitors to Haiti – unusual finds USS Woodcock and USS Southard :33, 38 Editor’s corner :34 President’s message :35 Washington 2006 World Philatelic Exhibition :36 Prices realized – June 2005 auction 36 Membership update 36 Interexpo 2005 :37 Montes, Mischiak and me :39–41 September auction closing November 1, 2005 :35, 41–44 Auction updates :45–46 Haiti’s unauthorized new issues [bogus issues featuring John Paul II and Benedict XVI] :47–48
- June 2005, Vol. 31(2)
A study of Haiti’s first postage cards and their rarity when used as intended :17, 22–25, 29–30 Editor’s corner :18 President’s message :19 World Association for the Development of Philately (WADP) :20 Prices realized – March 2005 auction 20 Membership update 20 Jusqu’a markings :21 June auction closing July 15, 2005 :26–28, 30 The Audubon souvenir sheet :31 Haiti’s “ugly duckling”: the airport construction tax stamp. Repr. from The American Revenuer, Sept./Oct. 2003 :32
- March 2005, Vol. 31(1)
Obligation Peligre stamp – Peligre dam tax :1, 6 Editor’s corner :2 President’s message :3 Certification of election :4 Prices realized – December 2004 auction 4 Membership update 4 Secretary’s report 2004 :5 Continuation of illustrations from World War II censorship cancels via modern technologies from December 2004 issue of Haiti Philately [part 2 of 2] :7–9 March auction closing April 10, 2005 :6, 10–14 Haiti’s justice fiscal (timbre justice). Repr. from The American Revenuer, July./Aug. 2003 :15–16
- December 2004, Vol. 30(4)
Revisiting WWII censorship cancels via modern technologies – part 1 [of 2] :49, 54–57 Editor’s corner :50 President’s message :51 French unit in multinational interim forces in Haiti :52 Prices realized – September 2004 auction 52 Membership update 52 Auction chat [results of auction at Lugdunum Philatelie in September 2004] :52 Pricing Haiti’s early postal covers :53 December auction closing January 10, 2005 :58–61 Two health-related Haitian fiscals. Repr. from The American Revenuer, Mar./Apr. 2003 :62 Some uncommon Haitian domestic mail carried by ships of the K.W.I.M. line :61, 63–64 New discovery – USS Patterson DD-392 :64
- September 2004, Vol. 30(3)
Belated find in one’s own collection! Earliest US naval ship visitor to Haiti – the “USS Philadelphia” :33, 39–41, 46 Editor’s corner :34 President’s message :35 Prices realized – June 2004 auction 36 Membership update 36 HPS election of officers :37–38 September auction closing October 10, 2004 :36, 38, 42–47 New 2004 Port Au Prince cancel :48
- June 2004, Vol. 30(2)
The philatelic legacies of Jean Jacque Dessalines Cincinnatus Leconte, Haitian president August 14, 1911 - August 8, 1912 [Scott #166-168] :17, 22–25, 30–31 Editor’s corner :18 President’s message :19 Prices realized – March 2004 auction 20 Membership update 20 Auction results [Lugdunum Philatelie March 2004; Spinks Auctions April 2004; Cavendish Auctions April 2004] :21 June auction closing July 10, 2004 :20–21, 26–29 Haitian censorship permits during WWII :32
- March 2004, Vol. 30(1)
Haiti’s “Contribution Civique” fiscal stamps. Repr. from The American Revenuer, Nov./Dec. 2002 :1, 6 Editor’s corner :2 Membership update 2 President’s message :3 Auction chat :4–5 Prices realized – December 2003 auction 4 Haiti Philatelic Society financial statement January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003 :4 Auction results [Roumet (Paris) S.A. mail auction January 2004] :5 Additions and corrections to ship lists of Haiti visitors :6, 13–15 Haiti’s “Contribution de Solidarité” fiscal stamps (1959-1986). Repr. from The American Revenuer, Jan./Feb. 2003 :8–9, 13 March auction closing April 10, 2004 :7, 10–12 Scott #108a update :12 The Haitian post office in 2003 :16
- December 2003, Vol. 29(4)
“Jusq’a” markings on Haitian airmail :49, 54, 61–63 Editor’s corner :50 Membership update 50 President’s message :51 Auction chat :52 Prices realized – September 2003 auction 52 Prices realized – June 2003 auction 52 Recent auctions [Cavendish Auction November 2003; George Alevizos November 2003] :53, 57 Specimen collection :55–56 December auction closing January 25, 2004 :53, 58–60 New issue – bicentenary death of Toussaint Louverture [Scott #934-940] :64
- September 2003, Vol. 29(3)
Natal specimen overprints on Haiti stamps :33, 38, 45–48 Editor’s corner :34 Membership update 34 President’s message :35 Auction results [Roumet (Paris) auction July 2003] :36 Haiti postcards – an introduction :37, 39 A cover story [“avis de réception”] :40 September auction closing November 1, 2003 :36, 39, 41–43, 45 Two Haiti Liberty head collections :44
- June 2003, Vol. 29(2)
Window on a local uprising – 1791 :17, 22 Editor’s corner :18 Membership update 18 President’s message :19 Auction chat :20 Prices realized – March 2003 auction 20 New issue – 1801 constitution bicentennial [Scott #927-933] :21 Tropical Airways of Haiti :23, 28–29 New website [www.cwiakala.com] :24 Auction results [Grosnevor, London, May 2003; David Feldman, Geneva, May 2003; Corinphila, Zurich, May 2003; Roumet, Paris, March 2003; Cherrystone, April 2003] :24, 32 Possible US naval vessel visitors to Haiti based on “peripheral” evidence :25, 28 June auction closing August 15, 2003 :26–27, 29 Scott #108a and #176 [catalog values] :29, 32 US naval vessel visitors to Haitian ports based on “proof positive” evidence – revised pages 47-48 [⇔ pages 15-16 of HP 29(1)] :30–31
- March 2003, Vol. 29(1)
US naval vessels in Haitian waters :“33, 38, 40” ⇔ 1, 6, 8 Editor’s corner :“34” ⇔ 2 Membership update “34” ⇔ 2 President’s message :“35” ⇔ 3 Auction chat :“36” ⇔ 4 Haiti Philatelic Society financial statement January 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002 :“36” ⇔ 4 Prices realized – December 2002 auction “36” ⇔ 4 US naval vessel visitors to Haitian ports based on “proof positive” evidence :“37, 39, 41, 44, 46–48” ⇔ 5, 7, 9, 12, 14–16 Matthew Bennett, Inc. auction highlight – 1889 cover from Haiti to New York :“40” ⇔ 8 March auction closing April 15, 2003 :“42–43, 45” ⇔ 10–11, 13 Auction results [Bennett auction February 2003; Cherrystone January 2003; Cavendish Auction, London, September 2002] :“45, 48” ⇔ 13, 16
- December 2002, Vol. 28(4)
Topical Haiti revenues [comprehensive listing of postage stamps overprinted for revenue use (“timbre mobile” etc.)]. Repr. from The American Philatelist, Feb. 1999 :“33, 38, 40, 44” ⇔ 49, 54, 56, 60 Editor’s corner :“34” ⇔ 50 Membership update “34” ⇔ 50 President’s message :“35” ⇔ 51 Auction chat :“36” ⇔ 52 Prices realized – September 2002 auction :“36” ⇔ 52 Some observations of recent Haitian issues :“36, 39, 46” ⇔ 52, 55, 62 A 1796 letter of some historic importance :“37, 39” ⇔ 53, 55 Haiti’s overprints for revenue use :“41, 47–48” ⇔ 57, 63–64 December auction closing February 15, 2003 :“42–43, 45–46” ⇔ 58–59, 61–62
- September 2002, Vol. 28(3)
A visit to Haiti :33, 38, 40–41, 44, 46 Editor’s corner :34 Membership update 34 President’s message :35 Letter to the editor [of Linn’s Stamp News regarding Haitian “AR” letters] :36 Prices realized – June 2002 auction 36 Haiti in 1934 and 1983 as seen by US Navy sailor, Willis C. Hendrick :37, 39, 41 HPS auction showcase – Scott #108a – lot #1 :39 September auction closing November 15, 2002 :42–43, 45–46 HPS candidates for election 47 Scott #913 – a new finding? [WWF issue of 1999 imperforate; already reported in HP 27(2), p. 22] :47 Another vessel in Haitian waters? The USS Lewis Hancock? :47–48
- June 2002, Vol. 28(2)
The Liberty head reprints. Repr. from The American Philatelist, Dec. 1985, pp. 1100-1104 :“33, 38, 40–41, 47” ⇔ 17, 22, 24–25, 31 Editor’s corner :“34” ⇔ 18 Membership update “34” ⇔ 18 President’s message :“35” ⇔ 19 Deceased collector’s lot :“36” ⇔ 20 Haiti Scott #108a and other auction highlights :“36” ⇔ 20 Three more US naval ship visitors to Haiti? :“37, 39, 44, 46” ⇔ 21, 23, 28, 30 June auction closing July 20, 2002 :“42–43, 45–46” ⇔ 26–27, 29–30 New ship added to list of US Navy ships in Haitian waters :“47” ⇔ 31 You have never had it so good? [Scott #625-627, #C348-350 (butterflies 1969)] :“48” ⇔ 32
- March 2002, Vol. 28(1)
Postal forgeries of the second issue [Scott #7-13 (Liberty head issue)] :“33, 38” ⇔ 1, 6 Editor’s corner :“34” ⇔ 2 President’s message :“35” ⇔ 3 Letter to the editor [correction to Sellers: “Was the U.S.S. MacLeish (DD-220) in Gonaïves Bay in 1925?” in HP 27(4)] :“36” ⇔ 4 Financial statement January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001 :“36” ⇔ 4 Prices realized – December 2001 auction “36” ⇔ 4 My brief trip to Haiti :“37” ⇔ 5 “Bicentenary of the constitution” issue [Scott #927-933] “37” ⇔ 5 Illustrations of covers with French maritime postmarks [see Salle translated articles in previous issues] “38, 42, 46–47” ⇔ 6, 10, 14–15 Censored mail from Haiti before Haiti entered World War II :“39–40, 42” ⇔ 7–8, 10 Auction experiences :“41–42” ⇔ 9–10 Postal relations between France and Haiti during the 19th century – an attempt at valuation :“43–45” ⇔ 11–13 A cover story – a Haiti collector’s potpourri :“47–48” ⇔ 15–16
- December 2001, Vol. 27(4)
Postal relations between France and Haiti during the 19th century [parts 12-16; edited, translated and commented by André Navari] :“33, 38–41, 45–46” ⇔ 49, 54–57, 61–62 Editor’s corner :“34” ⇔ 50 President’s message :“35” ⇔ 51 Secretary’s report :“36” ⇔ 52 Prices realized – September 2001 auction “36” ⇔ 52 European auction results [Roumet (Paris) auction October 2001; Lugdunum Philatelie (Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon) June 2001] :“37” ⇔ 53 Addenda – postal relations between France and Haiti during the 19th century :“37” ⇔ 53 December auction closing February 1, 2002 :“42–44” ⇔ 58–60 Was the U.S.S. MacLeish (DD-220) in Gonaïves Bay in 1925? [for errata, see issue 28(1), p. “36” ⇔ 4] :“47–48” ⇔ 63–64
- September 2001, Vol. 27(3)
Postal relations between France and Haiti during the 19th century [parts 9-11; edited, translated and commented by André Navari] :33, 37, 39, 45 Editor’s corner :34 Membership update 34 President’s message :35 The market [Cherrystone, eBay] :36 Prices realized – June 2001 auction 36 A recent trip to Haiti :38, 46 Caveat emptor [forged 1866 cover] :40–41, 45 September auction closing October 10, 2001 :42–44 Haitian coast guard as of 1965 :46 Haitian coast guard vessels Crête-à-Pierrot and Vertières :46–48
- June 2001, Vol. 27(2)
Postal relations between France and Haiti during the 19th century [parts 5-8; edited, translated and commented by André Navari] :17, 21, 23, 31–32 Editor’s corner :18 Membership update 18 President’s message :19 The market [George Alevizos Public Auctions, Cherrystone, eBay] :20 Financial statement January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 :20 Prices realized – March 2001 auction 20 New issue updates [Scott #919-926 (tourism issue 2000); #913 (WWF issue 1999) imperforate] :21 ZIP codes come to Haiti! :21 USS Birmingham (CL-2) :24 Unusual piastre denominated rates after 1919 :25 June auction closing July 15, 2001 :26–28 Scott #284 – a freak variety :28 Findings on 19th and 20th century “Service Officiel” usage in Haiti :29–30 Corinphila auction results for Haitian airpost material :30 New ship cancel – USS Waters :32
- March 2001, Vol. 27(1)
Postal relations between France and Haiti during the 19th century [parts 1-4; edited, translated and commented by André Navari]. Repr. from La poste maritime française. historique et catalogue. Tome IV. Les paquebots de l'Atlantique Nord. L'Académie de Philatélie 1964 :1, 5, 7, 15 Editor’s corner :2 Membership update 2 President’s message :3 The market [Cherrystone, Nutmeg mail auction] :4 Prices realized – December 2000 auction 4 European auction results [Brian Moorhouse auction November 19, 2000] :6 Interesting eBay lot [Crête-à-Pierrot at Norfolk cover] :7 Sequel to the Postiljonen auction of the Sabattini collection :8, 12 New ship cancellations “surface” on the Internet [USS Michigan and USS Wasmuth covers] :9 March auction closing April 15, 2001 :10–12 [Christmas 1999 issue] 12 The frontier treaty issue of 1928 [Scott #321] :13–14 Late usage of a piastre denominated stamp :16
- December 2000, Vol. 26(4)
Acknowledgement of receipt :49 Editor’s corner :50 Membership update 50 Acting president’s message :51 The market [Postiljonen; Matthew Bennett auction] :52 Prices realized – November 2000 auction 52 A summary of Haitian airpost rates :53 European auction results [Robineau (Paris) November 2000] :54 Master of the crossroads – second installment of Haitian trilogy – book review :55 Postiljonen auction of the Sabattini collection :56, 62–64 Multiple interests combined in a single cover :57, 60 December auction closing January 15, 2001 :58–60 New issue update [Scott #925a (tourism issue 2000 S/S of 7)] :61 Mystery photo – the scene is revealed! [USMC radio station installation near Port-au-Prince ca. 1931] 61
- September 2000, Vol. 26(3)
Port-au-Prince handstamp – variation or new type? :33 Editor’s corner :34 Stolen collection alert!!!! [Brian Oakes collection] 34 Acting president’s message :35 Secretary’s report :36 Prices realized – August 2000 auction 36 A Haitian revenue research project :37, 41 The market [Cherrystone, eBay] :38 Was there a maritime company in Haiti during 19th century? :39 My pursuit of Haiti 176 :40, 46–47 September auction closing November 1, 2000 :42–44 Ship cancels update coming! 44 Haitian new issue updates [Scott #914 (Christmas 1999); #919-926 (tourism issue 2000)] :45 Mystery photo – can you identify this scene??? [USMC radio station installation near Port-au-Prince ca. 1931] 45 Have you seen it before? – Rare cancellation [Verviers-Cöln railroad marking] :46
- June 2000, Vol. 26(2)
Mail of the French postal agency in Haiti :17 Editor’s corner :18 Membership update 18 Acting president’s message :19 Stamp Show 2000 and WIPA 2000 :19 Secretary’s report :20 Prices realized – September 1999, December 1999 and August 2000 auction 20 Auction results [Tomy Anka (Paris) March 2000; Robineau (Paris) April 2000; Jamet Baudot (Paris) May 2000; Latin American Auction (Peterborough, England) May 14, 2000] :21 The market [David G. Phillips sale; E. Joseph McConnell mail sale; Cherrystone Auctions; Afinsa Auctions; eBay] :22 Haitian errors and varieties :23 Postal relations between France and Haiti (St. Domingue) during the 18th century – parts 3 and 4 :25, 27, 31 One of Haiti’s most spectacular air post covers :26 June auction closing August 1, 2000 :28–30 H.P.S. auctions – your opinion please! :30 Haiti paquebot covers are colorful :32
- March 2000, Vol. 26(1)
Second regiment postmarks used by the US marines at Cap Haïtien in 1921 - 1922 :1, 13 Editor’s corner :2 Membership update 2 The Society and beyond :3 Secretary’s report :4 Financial statement January 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999 :4 Auction results [Boule (Monaco) January 2000; Lahitte - Marsanoux (Lyon) January 2000; Roumet (Paris) February 2000] :5 The market [Siegel Auction; Regency Stamps Ltd; Matthew Bennett Inc.; Cherrystone Auctions; eBay] :5 Fauna of Haiti and China ‘99 [Scott #909-912 (indigenous birds 1999); #913 (WWF issue 1999); #915-918 (Chinese inventions 1999)] :6 How to prove mail from a US naval vessel was sent when the vessel was in Haitian waters :7, 8, 15 Postal relations between France and Haiti (St. Domingue) during the 18th century – parts 1 and 2 :9, 12 May auction closing May 1, 2000 :10–11, 15 November 1999 Robineau auction results :14 A cover story – what is it? :15
- December 1999, Vol. 25(4)
Auxiliary markings – an express marking with a twist :49 Editor’s corner :50 Membership update 50 The Society and beyond :51 Secretary’s report :52 “Haitiananna” – a Haitian on a Canadian stamp :52 Auction results [Lugdunum Philatelie (Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon, France) October 1999; Ciph-Nazca (St-Pair-sur-Mer, France) October 1999] :53 The market [Cherrystone, Ivy & Mader, eBay] :53 Haiti revenues – a confirmation and a discovery :54 Paquebot cover – finds the wrong, but honest recipient :55 Updated listing of USMC postmarks used in Haiti :56–57, 60, 62 December auction closing February 28, 2000 :58–59 First connection between Port-au-Prince – Miami and Port-au-Price – Pointe-à-Pitre by Air France :61 Updates to US naval ship cancellations list :61 An unlisted issue, an error or what? [Scott #C129 surcharged like #CB40] :62–63 A cover story :63–64
- September 1999, Vol. 25(3)
A possible 19th century “Service Officiel” usage :33 Editor’s corner :34 Membership update 34 The Society and beyond :35 Secretary’s report :36 A second Haiti-related poster stamp :36 Auction results [Boule (Monaco) May 1999; Lahitte - Marsanoux (Lyon) June 1999; Stanley-Gibbons (London) June 1999; Sinais (Paris) June 1999] :37 June 1999 H.P.S. auction results 37 The making of a hero and a stamp issue (“Capois La Mort”) [Scott #370-378, #C35-C42] :38–41, 45–46 September auction special closing November 15, 1999 :42–44 Vilbrun Guillaume Sam and US intervention, Sudré Dartiguenave (1915 - 1922) :47–48
- June 1999, Vol. 25(2)
US Navy cancels updated list :17, 21–27 Editor’s corner :18 Membership update 18 The Society and beyond :19 Secretary’s report :20 Auction results [Sinais (Paris) March 1999; Club 92 (Belgium) March 1999; Harmers (London) March 1999; Kheops Ventes (Belgium) April 1999; Robineau (Paris) April 1999] :20 HPS at Americas 99 [photo of F. Burton Seller, Ubaldo Deltoro, Carroll Lloyd and Gerald L. Boarino] 21 Haiti’s stamp program [see also “New issues for 1996/1997” in HP 23(2), pp. 23-24] :21 Haiti’s latest new stamp issues [Scott #904-908 (abstract paintings 1998)] :20, 28 June auction closing July 15, 1999 :29–30 Haiti’s 20c imperf on cover – a new discovery [Scott #6 Liberty head] :30–31 More on the five ill-fated presidents [addendum to “Anarchy continues” on p. 32] :31 Anarchy continues [Haiti 1912–1915] :32
- March 1999, Vol. 25(1)
US paquebot cancels and the missing numbers game :1, 6–7 Editor’s corner :2 Membership update 2 The Society and beyond :3 Secretary’s report :4 Auxiliary markings :4 Auction results [Phillips (London) November + December 1998; Ceres (Paris) December 1998; Jamet Baudot December 1998; Boule (Monaco) December 1998; Sinais (Paris) October 1998; JLM Negoce (Villeurbanne) January 1999; Roumet (Paris) February 1999] :5 Financial statement January 20, 1998 through December 31, 1998 :7 Observations regarding the USS New Mexico and other US Navy ships known to have been in Haitian waters :8 Focus on forgeries [Scott #84]. Repr. from Linn’s Stamp News, 1998 9 HPS mail auction 3/99 – closing date for bids 4/30/99 :10–13 About the inauguration of the connection between Port-au-Prince and Willemstad by ALM Netherlands Antilles Airlines :13 Background on ALM :14 A non-Haitian overprint? [“Oficial” overprint on Scott #54] :15 Cincinnatus Léconte (1911-1912) :16 More about President Cincinnatus Léconte :16
- December 1998, Vol. 24(4)
Haiti and K.L.M. airways: an interesting mystery still unsolved :57, 64 Message from the H.P.S. president, L. Wallace Dean III :59 Editor’s corner & varia :59 Auction potpourri [Ashford Stamps Ltd. (Auckland, New Zealand) August 1998; L.D. Mayo Jr. Philatelic Auctions (Indianapolis, Indiana) September 1998; Cherrystone (New York City) September 1998; Regency (St. Louis, Missouri) September 1998; Philatmar (Miami, Florida) September 1998; George Alevizos (Santa Monica, California) September 1998; Harmer-Schau Auctions (Portland, Oregon) September 1998; Yorkshire Cover Auctions (Leeds, England) September 1998; Soler y Llach (Barcelona, Spain) October 1998; Lugdunum Philatélie (Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon, France) October 1998] 60–61 The ABCs of Haiti’s postal markings (1881-1997), part III [of 3; registered, return to sender, postage due] :61–63 President Antoine Simon (1908-1911) :63–64
- September 1998, Vol. 24(3)
The formula cards of Haiti. Repr. from 59th American Philatelic Congress, August 21, 1993. Stampshow 93, Houston, Texas :33, 38–51 Message from the H.P.S. president, L. Wallace Dean III :35 Editor’s corner & varia :35 Auction potpourri [Thomas Høiland Frimærkeauktion (Copenhagen, Denmark) April 1998; Phillips (London, England) April 1998; Kukstis Auctions Inc. (Scituate, Massachusetts) May 1998; Frizzi (Marseilles, France) 1998; Roumet (Paris, France) June 1998; Schwarzenbach (Zurich, Switzerland) June 1998; Interstamps (Wimborne, England) June 1998; Postal History Auctions (London, England) June 1998; Regency Stamps Ltd. (St. Louis, Missouri) June 1998; Scottsdale Public Auction (Scottsdale, Arizona) June 1998; Sinais (Paris, France) July 1998; Pothion (Paris, France) 1998; Yorkshire Cover Auctions (Leeds, England) July 1998] 36–37 New dates for US naval cancels in Haitian waters :37 Catapult–Graf Zeppelin combination cover from Haiti :51–53 The ABCs of Haiti’s postal markings (1881-1997), part II [of 3] :54–56 A cover story: a scarce first flight cover to French Guiana :56
- June 1998, Vol. 24(2)
The Cap Haïtien provisional marking of 1889 [part 2 of 2]. Repr. from 58th American Philatelic Congress, October 10, 1992. COLOPEX 92, Columbus, Ohio :17, 23–28 Message from the H.P.S. president, L. Wallace Dean III :19 Editor’s corner & varia :19 Auction potpourri [Daniel F. Kelleher (Boston, Massachusetts) February 1998; Matthew Bennet Inc. (Baltimore, Maryland) February 1998; Regency (St. Louis, Missouri) March 1998; Yorkshire Cover Auctions (Leeds, England) March 1998 and May 1998; Soler y Llach (Barcelona, Spain) March 1998; Lugdunum Philatélie (Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon, France) March 1998; Cherrystone (New York City) April 1998] 20 Haiti’s latest new issue commemorates the Grimm brothers. [Scott #896-903 (Grimm brothers 1998)] 21 Politics and philately: the presidency of Nord Alexis (1902-1908) :21–22 Spotlighting Brian Oakes 23 The ABCs of Haiti’s postal markings (1881-1997) [part 1 of 3] :29–31 A cover story: a Haitian diplomatic cover :32
- March 1998, Vol. 24(1)
Haiti honors 75th anniversary of the U.P.U. – late and with errors [Scott #385-388, #C49-C51 (issued 1950, one year late)] :1, 11–13 Financial statement January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997 :3 Message from the H.P.S. president, L. Wallace Dean III :4 Editor’s corner & varia :4 Auction potpourri [Boule (Paris) October 1997; Cherrystone (New York City) November 1997; Connexus (Tryon, North Carolina) November 1997; Jamet Baudot (Paris) November 1997; David Feldman (Zurich) November 1997; Lugdunum Philatélie (Ste Fois les Lyon) December 1997; Boule (Monaco) November 1997; Robert A. Siegel (New York City) December 1997; Ceres (Paris) December 1997; Paradise Valley Stamp (Scottsdale, Arizona) January 1998] 5–6 Prices realized for the HPS mail auction of December, 1997 :6 Haiti: a catalog of picture postcards, 1897-1997 [review of Peter C. Jeannopoulos’ book]. Repr. from Postcard Collector, Nov. 1997 :6–7 Politics and philately: Simon Sam (1896-1902) :7 Postal routing map for Saint Domingue :8–10 Spotlighting the H.P.S. president, L. Wallace Dean III 11 The Cap Haïtien provisional marking of 1889 [part 1 of 2]. Repr. from 58th American Philatelic Congress, October 10, 1992. COLOPEX 92, Columbus, Ohio :14–15 A cover story: a Dumas-related folded letter of 1803 :16
- December 1997, Vol. 23(4)
The centenary issue of Haiti on cover [Scott #82-88 (centenary of independance 1903)] :49, 56–58 Message from the H.P.S. president, L. Wallace Dean III :51 Editor’s corner & varia :51–52 Auction potpourri [Cherrystone (New York City) August 1997; Connexus (Tryon, North Carolina) July 1997; Kukstis Auctions (Scituate, Massachusetts) September 1997; Western Auctions Ltd. (Cardiff, Wales) September 1997; Yorkshire Cover Auctions (Leeds, England) September 1997; Regency Stamps Ltd. (St. Louis, Missouri) September 1997; Phillips (London, England) September 1997; Lugdunum Philatélie (Ste Foy lesLyon) September 1997; Heinrich Köhler (Wiesbaden, Germany) September 1997; Estudio 20 (Buenos Aires, Argentina) September 1997; Abraham Siegel (New York City) October 1997; Brian Moorhouse (Peterborough, England) September 1997; Hunters (Bollington, Cheshire, England) September 1997; J. Robineau (Paris) October 1997; Jon Berman (Trevone, Cornwall, UK) October 1997; Stamp Exporter Auctions (Knutsford, England) October 1997); Alco Collectibles Inc. (Jacksonville, Florida) November 1997] 52–54 Getting my mail in Haiti. Repr. from Canadian Forces Philatelic Society Bulletin, vol. 22, no. 1, 1996/97 :54 Profiling our new secretary/treasurer, Wally DelToro (HPS #219) 55 An unadopted essay [Scott #32-43] :55 United States Navy in Haiti cover update :56 Two letters and emperor Faustin Soulouque :58–60 Unusual on-cover usages of Haitian stamps [for errata, see issue 24(1), p. 4] :60–62 Politics and philately: President Florvil Hyppolite (1889-1896) [part 2 of 2] :63 A cover story: an advertising cover :64
- September 1997, Vol. 23(3)
Silvio Cator – Haiti’s greates athlete [Scott #421-423, #C115-C118] :33, 39–43 Message from the H.P.S. president, L. Wallace Dean III :35 Editor’s corner & varia :33, 35–36 Auction potpourri [Lugdunum Philatelie (Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon, France) March 1997; Monaco Collections (Monaco) April 1997; Cherrystone (New York City) June 1997; Phillips (London) June 1997; Shreve’s Philatelic Galleries (Dallas, Texas) June 1997; Roumet (Paris) June 1997; Rosed Co. (Henderson, Nevada) June 1997; M.D. Piggin (Derbyshire, England) July 1997; Downeast (Bangor, Maine) July 1997; Yorkshire Cover Auctions (Leeds, England) July 1997; Abraham Siegel (New York City) July 1997] 36–37 Prices realized for the HPS net price sale June, 1997 :38 Carroll Lloyd (HPS #6) – a profile 38 More on the Nord Alexis commemorative overprint [Scott #52-66 (Simon Sam issue 1898-1899) with Nord Alexis commemorative overprint] :43 Politics and philately: the presidencies of François D. Légitime (1888-1889) and Florvil Hyppolite (1889-1896), part I [of 2] :44–45 A philatelic addendum [“R:S:” overprint and Cap Haïtien provisional marking] :45–46 U.S. military censorship in Haiti during World War I – an unreported censor label :46 The “S.S. Winnie” :47 A cover story: a 1952 aerophilatelic treasure [“Jusq’en France” marking] :48
- June 1997, Vol. 23(2)
Mail between Haiti and Britain to July 1881 – part II: rates [part 2 of 2; for errata, see issue 23(3), p. 36] :17, 29–31 Message from the H.P.S. president, L. Wallace Dean III :19 Editor’s corner & varia :19–20 Auction potpourri [Roumet (Paris) May 1997; Lugdunum Philatélie, February 1997; Interstamps (Bournemouth, England) February 1997; JLM Négoce (Villeurbanne) February 1997; Sinais (Paris) March 1997; Regency Stamps, LTD. (St. Louis, Missouri) March 1997; Siegel Auction Galleries (New York City) March 1997 and May 1997: Schwarzenbach (Zurich) March 1997; Cherrystone (New York City) April 1997; Alco Collectibles, Inc., April 1997)] 21 Prices realized for the HPS mail auction of December, 1996 22 Prices realized for the HPS mail auction of March, 1997 22 New issues for 1996/1997 [Scott #884-889 (Christmas 1996); #890-895 (50th anniversary (in 1996) of UNICEF 1997); also mentioning the announcement of several issues that didn't happen plus an issue commemorating “the 125th anniversary (sic!) of the publication of the brothers Grimm first fairy tale” (in 1812); see also “Haiti’s stamp program” in HP 25(2), p. 21] :23–24 Three late 1995 provisionals [Scott #881-883 (November 1996 provisionals !!!)] :24 More on APO 09371 :24–25 Profiling Dr. Gale J. Raymond (H.P.S. #389) 25 A Danish West Indies–Haiti connection [for errata, see issue 23(3), p. 36] :26 Haiti: the double arc datestamps of the British post office. Repr. from The Mainsheet, vol. 21, no. 84, Nov. 1996 :27–28 Politics & philately: the productive presidency of Lysius Salomon (1879-1888) [part 2 of 2] :28 A cover story: a domestic cover with an unreported Dutch paquebot cancel type :32
- March 1997, Vol. 23(1)
Mail between Haiti and Britain to July 1881 [part 1 of 2] :1, 11–12 Financial statement January 1, 1996 through December 31, 1996 :3 Message from the H.P.S. president, L. Wallace Dean III :4 Editor’s corner & varia :4–5 Auction potpourri [Sinais (Paris) October 1996; Cherrystone (New York City) November 1996; George Alevizos mail sale, November 1996; Jamet-Baudot (Paris) November 1996; Yorkshire Cover Auctions, January 1997; Newman & Co. (Weehauken, NJ) January 1997; Harmers (London) January 1997; Köhler (Wiesbaden, Germany) February 1997; Cherrystone, February 1997; Matthew Bennett Inc. (Baltimore) February 1997; Soler y Llach (Barcelona) February 1997] 6–7 Is this a Haitian postman’s badge? :7 Stamps: provisionals & new issues [Scott #873-876 (1996 provisionals); #877-878 (1996 Summer Olympics); #879-880 (centenary of volleyball 1996)] :8 More on prepaid postage usage :9 Profiling André Navari (H.P.S. #218) 9 Politics & philately: the productive presidency of Lysius Salomon (1879-1888) [part 1 of 2] :10 Mail “Via New York” that wasn’t. Repr. from Seaposter, May/June 1995 :13–14 The Barbados Defense Force in Haiti :14–15 A cover story: extraordinary postal doings on 3 January 1920 [paper strips as substitutes for stamps] :16
- December 1996, Vol. 22(4)
The post between Haiti and the United States prior to 1881, part II [of 2] :49, 53–55 Message from the H.P.S. president, F. Burton Sellers :51 Editor’s corner & varia :51 Auction potpourri [Interstamps (Bournemouth, UK) July 1996; Harmers (London) July 1996; Yorkshire Cover Auctions, August 1996] 51–52 Prices realized / HPS mail auction of June, 1996 A cover story: Haiti’s first crash cover [Haiti Airways 1965] :56
- September 1996, Vol. 22(3)
The post between Haiti and the United States prior to 1881 [part 1 of 2] :33, 45–47 Message from the H.P.S. president, F. Burton Sellers :35 Editor’s corner & varia :35–36 Auction potpourri [Cavendish (London) June 1996; Chevalier (Paris); Wolf (Paris) May 1996; Lugdunum Philatélie, June 1996; Downeast Stamps (Bangor, ME) June 1996; Sinais (Paris) June 1996; Cherrystone (New York City) June 1996; George Alevizos public auctions nos. 93 and 94, July 1996; Alco Collectibles (Jacksonville)] 36–37 Two prepaid postage postmarks :37 The H.P.S. nominating committee 38 Profiling Dr. Mike Chemaly (H.P.S. #191) 38 President Boisrond Canal (1876-1879) :39 A philatelic addendum: the Canal essay :39 U.S. Navy cover watch for Haiti 40 A “dog’s” possibly unique history [penalty cover] :40–41 The GL O.Z. overprint revisted [Scott #169-201, #276-#308, #J14-J20; type 1 and type 2 overprints] :41–44 A cover story: the use of regular postage stamps to pay postage due :48
- June 1996, Vol. 22(2)
An overview of the United Nations mission in Haiti’s (UNMIH) postal operations – part II, Canada and the United States [part 2 of 2; for errata, see issue 22(3), p. 35] :17, 23–25 Message from the H.P.S. president, F. Burton Sellers :19 Editor’s corner & varia :19–20 Auction potpourri [Harmers (London) February 1996; Jacques Robineau (Paris) March 1996; Lugdunum Philatélie, March 1996; Regency, March 1996; Alco Collectibles mail auction, April 1996; Cherrystone, April 1996; ELS Auctions (Santa Cruz) April 1996; Jamet Baudot (Paris) April 1996; Bernard Brunet (Bourg St. Maurice, France) April 1996; Stanley Gibbons (London) May 1996; Heinrich Köhler (Wiesbaden, Germany) May 1996] 20–21 Profiling Yves Gardère (HPS #41) 21 Politics & philately: Michel Domingue (1874-1876) :22 A philatelic addendum: a cover during the Domingue regime :22 New discoveries and dates of issue of the Dessalines stamps of 1954-1957 [Scott #406-409a, #C93-C94 (Dessalines issue of 1955-1956); #C95-C96 (150th anniversary of Haitian independence)] :25–26 Unlisted stamps with the 1914 GL O.Z. overprint and stamps with counterfeit GL O.Z. overprints [Scott #169-201, #J14-J20] :27–31 A cover story: a rarity of the “stolen issue” :31–32
- March 1996, Vol. 22(1)
An overview of the United Nations mission in Haiti’s (UNMIH) postal operations – part I [of 2] :1, 9–12 Financial statement January 1, 1995 through December 31, 1995 :3 Message from the H.P.S. president, F. Burton Sellers :4 Editor’s corner & varia :4–5 Auction potpourri [Christie's (London) December 1995; Lugdunum Philatélie, December 1995; Yorkshire Cover Auctions (Leeds, England) December 1995; Alevizos (Santa Monica, CA) December 1995; Alco Collectibles mail auction, January 1996] 5–6 Prices realized for HPS auction of December 1995 6 Politics & philately: the “peaceful” presidency of Nissage Saget (1870-1874) :7 Profiling O. Carlos Stoetzer (HPS #278) 7 U.S. Navy cover watch for Haiti 8 Haiti commemorates the United Nations’ 50th anniversary with a new issue [Scott #866-872] :8 The inconsistencies of Scott catalog pricing – Haiti B1 & CB1-2 as examples :12–13 Haiti: censored mail in World War II :13–14 Two unreported USMC postmarks for Haiti :15 A cover story: external rate on 1953 newspaper sent to the United States :16
- December 1995, Vol. 21(4)
An overview of the US’ Haiti Joint Task Force (JTF), its postal operations and postmarks – part III (conclusion): the 351st and the 300th AG Company Postal of the United States Army Reserve [part 3 of 3] :49, 57–58 Message from the H.P.S. president, F. Burton Sellers :51 Editor’s corner & varia :51–52 Auction potpourri [Alevizos mail sale, July 1995; Regency, August 1995; Stanley Gibbons (Australia) August 1995; Alevizos public auction, October 1995; Lugdunum Philatélie, October 1995; Cherrystone, October 1995] 52–54 Prices realized / HPS mail auction of June 1995 54 Haiti’s latest issue of stamps commemorates meeting of the Organization of American States [Scott #859-865; for errata, see issue 22(1), p. 4] 54 Review [Hans Schmidt (1995): The United States occupation of Haiti, 1915-1934. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey] :55–56 Profiling Jean Claude Bruffaerts, HPS #232 56 Politics and philately – the trying tenure of Sylvain Salnave (1867-1869) :59 Philatelic addendum – a letter of the last days of Salnave :59–60 Even more on Haiti’s modern airlines :60–64 A cover story: a 1921 postage due cover :63–64
- September 1995, Vol. 21(3)
An overview of the US’ Haiti Joint Task Force (JTF), its postal operations and postmarks – part II: the US Air Force’s 609th and the US Army’ AG postal companies [part 2 of 3] :33, 40–42 Message from the H.P.S. president, F. Burton Sellers :35 Editor’s corner & varia :35–36 Auction potpourri [Lowell S. Newman, February 1995; Connexus mail auction, March 1995; Regency, April 1995; Christie’s, May 1995; Lugdunum Philatélie, June 1995;] 36–37 Review [Philip Cockrill: KNSM / The Royal Netherlands Steamship Company (1856-1981). Booklet #26, Bracknell, Enland; for errata, see issue 22(2), p. 19] 37–38 Profiling Mrs. Barbara Levine (HPS #176) 38 Politics & philately: Nicolas Fabré Geffrard, President-for-Life (1859-1876) :39 Tracking APO 2494 :43–44 We’re only the third! [forerunners of the Haiti Philatelic Society] :45–47 A cover story: an 1878 Haitian cover transited via Navassa Island :48
- June 1995, Vol. 21(2)
An overview of the US’ Haiti Joint Task Force (JTF), its postal operations and postmarks – part I: introduction and the US Navy [part 1 of 3] :17, 26–29 Message from the H.P.S. president, F. Burton Sellers :19 Editor’s corner & varia :19–20 Politics & philately: Soulouque and the lure of empire (1847-1859) :21–22 Auction potpourri [Alevizos public auction, March 1995] 22 Jamet St. Domingue material auctioned [J. Robineau (Paris) March 1995] :22 Haiti’s Philatelic Agency :23 Profile: Mrs. Judith White (HPS #149) 24 Review [Haïti 1919-1920 / Le livre bleu d’Haïti (blue book of Haiti). Klebold Press, New York City] :25 The British crown-circle cancellations of Haiti :29–31 A cover story: early Haitian revenues on documents :31–32
- March 1995, Vol. 21(1)
Forwarding agents in Haiti :1, 8–11 Financial statement January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1994 :3 Message from the H.P.S. president, F. Burton Sellers :4 Editor’s corner & varia :4–6 Review [Jean-Louis Harry-Germain (1981): Rétrospection sur la poste haïtienne. La Phalange, Port-au-Prince, Haiti] :7 Auction potpourri [Alevizos mail auction, November 1994; Brian Moorhouse, December 1994] 7–8 The “Hindenburg” cover :12–13 Expertos Stampman, a philatelic chiaroscuro :13 An unusual mourning cover :14–15 Additional membership names [joining October to December 1994] 15 A cover story: an aerophilatelic marvel? [see also “follow-up” in HP 21(2), p. 20] :16
- December 1994, Vol. 20(4)
More on Haiti’s modern airlines :53, 62–63 Editor’s corner & varia :55 FDR: a more personal side of this Haiti collector [Robert A. Siegel Auction, May 28, 1994] :59–60 Auction notes :60 Additional U.S. Navy covers for Haiti :60 A new first day of issue date for Haiti C4A :61 : [Review of Ian McQueen (1993): Jusqu’à airmail markings (A Study). W.A. Page, Dartford, England] 61 : [Review of Martin Sellinger: Sellinger’s inverted center stamps of the world, catalog 1994-1995. published by the author, White Plains, NY, USA] 62 Haiti’s second airmail issue [Scott #C5-C9] :64 A cover story: Haitian paid reply postal cards :68
- September 1994, Vol. 20(3)
Clairvoyance circa 1960 [Scott #469 (15th anniversary of the United Nations) with inverted center] :37 Saint Domingue postscript [to Maurice Jamet’s work presented in March 1994 issue] :37, 44–47 Editor’s corner and varia :39–42 Auction potpourri [Christie's, May 1994; Cherrystone, June 1994; Alevizos mail sale, June 1994] :42 : [Review of Robert G. Stone (1993): A Caribbean Neptune: the maritime postal communications of the Greater and Lesser Antilles in the 19th Century. Philatelic Foundation, New York, 396 pp.] 43 Stamp design error [Scott #317] 43 Marginalia: the United States Coast Guard and Navy and Haiti-related philatelic covers :48–51 A cover story: foreign airmail route 6 :52
- June 1994, Vol. 20(2)
Haiti’s double reply postal cards :25, 30–32 Editor’s corner and varia :27–28 : [Review of Carroll Lloyd (1993): The formula cards of Haiti. 59th American Philatelic Congress. pp. 83-99] 29 Treasurer’s 1993 financial report for the HPS :29 Additional U.S. Navy covers :32 A postage due postscript [to “Haiti’s first postage due stamps and their usage” in HP 19(3)] :33 Two unreported Haitian censorship handstamps :34 Auction potpourri [Robert Siegel, November 1993; Cherrystone, February 1994] :35 Foreign error corner [Scott #417 (World Fair at Brussels issue) with “+50c” Red Cross surcharge]. Repr. from Mekeel’s Weekly Stamp News, 17 Sept. 1993 :35 A cover story: modern postage dues on cover :36
- March 1994, Vol. 20(1)
150 years of postal history of the former French colonies (1700-1860) [translated by André Navari; see also Wallace Dean’s “Saint Domingue postscript”, HP 20(3)]. Repr. from the chapter concerning Saint Domingue from the book 150 Ans d’histoire postale des anciennes colonies françaises (1700-1860)., published 1980 by Mme. Maurice Jamet 1–24
- December 1993, Vol. 19(4)
An updated list of U.S. Navy cancels in Haiti :67, 70–74 Editor’s corner and varia :68–69 Haiti’s latest issue of stamps [Scott #854-858 (500th anniversary of the discovery of America 1492), issued in 1993] 69 An unreported Haitian postal tax stamp [Scott #RA46 ( “hydroelectric dam” issue); see also “a clarification”, HP 19(4), p. 27] :69 An unreported USMC postmark for Cap-Haïtien :75 Haiti related ephemera [poster stamp showing the Citadel] :75 An Audubon addendum :76 The Haitian flag: politics and philately [Scott #C403-C406] :77 A cover story [Dutch K.W.I.M. paquebot cancels] :78
- September 1993, Vol. 19(3)
Varia :48–49 Haiti’s first postage due stamps and their usage [Scott #J1-J4; see also “a postage due postscript” in HP 20(2)] :50–64 A cover story [1914 cover with “USS Connecticut Port Prince Haiti” cancel] :65–66
- June 1993, Vol. 19(2)
Editor’s corner and varia :32–36 Madagascar U.P.U. specimens... 34 Port-au-Prince creates yeat another postal substation [Cité Soleil] :35 Three generations of Dumas [Scott #474]. Repr. from Global Stamp News, May 1992 :37–39 Cachets / questions... [“semaine du courrier aerien” and “exposition bicentenaire de P-au-P”] :39 Three puzzling contemporary paquebot marks from Haiti [for errata, see issue 19(3), p. 48] :40–45 A cover story: U.S. censorship markings in Haiti during World War I :46
- March 1993, Vol. 19(1)
Haiti’s later airmail history :2–9 A flock of 75 different Audubon stamps [for errata, see issue 19(3), p. 48] :9–22 A cancel update [Haitian postmarks: error corrections and new finds] :23–29 Haiti Philatelic Society income statement for year ending Dec. 31. 1992 [treasurer’s report] :29 Sylvio Cator: Haiti’s famous athlete [Scott #421-423, #C115-C118; cartoon] :30
- December 1992, Vol. 18(4)
A re-examination of the Nord Alexis issue [Scott #96-107 (issue of 1904)] :101–159 A cover story [1915 cover with imperforate Nord Alexis stamps] :160
- September 1992, Vol. 18(3)
Editor’s corner and varia [Nord Alexis essay – completion of Wilson’s “United Nations Relief: obligatory tax stamps 1944-1945” from HP 18(2)] :72–75 In memoriam [Henryk Misiak] :75–76 Major perforation varieties of the Nord Alexis issue [Scott #96-101 and all overprints] :76–86 The question of Haiti [Nord Alexis issue; translated by Peter C. Jeannopoulos]. Repr. from Le Timbre-Poste, no. 4, 25 Apr. 1907 :86–87 An introduction to the 1904 Nord Alexis issue [Scott #96-107 (Nord Alexis issue 1904)] :87–89 Forgeries & reprints: Haiti 1904 [Scott #96-107 (Nord Alexis issue); translated by John Strauss]. Repr. from Vertrauliches Korrespondenz-Blatt, vol. 17, 1907, pp. 166-168 :89–92 Focus on forgeries columns #52, #53, #54 [Scott #96-107 (Nord Alexis issue 1904)]. Repr. from Linn’s Stamp News, 1989 :93–95 Some dangerous reprints and forgeries of Hayti [Scott #96-107 (Nord Alexis issue 1904)]. Repr. from Stamp Collectors’ Fortnightly, vol. 13, no. 323, 27 July 1907, p. 89 :96–97 Hayti [Scott #96-107 (Nord Alexis issue 1904)]. Repr. from American Journal of Philately, vol. 16, 15 July 1904, p. 273 98 International reply coupons 99 Haiti honours the famous Dumas family [Scott #472-474, #C177-C179; cartoon] :100
- June 1992, Vol. 18(2)
Editor’s corner and varia :36–38 The missing ten centimes denomination [Scott #1-6 (Liberty head issue)] :38–41 [postmark commemorating the bicentenary of the voodoo ceremony of Bois Caïman] 41 Revenue stamps and fiscal paper, part III – papier timbre (stamped paper) [part 3 of 3] :42–47 United Nations Relief: obligatory tax stamps 1944-1945 [Scott #RA1-RA8; see also “addendum” in editor’s corner of HP 18(3)] :48 Comments on forgeries of the 1902 provisional issue [corrections and additions to “Haiti: differentiating forgeries of the 1902 provisional issue” in HP 17(2)] :49–53 An introduction to the Kohl handbook translation :54–55 The Kohl handbook: Haiti’s revolutionary issue of 1902 [Scott #67-81; translated by John Strauss] :56–61 Port-de-Paix cancels :62–66 1991 postal rates 67–68 Granada 92 [International Stamp Exhibition] :69 The pirate stamps of Haiti [Scott #475-479, #C180-C182; cartoon] :70
- March 1992, Vol. 18(1)
Editor’s corner and varia :2–5 Haiti Philatelic Society income statement for year ending Dec. 31. 1991 [treasurer’s report] :6 Philatelic aspects of the embargo [imposed on October 2, 1991] :7–8 The 200th anniversary of Bois Caiman [Scott #580-583, #C289-C295; Scott #849-853] :9–12 Haiti’s second and third palm tree issue: similar but different [Scott #32-43] :13–16 Revenue stamps and fiscal paper [parts 1 and 2 of 3; for errata, see issue 18(2), p. 37] :17–34 In memoriam [Earl Welch] :34
- December 1991, Vol. 17(4)
Editor’s corner and varia :52–53 More U.S. Navy covers cancelled in Haiti :53–55, 61 Haiti, a new issue [Scott #849-853 (200th anniversary of the slave rebellion)] :55 Additional revenue stamps on cover :56–57 A Port-de-Paix first flight cover :58–61 President T.A. Simon Sam on early picture postcards 62 Haitian paquebot mail. Repr. from Seaposter, Mar./Apr. 1991 :63–65 A cover story: a perplexing bit of postal stationery [reply part of British postal card sent from Port-au-Prince] :65–66
- September 1991, Vol. 17(3)
Editor’s corner and varia :40 Haiti: an unadopted essay [Scott #349-#354 (destruction of the Crête-à-Pierrot)]. Repr. from The Mainsheet, Apr. 1991, p. 30 41 Essays: the good and the bad [1930’s artists’ sketches] :42–43 Some puzzling aspects of the 1939 “maiden vogage” covers of Panama line ships :44–48 A cover story [1945 A.P.O. 2494 covers] :49–50
- June 1991, Vol. 17(2)
Editor’s corner and varia :20–21 A message from the HPS president :20–21 Haiti: differentiating forgeries of the 1902 provisional issue [see also “comments on forgeries of the 1902 provisional issue” in HP 18(2); errata listed in HP 17(3), p. 40, have been corrected in the PDF] :22–36 Unreported Pétion-Ville postmarks 37 A cover story [1918 postally used Ottmar Zieher “stamp” card] :37–38
- March 1991, Vol. 17(1)
Editor’s corner and varia :2–3 Forgeries of Haiti 1881: Baguet’s ‘Liberty head’ forgery. Repr. from Cinderella Philatelist, vol. 30, Apr. 1990, pp. 29-32 :4–8 Haiti postal operations “acknowledgement of reception” [AR registration, “avis de réception” cards] :9–15 Haiti Philatelic Society income statement for year ending Dec. 31. 1990 [treasurer’s report] :16 A cover story: unrecorded “provisional” censor cover [1941] :17–18
- December 1990, Vol. 16(4)
Editor’s corner and varia [acknowledgement concerning “an essay of the Salomon issue of 1887” in HP 16(3) – corrections to Seller’s introduction to “gold currency overprints” in HP 16(2) – 1990 postal rates for Haiti] :56–58 Haiti’s Columbus commemorative cancel. Repr. from Journal of the Christopher Columbus Society, vol. 8, no. 1, 12 Jan. 1990 :59–61 Additional comments about the Moens’ forgery :62–64 Diplomatic pouch mail from Haiti :65–69 A cover story [1825 cover from Port Platt, Spanish portion of the Rebuplic of Haiti] :69–70
- September 1990, Vol. 16(3)
Editor’s corner and varia :36–38 Haiti’s smallest first day cover? [Scott #C33 Roosevelt memorial issue] :38–39 An essay of the Salomon issue of 1887 [Scott #23; see also “acknowledgement...” in editorial of HP 16(4)] :39 Postal censorship in Haiti during the First World War: the context and guidelines for identification :40–44 Haitian postal censorship during World War II: 1990 update :45–51 Recent bibliography of F. Burton Sellers 52 Cover story: unrecorded WWII censor labels of Haiti :53–54
- June 1990, Vol. 16(2)
Editor’s corner and varia :18–20 Auction sale of Sellers’ Liberty head collection :20–21 Westen Dauphin – 1903-1990 [obituary] :19 “Manque de timbres” [stamp shortages] :22–26 Introduction to article on “gold currency overprints” [Scott #110-124; see also “correction...” in editorial of HP 16(2)] :27–28 Haiti: the gold currency overprints [Scott #110-124] :28–29 An introduction to the “forgeries of 1902 overprints” :30 “Forgeries of the 1902 overprint” [untitled excerpt from Farnstrom’s HAITI / 1881-1906. Sveriges Filatelist-Forbund, 44 pp.; translated by S.C. Swanberg] :31–33 A cover story [1942 advertising cover] :34
- March 1990, Vol. 16(1)
Editor’s corner and varia :2–4 Mekeel’s 1907 forgery :5–9 The Moens’ Liberty head forgery :10–14 Haiti Philatelic Society income statement for year ending Dec. 31. 1989 [treasurer’s report] :15 A cover story [Haitian promotional seal on cover] :16
- December 1989, Vol. 15(4)
Editor’s corner and varia :46–47 Additional unadopted postal stationery essays for Haiti :48–49 Forgeries of 1892 and 1896 [Scott #32-43; translated by Barbara Fraize]. Repr. from Germania-Berichte, vol. 21, no. 11, 1924, p. 186 :50 Haiti [CTO and forged PaP cancels on early issues; translated by Barbara Fraize]. Repr. from Illustriertes Briefmarken-Journal, vol. 40, no. 17, 6 Sept. 1913 :51–52 More on USMC postmark types used in Haiti :53–54 A cover story [1949 cover with “Jusq’à” and Austrian censor department markings] :55–56
- September 1989, Vol. 15(3)
Editor’s corner and varia :32–34 Haitian postal rate changes of 1919 :35–38 Haiti potpourri [Scott #RA1-RA4; for errata, see issue 15(4), pp. 46-47] :38 Boyd–Lyon epilog [Scott #C4A] :39–41 A postal stationery card :41–42 A “crash”cover story [2/17/1921 plane crash about 2 miles from Lascahobas] :43–44
- June 1989, Vol. 15(2)
Editor’s corner and varia :18 The Boyd–Lyon round-trip to Haiti (part II) [of 2; Scott #C4A; see also HP 15(3) for “Boyd–Lyon epilog”]. Repr. from Airpost Journal, Aug. 1987, p. 383 :19–23 Cap Haïtien cancels :24–28 A cover story [1902 cover with “disinfected” marking] :29–30
- March 1989, Vol. 15(1)
Editor’s corner and varia [Audubon scandal as per Elizabeth Abbot (1988): Haiti / The Duvaliers and their legacy. Mc Graw-Hill, New York City – 1942-44 tuberculosis seals] :2–6 The Boyd–Lyon round-trip to Haiti [part 1 of 2; Scott #C4A]. Repr. from Airpost Journal, July 1987, p. 322 :7–13 Haiti Philatelic Society income statement for year ending Dec. 31. 1988 [treasurer’s report] :14 A cover story [1930 cover from prisoner to “Provisional President” Roy] :15–16
- December 1988, Vol. 14(4)
Editor’s corner and varia :114–115 New issue... [Scott #844-848 (Charlemagne Péralte)] 115–116 A philatelic mystery [Haiti no. 1 with Cap Haïtien provisional marking] :116–118 H.P.S. mail auction 1988 report :119–120 A cover story [1946 cover sent from Roche-à-Bateau] :121–122
- September 1988, Vol. 14(3)
Editor’s corner and varia [Scott #B20 color error (basic stamp Scott #469 printed in blue instead of green)] :100–103 Haiti revenue stamps on postal covers: epilogue :104–108 A spectacular new find? [1906 “gold” issue with faked 1902 provisional government overprint] :109–111 A cover story: air mail via Haiti :111–112
- June 1988, Vol. 14(2)
Editor’s corner and varia [“an addendum...” to article series “history of the National Railway Company of Haiti” in HP 12(1-3)] :84–86 The 1986 Haitian passport and passport stamps :87–90 Further updating of USN covers with cancels in Haiti :91–92 Varieties of the 1892-1895 issue [Scott #32-37] :93–97 A cover story [three wrappers with special rate for sample of merchandise] :98
- March 1988, Vol. 14(1)
Editor’s corner and varia :70–71 Cancels of Cayes :72–77 A second Fournier Liberty head forgery: opinion, fact or fiction? [for errata, see issue 14(2), p. 84] :77–78 The maiden voyage of the “S.S. America” :79–80 Haiti Philatelic Society income statement for year ending Dec. 31. 1987 [treasurer’s report] :81 A cover story [erroneously repeats the text from HP 13(4)] :82 - FIXME: According to the editorial of the next issue, a replacement for page 82 with the correct cover story was shipped with HP 14(2), but it isn't in either of the PDFs.
- December 1987, Vol. 13(4)
Editor’s corner :50 Membership... 50 Literature review [of Peter C. Jeannopulos (1987): A study of Haiti’s 20 centimes lithographed stamp of 1895 and plating guide.] :51 Auction news 51–52 Genuine and false (issues) from Haiti [translated by Eric Roberts]. Repr. from Postryttaren. (the Swedish postmuseum yearbook) 1968 :52–56 Haiti revenue stamps on postal covers. Repr. from The American Revenuer, Mar. 1987 :57–66 Stamps and the new constitution [prohibiting the use of images or names of living people on Haiti’s money or stamps] :67 A cover story [postage due on US cover to Haiti] :68
- September 1987, Vol. 13(3)
Editor’s corner :36–37 Haiti’s second Coat-of-Arms issue, 1892-1895 [Scott #32-37; for errata, see issue 14(1), pp. 70-71] :37–42 A new issue... [Scott #837-843 (40th anniversary of the founding of UNESCO)] 43 A double impression of the 1887 issue [Scott #24a (5c Salomon stamp)] :44–45 The auction of the “Hispanionla” collection of Haiti :45–47 A cover story [newspaper wrapper sent registered] :48
- June 1987, Vol. 13(2)
Editor’s corner :20 Haiti at the F.D.R. auction of 1946 :20–21 A sweepstakes lottery in Haiti, also being a somewhat personal history :22–24 Jean Baptiste Pointe du Sable [Scott #448-450, #C145-C147 (3rd Pan American Games, Chicago, 1959)] :25 Hayti or Haiti? :26–29 A partial census of Haitian town cancels in use 1986 :30–32 New variety or fake [Scott #C183a (Scott #C93 with “Dr. F. Duvalier ... 1961” overprint)] :33 A cover story [1889 domestic triple rate cover] :34
- March 1987, Vol. 13(1)
Editor’s corner :2–3 Membership 3 Multiples of the Liberty head issues of Haiti [Scott #1-20] :4–5 Auction news 6 Interned enemy alien mail: further findings :7–10 F.D.R. and the Haiti connection [Scott #C33-C34] :11–16 Haitian Philatelic Society income statement for year ending Dec. 31. 1986 [treasurer’s report] :17 A cover story [1902 cover with philatelic stamp selection] :18
- December 1986, Vol. 12(4)
Editor’s corner :70 Some notes on the postal system of the USMC during its occupation of Haiti :71–74 An annotated compilation of the USMC postmark types used in Haiti :74–85 A cover story [Haiti stationery postcard with US stamp] 86
- September 1986, Vol. 12(3)
Editor’s corner :48–49 Membership... 49 The HPS at AMERIPEX ’86 49–50 Auction revitalized [annual HPS mail auction] :51–52 Recent issues... [Scott #818-823 (500th anniversary of the arrival of Europeans to the New World); Scott #825-829 (provisionals); Scott #830-836 (International Youth Year)] 53–54 Certain facets of Haiti’s early postal system :55–58 History of the National Railway Company of Haiti [part 3 of 3; unpublished 1953 manuscript] :59–61 Some additional revenues and revenue categories of Haiti :62–67 A cover story [“POSTE PAYÉ” handstamp] 68
- June 1986, Vol. 12(2)
Christie’s auction of the Clifford W. Shafer collection :24–28 The Ottmar Zieher “stamp” cards :29–32 Philately and environmental education on Haiti’s 1969 bird stamp issue [part 2 of 2; Scott #611-615, #C326-329] :33–34 History of the National Railway Company of Haiti [part 2 of 3; unpublished 1953 manuscript] :35–37 An updating of USN cancels in Haiti with additions and modifications :38–45 A cover story [1934 U.S.S. Woodcock cover] 46
- March 1986, Vol. 12(1)
Editor’s corner :2 Membership 3 An invitation from the president [AMERIPEX 1986] :3–4 The Haitian beat 4–5 The official post office seal of Haiti :6–9 Postal stationery essays for Haiti :10–13 History of the National Railway Company of Haiti [part 1 of 3; unpublished 1953 manuscript] :14–16 Philately and environmental education on Haiti’s 1969 bird stamp issue [part 1 of 2; Scott #611-615, #C326-329] :17–20 Haitian Philatelic Society income statement for year ending Dec. 31. 1985 [treasurer’s report] :21 A cover story [National Railway Co. of Haiti cover] 22
- December 1985, Vol. 11(4)
The editor’s corner :52–53 The Haitian beat 53–54 Membership 54 In memoriam Earl P. L. Apfelbaum 55 New issues [Scott #810-817 (200th birthday of Simón Bolívar in 1983, issued 1985)] 56–57 The second palm tree issue, 1893-95 or 1892-95 (?) [Scott #32-37] :58–59 The Dumas issue of 1936 [Scott #335-336, #C10] :60–68 A follow-up [to Sellers (1984): “Haiti’s perfin”, HP 10(2)] 68–69 A cover story: U.S. Army post office in Haiti :70
- September 1985, Vol. 11(3)
Some observations [editorial] :32–33 Membership update 33 The Haitian beat 33 The varieties of the United Nations 15th anniversary [Scott #469, #C168-C169a] :34–35 Follow-up... [to “A cover story” from HP 11(2) about “La Gonave” town cancel] :35–36 Port-au-Prince cancellations :37–49 A cover story [Limbé cancelling device] :50
- June 1985, Vol. 11(2)
Some observations [editorial] :18 Membership update 19 The Haitian beat 19 Lindy and the 1928 “Cafe” stamp [Scott #320, #337] :20–26 Haitian town cancels, an update :27–29 A cover story [“La Gonave” town cancel; see also HP 11(3)] :30
- March 1985, Vol. 11(1)
Message from the president :2 Better late than never! [editor’s message] :3 1904 Nord Alexis issue [Scott #96-107; unpublished notes, edited by Polly Van Dyke Woodside] :4–7 APS election notes 7 Stamp theft committee 7 The centenary of independence :8 The Atlas line :8 Exposition philatélique [Haitian Museum of Art, December 5-8, 1984] :9–14 Haitian Philatelic Society income statement for year ending Dec. 31. 1984 [treasurer’s report] :15 Secretary’s report :16 Membership list, 1985 for members only 16A
- December 1984, Vol. 10(4)
Message from President Adele Van Altena :78 Postal rates of Haiti, part II, changes in 1906 [part 2 of 2] :79 1923 essays :80–84 Philasoft computer program :84 Haiti – scouts on stamps :85–96 Haitian international airmail covers :97–99 G.O.20 tax stamp :99 Haiti’s Christmas stamp [1954; Scott #C91-C92] :100 Election information & dues notice 101 Secretary’s report :102 Ballot – vote for 1985 officers 102
- September 1984, Vol. 10(3)
The 1 centime and 2 centimes surcharges of 1906 [Scott #108-109; from Dr. Hennan’s unpublished papers, edited by Polly Van Dyke] :52 The Postal Union rates of Haiti [part 1 of 2] :53–55 New issues [Scott #789-794 (World Communication Year 1983, issued 1984)] :55 Reference lists, part 3 [of 3; articles of interest to collectors of Haitian philately] 56–58 More about pricing covers :59–64 Naval covers [update to list published in HP March 1984, pp. 19-24] 65–67 : [Eric Roberts needs help with “a ratty cover”] 67 [Two first day covers with cachet] 68 Brasiliana-83 :69 Official covers [penalty covers] :70–72 British post office notice – 1884 73 Old friends meet through HP :73 The USS Washington and the USS Seattle 73–74 More about town cancels [post offices and agencies listed in Nomenclature internationale des bureaux de poste. Union Postale Universelle, Bern, 1968] 75 British post office notice to all postmasters, General Post Office. 9th October, 1826 76 Secretary’s report :76
- June 1984, Vol. 10(2)
HPS at Dallas 28 Haiti’s perfin :29–30 Reference lists, part 2 [of 3; articles of interest to collectors of Haitian philately] 31–34 10th anniversary of “Jean Claudisime” (Scott #742 -747) :35 Centenary of first stamps of Haiti [Scott #781-788] :35 The Boyd Lyon air mail stamp – the first non stop flight from New York to Haiti and return [Scott #C4A; from Dr. Hennan’s unpublished papers, edited by Polly Van Dyke] :36–38 Kudos to member Piet Steen 38 British post office notice – 1881 38 Law regulating the execution of the Universal Postal Convention [1881] 39–40 Series of 1910 [Scott #162-165; from Dr. Hennan’s unpublished papers, edited by Polly Van Dyke] :41 Questions & answers 42 World cup football 1982 [Scott #771-780 (issued 1983)] :43 A 142 – the Dessalines type [same article as in HP 10(1)] :44 A strong market for Haiti – report of David Feldman auction Geneva, March 19:20, 1984 :45–48 [Entire letter quoted in the The Sheffield Iris of May 15, 1821] 49 Secretary’s report :50
- March 1984, Vol. 10(1)
Message from the president :2 The Haitian post from independence to 1860 – part II [of 2] :3–8 Reference lists [of articles of interest to collectors of Haitian philately, part 1 of 3] 9–13 Tidbits 13 The treaty of frontiers 1929 [Scott #321; from Dr. Hennan’s unpublished papers, edited by Polly Van Dyke] :14–15 World cup of football 1982 [Scott #771-780 (issued 1983)] :16 Things to come [Scott #789-794 (World Communication Year 1983, issued 1984); #810-817 (200th birthday of Simón Bolívar in 1983, issued 1985)] :17 A new Director of Posts installed 17 A 142 – the Dessalines type [article repeated in HP 10(2)] :18 Naval covers (liisted as of March 1984) 19–23 Nyrba line (New York, Rio, Buenos Aires) 23 Flea market 24 Question box 24 Haitian Philatelic Society income statement for year ending Dec. 31. 1983 [treasurer’s report] :25 Secretary’s report :26
- December 1983, Vol. 9(4)
Message from President Adele Van Altena :78 An amateur’s view of computers :79–80 SEPAD 1983 – another grand award for an exhibit of Haiti :80 The Haitian post from independence to 1860 [part 1 of 2] :81–86 Ecclesiastical use of the “Service Officiel” franking privileges in Haiti :87–91 Haitian perfin 92 Centenary of Haiti’s joining the UPU [Scott #770B-770I] 92 Haiti remembers a naval hero [Scott #349-#354 (destruction of the Crête-à-Pierrot)]. Repr. from The Stamp Review, vol. 23, no. 10, Nov. 1943 93 The editor’s corner :94 Naval cover notes :95–96 Flea market 96 Report of the Marine Service (1917) [report of the U.S. post office inspector J.E. Lamiell on the postal service of Haiti] :97–98 Surcharged issue of 1981-82 [Scott #738-741, #C511-C512] :98 Boesman’s balloon flight over Haiti [1968; Scott #C317-C318]. Repr. from Airpost Journal, June 1983, pp. 329-330 :99–101 Changes is the 1984 Scott catalog for Haiti 102 Secretary’s report :102
- September 1983, Vol. 9(3)
Call for annual meeting and message from the President Adele Van Altena, Milton, Wisconsin :54 The Frank Marston collection of Haiti town cancels: part II – the collection [part 2 of 2] :55–60 Color variety [of Scott #750 overprint] :59 F. Burton Sellers, HPS #21, named Luff Award recipient 61 New issues [Scott #770B-770I (centenary of Haiti’s joining the UPU)] :62 Postal stationery :62–64 More kilometers, fewer town cancels, part III [of 3] :65–67 Naval covers :68 Letters, more letters [to the editor] 69 Errors and varieties of Haitian stamps :70–72 First recorded proclamation of Toussaint [August 19. 1793] 72 Cinderellas [L. Bernard poster stamps; see also HP 49(1), p. 31] :73 : [corrections to Zinsmeister’s “Malaria issues of the United Nations” from HP 9(2)] 74 Proposed amendments to the by-laws of the Haiti Philatelic Society 75 Secretary’s report :76
- June 1983, Vol. 9(2)
The Frank Marston collection of Haiti town cancels: part I – the project itself [part 1 of 2] :28–31 Haiti town “maze” :31 Question box 32 “S 2 D” surcharge of 1917 [Scott #245; from Dr. Hennan’s unpublished papers] :33–36 Postal history auction [The Clearing House] :37 Scott #318 – President Joseph Louis Borno [from Dr. Hennan’s unpublished papers, edited by Polly Van Dyke] :37 Letters [to the editor] 38–39 1915 official news in Haiti [stamp taxes] 40 More kilometers, fewer town cancels, part II [of 3] :41–45 Naval covers 46 Dr. Gerald L. Boarino [biography] 46 1912 Leconte issue [Scott #166-168; from Dr. Hennan’s unpublished papers, edited by Polly Van Dyke] :47 Haiti 1847 – British post office notice 48 Have you read?? [suggested books] 49 The decimes markings. Repr. from Postal History Journal, n.d. :49 Malaria issues of the United Nations [Scott #486-488, #C188-C190a; see also HP 9(3), p. 74]. Repr. from Malaria issues, United Nations. VanDahl Publications, Albany, Oregon :50 Flea market 51 Secretary’s report :51 Editor’s corner :52
- March 1983, Vol. 9(1)
Message from the president :2 Editor’s notes :3 More kilometers, fewer town cancels, part 1 [of 3] :4–10 10th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [Scott #442-443, #C136-C138] :11 Auction news [Manning sale (New York City) January 28, 1983] :12–19 More auction news [David Feldman auction of November 29, December 3 1982] 20 Town cancels comments :21 Recent errors [on Scott #738, #741 and #C511] :22 Flea market 23–24 Other town cancels :24 Philatelic first day covers :25 Haiti Philatelic Society income statement for year ending Dec. 31. 1982 [treasurer’s report] :26 Secretary’s report :26
- December 1982, Vol. 8(4)
ESPAMER ’82 :78 Difficulties in evaluating the price of Haiti covers :79–80 More ship covers 81–82 The traveling man in Haiti circa 1926 :83–87 The flea market 88 Auction report [George Alevizos Public Auctions (Westwood, Los Angeles) October 1982] :89 Prices realized, HPS auctions #3 & #4 90 Haitian airmails – the earlier flights [for errata, see issue 9(1), p. 3]. Repr. from Stanley Gibbons Magazine, n.d. :91–96 Air mail prices [from The American catalogue of air mail and first day covers. 1929 edition, Berkshire Exchange, Cummington, Mass.] :97–98 Essays for the Empire of Haiti [1850 Faustin I. (Soulouque) essays]. Repr. from The Stamp Collector’s Magazine, vol. 5, no. 53, 1 June 1867 99–100 The palm tree issue [Scott #26-51; reply to article in HP 8(3)] :100 Marine bits and pieces 101 Secretary’s report :102
- September 1982, Vol. 8(3)
Message from President Adele :52 1907 surcharges [Scott #150-161] :52 Haitian town cancels :53–58 Czyl’s Penny Post :59 Question box 60–61 [Scott #402]. Repr. from The Spanish American Philatelist, vol. 4, no. 6, May/June 1982, p. 11 62 The genuine 1902 overprints [Scott #67-81 (provisional government overprint)] :62 New issues [Scott #771-780 (1982 World Cup, issued 1983)] :63 10th anniversary of Jean Claude [Scott #742-747] :64 Haiti – money exchange rate :65 Maps :65 Coinage of St. Domingue and a note on postal rates :66 Letters [to the editor] 70 Your collection [editor’s comment] 70–71 Phantoms of philately [President Legitime essays] :71 The palm tree issue [Scott #26-51; edited by Reginald Gagneron; see also HP 9(1), p. 100]. Repr. from Mekeel’s Weekly Stamp News, vol. 51, no. 52, whole no. 2461, 27 Dec. 1937 :72–75 Secretary’s report :76
- June 1982, Vol. 8(2)
Postscripts I and II [to “2,008 kms. in search of Haitian town cancels” from HP 8(1)] :28–29 X Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [Scott #442-443, #C136-C138] :30 Album weeds – Hayti. Repr. from Album weeds or how to detect forged stamps. 1st edition published 1881, 560 pp. :31–32 HPS auction #3 prices realized 33 HPS auction #2 – final summary 33 “Une carotte”. Repr. from Pan American Philatelist, vol. 1, no 4, July/Aug. 1954 :34–39 Interned enemy alien mail :40–41 United Nations 15th anniversary souvenir sheet [Scott #C169a] :42–43 U.S. Marine Corps offices in Haiti. Repr. from American Philatelist, vol. 89, no. 8, Aug. 1975, p. 737 :44 Look inside :45 Secretary’s report :46 Haiti Philately index [part 2 of 2] :47–50
- March 1982, Vol. 8(1)
Officers for 1982-83 2 Message from the new president :2 The Haiti Philatelic Society – our seventh year :3 1907 surcharges [Scott #150-161] :4 2,008 kms. in search of Haitian town cancels [see also HP 8(2)] :5–10 Secretary’s report :10 President Van Altena’s appointments 10 HPS auction progress :11 HPS auction #1 summary :11 HPS auction #2 – prices realized :12 P. Kenedi auction [held January 15, 1982] :13–15 Auction results [David Feldman auction of September, 1981] :16 First painting issue [Scott #643-646, #C366-C368] :17 Question box 18 Royal Netherlands steamship line [book recommendation: Cockrill’s series booklet no. 26] :18 Letters [to the editor] 19 : [Scott #738-741, #C511-C512 (Dec. 1981 / Jan. 1982 overprints)] 19 Naval covers (update) :20–21 Haiti Philatelic Society income statement for year ending Dec. 31. 1981 [treasurer’s report] :22 Haiti Philately index [part 1 of 2] :23–26
- December 1981, Vol. 7(4)
Message from the president :72 The 1902 overprints of Haiti [part 2 of 2; Scott #67-81 (provisional government overprint)]. Repr. from American Philatelist, vol. 45, no. 9, June 1932 :73–76 Haitian historical résumé. Repr. from Who’s who on the postage stamps of Haiti. Pan American Union philatelic series no. 12, Washington D.C., 1949 :77–78 Question box 79 United Nations stamps [Scott #442-443, #C136-C138 (10th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1958); #B9, #CB16-18 (International Refugee Year 1959-1960)] :80 Haitian aerograms, an update [complete listing] :81–84 More comments on “wedding bells” [Scott #C487-C489 (1980 overprint commemorating wedding of Pres. Duvalier)] :85–86 Haiti wins big 86 Proposed officers for 1982/1983 86 Postal agencies – town cancels :87–88 Editor’s notes :89 Secretary’s report :90 Membership list [to members only] 91–94 Official ballot [to members only] 95
- September 1981, Vol. 7(3)
Message from the president :46 People – Lee Wallace Dean III [biography] 47 Obituary [Scrini, George A.] 47 The 1902 overprints of Haiti [part 1 of 2; Scott #67-81 (provisional government overprint)]. Repr. from American Philatelist, vol. 45, no. 9, June 1932 :48–51 Question box 52–53 Letters [to the editor] 54–55 Haitian art – new issues [Scott #734-737, #C507-C510] 56–58 Town names [corrected spellings of town names given in Moorhouse’s “1934 post offices and agencies in Haiti’, see HP 7(2)] 59 Naval covers [updated complete listing] 59–62 HPS auction #1 [results of first HPS mail auction (not really the first!)] :63 Auctions [Harmers (New York) May 1981] :64 Coming events :64 U.P.U. Scott #385-388, #C49-51 [1950 overprints to commemorate the 75th anniversary (in 1949) of the U.P.U.]. Repr. from U.P.U. seventy-fifth anniversary issues. S.P.A. handbook no. 3, second revised edition, VanDahl Publications, Albany, Oregon :65 Album notes :66 U.S. Marine Corps, Haiti :67 Marine covers :67 Secretary’s report as of Aug. 15, 1981 :68 Haiti Philatelic Society (fact sheet 1980-81) :69 Application for membership in the Haiti Philatelic Society 70
- June 1981, Vol. 7(2)
Message from the president :20 The British and French postal agencies in Haiti [part 6 of 6: French postal agencies – addendum; conclusion] :21–25 Question box 26 Album notes 26 Auction news – St. Patrick’s Day sale brings record prices :27–37 Carroll Lloyd [biography] 28 Souvenir sheets [Scott #C19-C21 (1942 Our Lady of Perpetual Help); same article as in HP 7(1)] :38 1934 post offices and agencies in Haiti [see HP 7(3) for corrected spellings of town names]. Repr. from Philatelic Magazine, Mar. 1981 :39–40 Additional naval covers [two more covers] :41 Secretary’s report :42 Haiti Philatelic Society (fact sheet 1980-81) :43 Application for membership in the Haiti Philatelic Society [application form] 44
- March 1981, Vol. 7(1)
Message from the president :2 Off to Rio :2 How do you know you can’t write? :2 The British and French postal agencies in Haiti [part 5 of 6: French postal agencies] :3–7 Note from your new editor :8 Henry Gifford Hardy [biography] 9 Auctions: prices realized??? :10–11 Do you have any perfins on Haitian stamps? (perforated initials on stamps) :12 Marine covers [USMC (United States Marine Corps) covers and cancellations] :12 Gerald R. Boarino [biography] 13 Souvenir sheets [Scott #C19-C21 (1942 Our Lady of Perpetual Help); repeated in HP 7(2)] :14–15 Haiti Philatelic Society (fact sheet 1980-81) :16 Secretary’s report as of March 30, ’81 :17 Application for membership in the Haiti Philatelic Society [application form] 18
- December 1980, Vol. 6(4)
The British and French postal agencies in Haiti [part 4 of 6: British packet service to Haiti – internal service, summary] :“52–60” ⇔ 53–61 Classic Philatelics releases Higgins and Gage supplement. Repr. from Linn’s Stamp News, 20 Oct. 1980 “60” ⇔ 61 La dame aux camélias [Scott #C178] :“61” ⇔ 62 Tirésias Augustin Simon Sam (b.1835-d.1916) – issue of 1898 [Scott #52/66]. Repr. from Who’s who on the postage stamps of Haiti. Pan American Union philatelic series no. 12, Washington D.C., 1949 :“62–63” ⇔ 63–64 Message from the president :“64” ⇔ 65 Report of the treasurer “65” ⇔ 66 New issue information: Dessalines issue [Scott #727, #C490-C493] “66” ⇔ 67 Tourist issue [Scott #728-730, #C494-C498 (1980 World Conference of Tourism)] “67” ⇔ 68 World cup of soccer [Scott #731-733, #C499-C506 (50th anniversary of the World Cup)] “68” ⇔ 69 Message from the editor :“69” ⇔ 70 Early airmail cachets [illustrations] “69” ⇔ 70
- September 1980, Vol. 6(3)
The British and French postal agencies in Haiti [part 3 of 6: British packet service to Haiti – August 1850 to July 1881] :“36–39” ⇔ 37–40 APS reprints “The Yucatan affair” [the work of forger Raoul Charles de Thuin] “39” ⇔ 40 Barron Pierre de Coubertin (b.1863-d.1937) – issue of 1939 [Scott #B1, #CB1-CB2]. Repr. from Who’s who on the postage stamps of Haiti. Pan American Union philatelic series no. 12, Washington D.C., 1949 :“40–41” ⇔ 41–42 Haiti: surcharges during the American occupation [Scott #235-308 (overprints 1915 to 1920)]. Repr. from Mekeel’s Weekly Stamp News, vol. 34, no. 41, whole no. 1554, 9 Oct. 1920 :“42–47” ⇔ 43–48 Kenedi auction [sale #222 on April 28, 1980 in North Hollywood (Los Angeles), California] “48–50” ⇔ 49–51 Report of the secretary for September :“51” ⇔ 52
- June 1980, Vol. 6(2)
The British and French postal agencies in Haiti [part 2 of 6: British packet service to Haiti – October 1842 to August 1850] :19–24 Pierre Nord Alexis (b.1822-d.) – issue of 1906 [Scott #125/149]. Repr. from Who’s who on the postage stamps of Haiti. Pan American Union philatelic series no. 12, Washington D.C., 1949 :24–25 The bogus Audubon stamps :26–30 Antenor Firmin [Scott #720 , #C480-C482 (International Year Against Apartheid 1978)] :31–32 First aerogram [1958] 32 Wedding bells [Scott #C487-C489 (1980 overprint commemorating wedding of Pres. Duvalier)] 33 U.S. naval covers [four more covers] :34 L.A.P.S. exchange circuit 35 Provisionals [Scott #724-726 (1980 overprints)] 35 Report for June of the Haitian Philatelic Society 36 Jérémie 36
- March 1980, Vol. 6(1)
The British and French postal agencies in Haiti [part 1 of 6: British packet service to Haiti – introduction, January to November 1842] :1–6 Haiti’s border dispute with the Dominican Republic as shown on stamps of both countries [Scott #321]. Repr. from Pan American Philatelist, vol. 2, no 1, Sept. 1955 :6–8 Sale of the “Helmut Wolff” and “Nemo” collections of Haiti :9–14 International Year of the Child [1979, Scott #721-723, #C483-C486] 14 Trends of stamp values 15 Hurricane Hazel stamps [Scott #RA23-RA24, #RAC1-RAC2] :15–16 Report of the secretary-treasurer :17 The Spanish-American Philatelist 18
- December 1979, Vol. 5(4)
U.S. naval covers [supplementary listing] :57–59 The Mainsheet 59 International Year Against Apartheid [1978, Scott #720 , #C480-C482 (issued 1979)] :60 Haitian air mails [part 7 of 7]. Repr. from The Air Mail Collector, vol. 1, nos. 1-4 & 6-9, Nov.-Dec. 1928 & Apr.-July 1929 :61–63 APS revises “Black Blot” program 63–64 Grounded Haitian birds fly back into spotlight [Audubon issue]. Repr. from Linn’s Stamp News, vol. 52, no. 46, whole no. 2662, 12 Nov. 1979, pp. 1 and 3 64–65 1977-1979 postal markings :66–70 Report of the secretary-treasurer :71 The pine forest 71 Message from the president-elect :72 Koerber auction 72 Postal stamps overprinted for revenue purposes :73 Saint Marc 73 Haiti #305 :74
- September 1979, Vol. 5(3)
Haitian air mails [part 6 of 7]. Repr. from The Air Mail Collector, vol. 1, nos. 1-4 & 6-9, Nov.-Dec. 1928 & Apr.-July 1929 :41–46 Haitian postal censorship during World War II. Repr. from Civil Censorship Study Group Bulletin, Dec. 1978 :46–48 Scott #392 varieties – 7 April 1953 :48 Institute of the Child [Scott #716, #C472-C473 (50th anniversary of the Inter-American Institute of the Child)] 49 CARE issue [Scott #717-718, #C474-C476 (20th anniversary of the establishment of CARE in Haiti)] 49 [notes on Scott #C391-C394 (Pan American Health Organization issue), #665-668 (20th anniversary of the Caribbean Travel Association)] 49 Human Rights issue [Scott #719, #C477-C479 (30th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)] 50 Pétion-Ville cancels :51 Revenue variety :51 Louis Étienne Félicité Lysius Salomon (b.1809-d.1888) – issue of 1887 [Scott #21-24]. Repr. from Who’s who on the postage stamps of Haiti. Pan American Union philatelic series no. 12, Washington D.C., 1949 :52–53 Machine cancels :53 Report of the secretary-treasurer :54 The Latin Post 54 H.P.S. elections 55 H.P.S. mail sale [no. 2 canceled due to lack of interest] 55 StampShow 79 56 Pan-American Games [no stamps commemorating the 10th Pan-American Games?] 56 Price fluctuations 56 Control punch [Scott #C340 overprinted for revenue purposes] 56
- June 1979, Vol. 5(2)
Haiti: the nineteenth century issues. Repr. from Stamp Monthly, Feb. 1978 :23–26 Waterlow sample stamps [1950-1954] 26–28 Haitian air mails [part 5 of 7]. Repr. from The Air Mail Collector, vol. 1, nos. 1-4 & 6-9, Nov.-Dec. 1928 & Apr.-July 1929 :28–33 Revenues :33 Haitian revenue stamps :34–37 : [postscript to “An interesting letter from Port au Prince, March 21, 1843” in HP 4(4)] 37 The post of the Republic of Haiti. Repr. from L'Union Postale 36, 12 Dec. 1911 38–39 Report of the secretary-treasurer :39 Message from the editor :40
- March 1979, Vol. 5(1)
Haitian town cancels :1–5 Haitian air mails [part 4 of 7]. Repr. from The Air Mail Collector, vol. 1, nos. 1-4 & 6-9, Nov.-Dec. 1928 & Apr.-July 1929 :5–11 Bruce W. Ball auction [Sept. 1978 in New Orleans, Louisiana] 12–13 Watermarked revenues :13 Damaged philatelic covers :14 Postal stamps overprinted as revenue stamps 15 Report of the secretary-treasurer :16 Year of the Child [Scott #716, #C472-C473 (50th anniversary of the Inter-American Institute of the Child); see also HP 6(1), p. 14] :17 Registry markings [used by the Port au Prince post office in the 1950s] 17 A.P.S. affiliate no. 81 18 Message from the editor :18 A revenue listing :19 Ballon Galiffet [Scott #C318A] 20 Our second mail auction sale [announcement] 21 Glossary of abbreviations for auction sale listings 22
- December 1978, Vol. 4(4)
An interesting letter from Port au Prince, March 21, 1843 :1–3 A checklist of Haitian revenues [updated by Carroll Lloyd and Peter Jeannopoulos]. Repr. from The American Revenuer, vol 14, nos. 4-6, Apr. to June 1960 :4–11 [S.S. Haiti (Columbian Mail Steamship Company) paquebot cancel] 11 Harris lists Ryukyu [stamps issued while under U.S. administration] :12 Hubbard addresses the C.C. 12–13 The date tree issue [Scott #26-30] 14 Oreste Zamor (b.1861-d.1915) – issue of 1915 [Scott #219/232 (stolen issue)]. Repr. from Who’s who on the postage stamps of Haiti. Pan American Union philatelic series no. 12, Washington D.C., 1949 :14–15 Seth Parker [cachets] 15 Kohl Briefmarken-Handbuch: the revolutionary turmoils 1888-9 [translated by John Van Altena Jr.] 16–18 Proposed issue [Scott #720 , #C480-C482 (International Year Against Apartheid 1978)] 18 First annual convention [of the HPS at BALPEX ’78] :19–20 Report of the secretary-treasurer :19 Olympic Games of Montreal [1976, Scott #713-715, #C469-471 (issued 1978)] :21 : [Scott #709 (1978 red overprint)] 21
- September 1978, Vol. 4(3)
Haiti at CAPEX :1–3 Affranchissements reçus 5 cts. [paper strips as substitutes for stamps on 3 Jan. 1920] :3 Haitian air mails [part 3 of 7]. Repr. from The Air Mail Collector, vol. 1, nos. 1-4 & 6-9, Nov.-Dec. 1928 & Apr.-July 1929 :4–9 Philatelic pilgrimage [of Rev. Henryk Misiak in 1956] :9 Hamilton Bank Note Company essays 1897-1898(?) 10 The Salomon type of Hayti. Repr. from The Philatelic Journal of Great Britain, vol. 10, no. 120, 20 Dec. 1900 10–12 Message from the editor :12 [Scott #359a variety] 12 New issue information – the centenary of the telephone issue [Scott #710-712, #C466-C468] :13–14 Report of the secretary-treasurer :14 Trends of stamp values 14 Alexandre Sabès Pétion (b.1779-d.1818) – issue of 1904 [Scott #87-88]. Repr. from Who’s who on the postage stamps of Haiti. Pan American Union philatelic series no. 12, Washington D.C., 1949 :15–16 A new cancel [1978 Port-au-Prince “principal” postmark] :16 A new provisional [Scott #709 (1978 red overprint)] :16 Trial proofs of the 1898 watermarked issue [Scott #46-51] :17
- June 1978, Vol. 4(2)
The rewards of a specialized Haiti collection :1–3 Additions to your French philatelic vocabulary 3 Haitian air mails [part 2 of 7]. Repr. from The Air Mail Collector, vol. 1, nos. 1-4 & 6-9, Nov.-Dec. 1928 & Apr.-July 1929 :4–9 Leconte, Jean Jacques Dessalines Cincinnatus (b.1852-d.1912) – issue of 1912 [Scott #166-168]. Repr. from Who’s who on the postage stamps of Haiti. Pan American Union philatelic series no. 12, Washington D.C., 1949 :9–10 [Scott #46-51 (1898 watermarked issue)]. Repr. from Mekeel’s Weekly Stamp News, vol. 16, no. 41, whole no. 615, 11 Oct. 1902 10–12 Message from the editor :12 Les Cayes 12 U.S. naval covers [supplementary listing] :13–15 Report of the secretary-treasurer :16 Under the gavel [Sotheby Parke Bernet Stamp Auction sale, March 1978] 17–18
- March 1978, Vol. 4(1)
Haitian air mails [part 1 of 7]. Repr. from The Air Mail Collector, vol. 1, nos. 1-4 & 6-9, Nov.-Dec. 1928 & Apr.-July 1929 :1–6 Color changelings [Scott #100 (1904 Nord Alexis 20c)] 6 Fundamentals of philately [by L.N. & M. Williams; book recommendation] 7 U.S. used in Haiti [U.S.M.C. cover] :7 SEPAD [show, Philadelphia, 1977] 7 [Two die proofs for palm tree issue] 8 Dessalines, Jean Jacques (b.1758-d.1806) – issue of 1947 [Scott #369-382, #C46]. Repr. from Who’s who on the postage stamps of Haiti. Pan American Union philatelic series no. 12, Washington D.C., 1949 :8–9 : [cover with 1898 issue] 10 New provisionals [Scott #705-708 (1978 black overprints)] 11 Report of the secretary-treasurer :11–12 Haiti’s Port au France cancel [CTO cancel on 1963 freedom of hunger issue] :12 Overprint varieties [as reported by A.F. Salgado and Reginald Gagneron] 13–14 U.S. naval covers [listing of author’s collection] :14–15 Scott catalog price changes 16 Errata [in “the day tree issue” article of HP 3(4)] 17 Society status report for 1977 :18 Election announcement 19 A piece of postal stationery [U.S. postal card reply half returned from Port au Prince to New York City] :19
- December 1977, Vol. 3(4)
The date tree issue [Scott #26-30; for errata, see issue 4(1), p. 17] :1–7 The Madonna on stamps [Scott #340-348, #C14-C18 (1942 Our Lady of Perpetual Help)]. Repr. from Coros Chronicle, vol. 9, no. 4, Aug. 1957 :8–9 Frederick Douglass 1817-1895 :9 Lindbergh variety [Scott #C460-C463 (1974 Copernicus overprinted)] 10 Sellers’ collection burglarized 10–11 Haitiana continued 11 BALPEX ’77 11 Killick, Hammerton (b.1847-d.1902) – issue of 1943 [Scott #349-354, #C22-C23 (destruction of the Crête-à-Pierrot)]. Repr. from Who’s who on the postage stamps of Haiti. Pan American Union philatelic series no. 12, Washington D.C., 1949 :12–13 Dumas varieties [Scott #335-336, #C10] 13 Scott catalog prices: then and now [Scott #38-51 prices of 1925 vs. 1975] :14 Report of the secretary-treasurer :15 Message from the editor :16 Additions to your French philatelic vocabulary 16
- September 1977, Vol. 3(3)
Fournier’s forgeries :1–3 Black Blot assessment 4 The Royal Netherlands Steamship Company as seen on the stamps of Haiti :4–7 F. Burton Sellers given Lichtenstein Memorial Award at Collectors Club fete 7–8 G.T. Steward 8 H.P.S. mourns loss of prospective member [Felix Salnave] 8 Haiti honors Lindbergh [Scott #C460-C463 (1974 Copernicus overprinted)] 9 Additions to your French philatelic vocabulary 9 Report of the secretary-treasurer :10–11 Sylvio Cator [Scott #421-423, #C115-C118] :12 CENJEX ’77 12 Made counterfeit Haytian stamps. Repr. from New York Herald, 21 June 1895 13 Boesman stamps and stationery [Scott #C317-C318a] 14–15 Jan L. Montes dies 16 AMPHILEX ’77 16 Louis Borno (b.1865-d.1942) – issue of 1924 [Scott #315-319]. Repr. from Who’s who on the postage stamps of Haiti. Pan American Union philatelic series no. 12, Washington D.C., 1949 :16–18 Message from the editor :18 Scott catalog prices: then and now [Scott #21-37 prices of 1925 vs. 1975] :18
- June 1977, Vol. 3(2)
Plating the one centime re-engraved stamp of 1886 of Haiti [Scott #18 (Liberty head issue)] :1–7 The pursuit of Haitian town cancels [postscript to article in HP 3(1)] :8–10 More “Haitiana” 10 New issue information [1976 Dessalines issue ???] 10 Postal stamps overprinted for revenue purposes [supplement to list in HP 3(1), p. 12] :11 The 1889 black handstamp of Cap Haïtien :12 3rd Pan American Games issue – August 27, 1959 [Scott #448-450, #C145-C147] :13 Jean Baptiste Paul Dessables :13–14 Addendum re: 1898 watermarked issue [Scott #46-51] :14 Revised postal rates [as of Dec. 15, 1976] 14 Dr. Jan Boesman dies [Scott #C317-C318] 15 Additions to your French philatelic vocabulary 15 Report of the secretary-treasurer :16 Message from the editor :17–18 Scott catalog prices: then and now [Scott #1-20 (Liberty head issue) prices of 1925 vs. 1975] :18
- March 1977, Vol. 3(1)
The centennial flag cancel of Haiti :1–3 The Dominican Republic and additional Haitiana :3 New issue information [Scott #713-715, #C469-C471 (1976 Olympics Montreal); #710-712, #C466-C468 (centenary of the telephone); #697-700 (Dessalines)] 4 Let’s hear from you 4 “Operation Postmarks”: the pursuit of Haitian town cancels :5–11 Restoration of Christophe’s Citadel [Scott #404-405, #C81-C90] :11 Postal stamps overprinted “timbre mobile” [this list prepared by Felix Salnave contains errors; see HP 33(4)] 12 Joux Chateau [Scott France #1112] 13 Re-valued President Vincent [Scott #357 error] 13 Report of the secretary-treasurer :14
- December 1976, Vol. 2(4)
The 1904 issues of Haiti: the centenary and Nord Alexis stamps [Scott #82-88, #89-95, #96-101, #102-107] :1–5 M. Gagneron resigns 5 Message from the editor :6 The Mangones auction [Edmond Mangones stamp collection auctioned at Harmer (New York City) on May 5, 1976] 7–9 Haitian vacation :10–11 A curious error [Scott #B20] 11 New issue information [Scott #C438-C447A (1976 overprints)] 11 Auction report [results of first HPS mail auction] 12 New members 12–13 Advertising 13
- September 1976, Vol. 2(3)
The leftovers [Scott unlisted Haitian material] :1–2, 4 [1949 cover with bicentennial of Port-au-Prince issue and special cachet; 1928 West Indian Aerial Express inauguration cover] 3 Report from the president :5 Haiti – the General Post-Office 5 The Society in the news [KERPHILA ’76] :5–6 Advertising 7
- June 1976, Vol. 2(2)
The Coubertin stamps (B1, CB1-2) :1–2 Haiti – a nostalgic look :3–5 A 40-year-old postal tribute to Lindbergh’s good will tour. Repr. from Gibbons-Whitman Stamp Monthly, June 1968 :6–10 Incoming foreign mail cancels or I.F.M.’s :11 Senator King’s visit [of Port-au-Prince on March 23, 1931] :12–13 Abraham Lincoln [Scott #447, #C142-C144a] :13 George Washington [Scott #C11] 13, 19 New issue information [Scott #692-695, #C399-C402 (1976 overprints)] :14 Vaut mieux tard que jamais [Scott #660-661, C387-C390] 14 Message from the president :15–16 Report from the secretary-treasurer :17–18 [Scott #696, #C434-C437 (bicentennial of the U.S.A.)] 19
- March 1976, Vol. 2(1)
“Haitiana” [stamps from other countries referring to Haiti] :1–2 The origin of the gourde [excerpted from “The 1902 overprints of Haiti”]. Repr. from American Philatelist, vol. 45, no. 9, June 1932 :2 New issue announcement [Scott #696, #C434-C437 (bicentennial of the U.S.A.)] 2 An open letter to the philatelist :3 Heroes of Haiti. Repr. from Scott’s Monthly Stamp Journal, May 1967, pp. 69-77 :4–9 The 1898 watermarked issue [Scott #46-51] :10–12 Haiti’s gold foil [Scott #C309] 12 Revenue stamps (timbre mobile) :13 : [Scott #448-450, #C145-C147 (1959 Pan American Games in Chicago)] 13 The counterfeit controversy 14 F. Burton Sellers 15 The Audubon issue 15 1933-40 airmail series [Scott #C5-C9] 15 Report from the secretary-treasurer :16–17
- December 1975, Vol. 1(4)
Are you violating the law? [collecting counterfeits] :1 Error report :1–2 Haiti – the country :2 Market trend :2 The Salomon stamps, part 2 [of 2; Scott #21-25] :3–4 Mr. Peter Jeannopoulos – autobiography :4–5 Correction and addition :5 From the president :5–6 Editor’s note :6 Market trend :7 The famous painting issue [Scott #647-652, #C366-C368] :7 The Pelé issue [Scott #649-655] :7–8 The first Christmas in the New World [Scott #C91-C92; #641-642 (Fort de la Nativité)] :9–10 Report from the secretary-treasurer :10–12 [Scott #C403-C406 (flag issue proofs)] 13
- September 1975, Vol. 1(3)
Error report :1–2 Inverted overprints :2 The Salomon stamps [part 1 of 2; Scott #21-25] :2–4 Comments from our readers 4 Membership :4 New issue [Scott #C432-C433 (centenary of UPU)] :5 [map of Port-au-Prince 1860] 6
- July 1975, Vol. 1(2)
What is new? :1 Opinions :1 The map stamps [issues with full sheet having a country map in the background] :1 Haiti Philately [purpose of the journal] :1–2 Currency in Haiti :2 Error report [Scott #487] :2 Some suggestions :2 Souvenir sheets :2 Imperforate :2 List of members [preliminary] :3 Warning – illegal issues [J.H. Stolow’s space exploration set “réalisations pacifiques d'exploration spatiale”] :3
- May 1975, Vol. 1(1)
Message from Reginald Gagneron, president pro tem. :1–2